
Parklife è uno dei più grandi Music Festival australiani. Briton Smith ha curato questo geniale teaser realizzato in carta. Guardatevi il video qui.


Incredible Fashion Town in Sicily

Guardatevi questo fantastico video girato da Mosaicoon per le vie della nostra amata Sicilia in occasione dell’apertura del primo Sicilia Fashion Village.

‘Last Leaf’ by OK Go

Il king Geoff Mcfetridge ha diretto questo video (all’interno del post) in soli 3 settimane per il nuovo singolo Last Leaf del gruppo Ok Go.

'Last Leaf' by OK Go

Last Leaf

Bianco e Nero

Il clan di Mediterranean Surf Culture chiude la stagione con questo video girato al pontile. Riders coinvolti: Angelo Bonomelli, Alessio Poli e Nicola Bresciani sotto le note di Jefferson Airplane con Somebody to love.
Qui il report completo.



Great short documentary exploring trends and creativity in culture today.  

I’ll admit, half the reason I enjoyed it so much was for the sweet new york vibe. But good content too, beyond just eye candy.

Click here to view the embedded video.

Glif iPhone 4 tripod mount

Io non ho un iPhone 4 ma vi posso assicurare che la qualità di foto e video è davvero strepitosa. Per tutti quelli che vorrebbero utlizzarlo su un treppiede, Glif potrebbe essere l’accessorio giusto. Available soon…

Glif iPhone 4 tripod mount

Glif iPhone 4 tripod mount

Glif iPhone 4 tripod mount

Cool Hunting Video Presents: Kim Rugg

A London artist’s knife skills and knack for precision are the subject of our latest video

“Some people like taking their time,” says artist Kim Rugg, whose artistic achievements are measured in millimeters, used X-ACTO blades and picas. We spent the afternoon with Rugg in her London home and studio talking about her work re-imagining newspapers, comics, stamps and cereal boxes using their existing form while rearranging their content. Kim finds inspiration from the mundane and common objects around us. Her wicked knife skills and tenacious attention to detail have created a body of work that is as impressive as it is curious.

James Blake


Not only is the track – Limit to Your Love – awesome, but the video itself beautifully shot (minus the cheesy mirror stare scene).

Click here to view the embedded video.

Saizen Official Promo Ident

Loro spaccano, il Promo Ident ve lo dimostra.



The Barcelona based production company that put together the El Guincho video. More from them after the jump

Pretty big fan of their style, more here.

Click here to view the embedded video.

Click here to view the embedded video.

Click here to view the embedded video.