Brooklyn Nets 2012 Open

Brooklyn Nets 2012 Open from TheFamousGroup

posters made from client feedback

Ireland’s creative community have gotten together to release a lot of pent up anger and sadness through the medium of the A3 poster, all in aid of Temple Street Children’s Hospital.

Ad creatives, designers, animators, directors, illustrators and more have taken time out to dress up their favourite worst feedback from clients, transforming quotes that would normally give you a twitch, into a diverse collection of posters.

see more here 


Remember, Remember the 5th of Nov.

Remember, remember!
The fifth of November,
The Gunpowder treason and plot;
I know of no reason
Why the Gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!
Guy Fawkes and his companions
Did the scheme contrive,
To blow the King and Parliament
All up alive.

Happy Guy Fawkes day!

Lost in Translation

I LOVE THIS Lost in Translation poster by Patyczak

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram ??? Social Media Statistics And Facts 2012 [INFOGRAPHIC] – AllTwitter

Did you know that links about sex are shared on Facebook more than any other type of content? Or that 25 percent of Facebook users don???t bother with any kind of privacy control?

What if I told you that if Twitter was a country, it would be the twelfth largest in the world? Would you be amazed to know that 97 percent of fans on the Pinterest Facebook Page are women, or that images shared on Instagram receive, collectively, 575 Likes per second?

These statistics, alongside some other amazing social media facts for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, blogging, Pinterest, Instagram and Google+, can be found in the infographic below.


Oakley Airwave

Oakley AIRWAVE™ goggles combine world-class performance, protection and comfort with a display that integrates GPS, Bluetooth® and more with a host of onboard sensors to give you instant access to a world of information.

DIY Star Wars Snowflakes

matters of grey has 19 snowflake designs with a Star Wars twist.

Dragon Baby

Dragon Baby is amazeballs!!!


Rot is a cool stop motion video by  Erica Luke


I love advent calendars. And finally someone made one just for me. The Whisky Advent Calendar provides you with some holiday cheer each and every day in the form of a tiny bottle of booze. Each sample is 3cl (.33 oz) and one is even of a 50 year old single malt scotch (the full retail bottle of which costs over $550).