
Woodsnap will print your photos directly onto a wood canvas. So awesome.

Disaster Relief

Sandy did a number on the tri state area, and many people need help. Please give if you can. 


Pumpktris is a fully playable version of Tetris built into a pumpkin, with 128 LEDs for the display and the stem serving as a game controller.

Sherlock & Moriarty T-Shirts

One of my fav shows is Sherlock – BBC. and these T-shirts are awesome.


Kevin will be a creative director someday


[via this isnt happiness]

Facebook Inspires Young Voters to Take Action [INFOGRAPHIC]


Steve Jobs’ yacht Venus unveiled in Aalsmeer

Why I

A 125 Year Timeline of Sony Music

The Sony Music Timeline celebrates 125 years of musical history covering almost 150 square meters of wall space in Sony’s Derry Street offices. Using just CNC cut vinyl as the sole medium, 54 columns measuring over 2 meters tall cover feature nearly 1000 of Sony Music’s signed artists from 1887 to the present day.