
Gracht” is an animated short film created in six months by Joost de JongNick GroeneveldJeroen Hoolmans andMichael Koning, students at Utrecht School of the Arts in Hilversum, Netherlands. It follows a father and son, who run a moving company, and lead a normal day to day life. That is, until they help a young lady move her belonging to a different apartment. Their day quickly turns into a crazy adventure. The music and sound design for “Gracht” was created by the SoundBreeders collective.


“Between the Edges” with Dave Kinsey

The Arbor Collective visits Dave Kinsey at his home studio in the Western slopes of the Sierras, where he talks about his background, influences, and process in creating current works of art. Named by Complex Magazine in 2012 as one of the 100 most influential artists of the past decade, Kinsey is known around the world for his street art, graphic design, and fine art pursuits. To Learn more about The Dave Kinsey visit:

this Kid is brilliant

SpinVFX Game of Thrones season 3

Graffiti 737

UK creative group HangFire were given access to an out of use Boeing 737 airliner, and turned loose graffiti artists Sat One and Roids to work their spray paint magic on the plane.

The Mystery of Flying Kicks

The Mystery of Flying Kicks explores the urban custom of throwing shoes up on power lines and the various reasons for and reactions to it.

Obsessive Compulsive Man Recites Poem About His True Love

She was the first beautiful thing I ever got stuck on.

At the recent 2013 Rustbelt Regional Poetry Slam in Madison, Wisconsin, Neil Hilborn –a man with obsessive-compulsive disorder– knocks it out of the park with “OCD,” a touching poem about his true love.

Rhubarb Lady

I dont know why, but this bust me up.

The Secret Story of TOYS

Before a child’s hands, the bright, attractive packaging, or even mass-production, every toy has its roots in the mind of a designer. There’s something innately imaginative about a toy, from its use case to the people who think them up. This is attested to by the new documentary by award-winning filmmaker Anthony Ladesich – The Secret Story of Toys. In this deeply human feature, Ladesich speaks to various designers who describe their creative process, taking an in-depth look at the meticulous attention to detail, deep frustration, and passion that goes into these small icons of joy.

Kids review famous restaurants


Della reviews State Bird Provisions 



Desmond reviews Mission Chinese Food