Angry Birds All Levels, Inked Art of Every Finger Swipe Needed to Complete the Game

Angry Birds All Levels is a 300-sheet ink on tracing paper design by interaction designer Evan Roth that displays every finger swipe and screen press needed to complete the popular Angry Birds video game on a handheld device. It wascommissioned by the Science Gallery located in Dublin, Ireland and is on display in their Game ExhibitsAngry Birds All Levels is a part of Evan’s larger Multi-Touch Finger Paintings project that he has been working on throughout the years.

[via laughing squid]

Angry Birds All Levels from Evan Roth on Vimeo.

NEIL PATRICK HARRIS in Neil’s Puppet Dreams

Neil’s Puppet Dreams is a brand new series by Neil Patrick Harris on the Nerdist Channel.

So Creepy and yet so Awesome.


Life on a Ball

It’s finally out! The music and sound effects on this awesome one-button game were composed by me…
The game is a story about a guy who is trying hard to balance on a ball for as long as he can.
It is also a story about life of every one of us – a game about metaphors of living through every day.
Thanks and big shout-out to @takemuraori and @anngeeneo!

Get it for cheap at the iTunes Store

First Cuts

Holiday Medley

Netflix Original Series House of Cards

this looks so good.

The Legend of Digital Zelda

25 Years Of Cell Phones

John McClane Action figure

Came across this piece of awesomeness, from Greggo’s customs and paint work.  I so want it. And its just in time for the holidays where you can sit down on christmas morning and act out one of the best holiday movies of all time. Die Hard!