Repurposing E-Waste Into E-Learning

keyano.jpgThe Keyano repurposes a keyboard into a musical instrument.

We buy them, we love them, we use them, and then we toss them. Our gadgets are ever present until they’re not, and while it would be nice if we could just drop them into a black hole, our gadgets end up somewhere, and that’s often in landfills around the world. Bigger gadgets like ecoATM help you take your smaller gadgets and earn money for recycling them.

But what about all that waste already out there? What can be done? That’s the challenge taken up by designer and technologist Dhairya Dand, who came across a striking image while backpacking in Cambodia.


“I was around suburban Phnom Penh and came across enormous land fills stretching miles and miles,” he told me in an email interview. “These were piled with eWaste dumped from the developed world. What was more appalling, was that kids who should be in school were working here in the landfills. Most families had migrated from villages leaving behind agriculture to these landfills for a rich pay of a dollar a day.”

Dand launched ThinkerToys, an initiative to solve these dual problems–massive amounts of electronic waste in landfills in the developing world, and a lack of educational resources for children in those countries. Thinker Toys picks up basic electronic equipment, like keyboards, mice and speakers, none of which need to be modified or brought back to factories. For now, Dand has been using Arduino but he plans to develop low-cost chips, called openTOYS, that make the project more scalable and accessible.



LEGO + paper toys by muji

Splendida collaborazione tra LEGO e Muji con questa serie di DIY tot set in carta. Se avete dritte su dove e quando trovarla fatemi un fischio.

Chalktrail: Toy Design Concept Combining Cycling with Drawing


Maybe you’d like your child to show an interest in art, but you also want him or her running around outside, getting the fresh air and exercise that kids need. How do you combine these two things?

Washington-based Scott Baumann, who founded the product design firm Procreate Brands, has created a potential answer in the Chalktrail device. A wishbone-shaped arm connects to the back of any bicycle or scooter (with no need for tools) and supports a giant piece of colored chalk that drags on the pavement behind the rear wheel. This allows your child to “draw” on the pavement as they cycle, albeit with one color at a time.


A second, perhaps unintended potential use of the Chalktrail: Think of it like low-tech GPS—with the chalk attached, it should make it easy to go outside and see just where your tow-headed tyke rode off too. Unless they get hip to shaking tails and ride over grass to lose you.


Free Universal Construction Kit You’ll Obviously Use


Previously there has been no miscegenation in the world of constructive toys. Legos fit with other Legos, Tinkertoys go with Tinkertoys and K’Nex connect with K’Nex. But now two organizations, the Free Art and Technology Lab (the crew behind SML, among other projects) and Sy-Lab, have teamed up to release the Free Universal Construction Kit. Before I go any further,

1. Don’t acronymize that and say it in front of your kids.
2. Speaking of acronyms, let’s see if the editor lets the title of this blog post stand. (Ed. Note: Yes Editor Approves.)

The Free Universal Construction Kit is a collection of 80 different adapters that you can download, print with your Makerbot, and use to connect toys from ten different manufacturers.

Here’s an illustration of the problem:

And here’s the solution, complete with Toy Commercial Guy Voice-Over:


Breaking Bad and Mad Men paper dolls

Non ho mai visto la serie tv Breaking Bad o Mad Men, ma questi paper toy spaccano. Disegnati da Andrés Martínez Ricci.

Breaking Bad and Mad Men paper dolls

Breaking Bad and Mad Men paper dolls

Breaking Bad and Mad Men paper dolls

Matt Groening Vinyl Toy

In occasione del 500esimo episodio dei Simpson, uscirà questa versione vinilica di Matt Groening prodotto da Kidrobot. Atteso per febbraio.

Matt Groening Vinyl Toy

Made in China

Le créatif Joe Black a récemment pensé cette oeuvre splendide composée de 5 500 soldats en plastique à la verticale. Représentant le portrait d’un soldat chinois photographié par Robert Capa, cette création a été présentée au Moniker Art Fair à Londres.








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Behind the Bricks: Making LEGO TV Ads


LEGO was a vital part of my childhood and is definitely one of the reasons I’m an engineer/designer. I remember drooling over the LEGO sets in TV ads back in the 1990’s and I was always so envious of the kids who got to build the sets in fast-motion.

Advance, a Danish ad agency, has been in charge of making LEGO TV spots for decades now. They recently dug some ads out of their archive and added some amusing commentary. I’ve always been fascinated by movie magic and, well, throw in some LEGO for the perfect combination. Watch Advance’s YouTube page for more great videos over the coming weeks.

From Christian Faber, art director at Advance:

We shot this in London or LA, I can’t actually remember! It was one of the first motion control spots we did. At 0:15 we used a kind of ‘magic building’ technique where the bricks are held on the end of metal rods and then pulled apart. And if you look closely at 0:00 you can actually see the edge of the studio in the top left corner.

The set filled a whole studio and we used a lot of analogue techniques—the planet is just painted cardboard and the backdrop is just a screen with little holes in it and a big light behind it. The hands you can see moving the sets at 0:05 and 0:21 secs are actually wax hands. I had quite a lot of explaining to do when customs asked why I had a bag full of fake arms!


Johnny Cupcakes Big Kid Classic Toy

E’ uscito il nuovissimo toy sfornato dal quel mattachione di Johnny Cupcakes. Lo trovate qui.

Johnny Cupcakes Toys

Johnny Cupcakes Toys

The High Priest of Toby

Questa nuova versione del Toby di Gary Baseman in versione predicatore uscirà intorno ai primi di dicembre. Alto 9 pollici e stampato in sole 450 copie, The High Priest of Toby lo troverete anche sullo store online di Atom Plastic.

The High Priest of Toby

The High Priest of Toby

The High Priest of Toby