Hulger for iPad

Avviso a tutti i possessori di un telefono Hulger: hanno sviluppato un adattatore per iPad.

Hulger for iPad

Blackboard Brooch

Idea semplice ma carina per questa Blackboard Brooch disegnata da Zoe Brand. La trovate qui.

Blackboard Brooch

Plum Stool by Alvaro Uribe

New York designer Alvaro Uribe has created a stool by bending carbon fibre-reinforced plastic into a seat and two legs. (more…)

Time Lapse in Japan – Hayaku

Un voyage à travers le Japon grâce à cette superbe vidéo en time-lapse intitulée “Hayaku” par Brad Kremer. De nombreuses prises de vues réalisées à Tokyo, Matsuyama, Imabari, Nagano, Gifu et Ishizushisan. Le tout sur une bande son de Royksopp et de The Album Leaf.




Previously on Fubiz

Look Tough And Chic With Multi-Finger Rings

imageI’m happy to admit that I’m not shy about asking where people buy their clothes, shoes, or jewelry. I find that word of mouth is the best way to find new designers and boutiques in my city! A trend that I’ve been noticing and asking about are multi-finger rings. They’re definitely not as scary (or you know, illegal) as brass knuckles, but they certainly can have a bad girl edge to them. You can find two or three finger rings with a simple bar design or something more elaborate. My first pick is the Elizabeth and James “Feather Across the Hand” Ring that’s perfect for any boho girl. If you’re not so sure of the multi-finger ring trend and need more finger mobility, check out the Meckenzie Gold Knuckle Ring which gives the illusion of having a triple-finger ring. For more multi-finger rings at every price point, take a look at my slideshow.

view slideshow

Hide and Seek

Ce projet “Hide & Seek” représente pour l’artiste Frédérique Daubal une vision de l’identité et de ses représentations en France. Un découpage de visages issus de revues de mode, qui sont assemblés pour créer des masques pouvant être assimilés à des niqabs.








Previously on Fubiz

Trash Me lamps

The intent of the Trash Me lamps project is to create a product that is born from the trash and returned to the trash after a short but useful life cy..

Environmental Unit Headquarters by Magén Arquitectos

Spanish office Magén Arquitectos have completed a building for the environment department of Zaragoza city council in Spain, featuring a top level of wood panelling, a glass mid-section and a black-tinted concrete bottom. (more…)


Double sided stool

Henk van Ess’ Cut My Sim gizmo

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pA SIM card and a Micro SIM card, the latter being the only kind that an iPad will accept, are different shapes. It’s the same technology, yet one will not fit in a device designed for the other./p

pAs A HREF=”” Engadget explained/A back in January, /p

blockquote…From ATT’s perspective, this is better than a software lock in some ways — you’re not going to be able to download a hack that gets you on another network, so you’re totally at the mercy of your carrier at choice for providing a compatible card. Intentionally evil? Perhaps not — all standards have to start somewhere — but it’s an awful pain in the ass./blockquote

pTech expert, reporter and entrepreneur Henk van Ess noticed that the difference between a SIM card and a Micro SIM is just 15 x 25mm versus 12 x 15mm. He then came up with a gadget called A HREF=”” Cut My Sim/A:/p

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pYep, you can guess what it does. And if you do decide to cut your SIM down to Micro size, then have regrets, van Ess’ “Back to Normal” card fixes it for retrofitting./p

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pCut My Sim costs $30, roughly what an ATT Micro SIM will cost you after taxes and delivery. The difference is DIY, and spending that $30 on an entrepreneur rather than ATT./pa href=””(more…)/a
pa href=””img src=”” border=”0″ ismap=”true”/img/abr/
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