MGMT – It’s Working

Après l’excellent clip MGMT – Flash Delirium, voici cette nouvelle réalisation de l’artiste So-Me pour le groupe américain MGMT. Un travail autour d’une mystérieuse boîte, sur le titre “It’s Working” toujours extrait de Congratulations . A découvrir en vidéo dans la suite.


Previously on Fubiz

House with Gardens by Tetsuo Kondo

House with Gardens by Tetsuo Kondo

Every room in this Japanese house by architect Tetsuo Kondo leads to a little garden (more…)

Pearl River Necklace

A l’occasion de l’appel à projet concernant l’aménagement du Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities, l’agence NL Architects a pensé à un pont dont les voies se croiseraient, faisant ainsi allusion au changement de sens de circulation entre la Chine et Hong Kong.





Previously on Fubiz

Landscape Altered

Diamo il benvenuto a Landscape Altered ! Trick al limite dell’ immaginabile, location da sogno e raiders fuori dal comune sono i segreti di questo nuovo progetto marcato Kai Neville.

Maxime Francout

Maxime Francout, meglio conosciuto come Max F, è un illustratore francese di stanza a Montreal. Possiamo vedere alcuni dei suoi lavori su molte t-shirt Threadless.
È anche uno dei creatori di FrenchFourch, casa editrice indipendente.

Reccession Chic: Hot Shorts For Hot Days At $50 Or Less!

imageThe ways that we wear shorts have broadened over the last few seasons with these thigh-skimming pieces now not just a day time look, but also accepted at fancier evening affairs and even on the red carpet. While shorts made of satin or heavier, stiffer materials look sexy but polished for night, especially when paired with killer stilettos, shorts still look the best when used the way they were meant to be. As a sweet and summer-y way to stay cool and look cute for the hot days ahead! Shorts for the day time come in a whole variety of styles and materials, ranging from classic solids, fun plaids and floral prints, and a generally lighter, more breathable fabric. Pair them with wedges for a little more summer sex appeal, or throw on a pair of stylish sandals for a laid-back vibe. And the great thing about summer shorts is that you can find a unique pair that suits your style without having to empty out the piggy bank. Click on the slideshow to see some stylish summer shorts that are only $50 or less!

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Atesta By SeriesD

Atesta proposes a subjective modularity, spontaneous…Mediterranean. Atesta is a pot, a mood lighting, a bucket, a tall table, a lounge bar… A..

Plastikman Live

L’artiste Plastikman, alias Richie Hawtin, proposait à la Grande Halle de la Villette un show musical unique autour d’une expérience multimédia. Ce concert s’est déroulé dans le cadre du festival Villette Sonique / We Love Art. Plus de visuels et une vidéo de l’événement dans la suite.











Previously on Fubiz

And the Redesigned Tony Award Goes to…

Alfred Molina (Mark Rothko) and Eddie Redmayne (Ken) in Red. (Photo: Johan Persson)

Did you hear? Mark Rothko won a Tony! Well, technically, it was John Logan‘s play about the artist that triumphed, collecting a whopping six awards—some majors (best play, best featured actor, best direction) along with best scenic design, lighting design, and sound design at last night’s Tony Awards, held at Radio City Music Hall. And if you noticed the likes of Catherine Zuber and Marina Draghici (winners in costume design for The Royal Family and Fela!, respectively) clutching slightly heftier statuettes, it’s because the Tony Award recently underwent a gentle, size-boosting redesign. The pedestal-mounted medallions handed out this year were a couple of inches taller and a couple of pounds heavier than their predecessors.

Erik Piepenburg of The New York Times recently speculated on what a complete overhaul of the Tony might look like by rounding up a diverse crew of design luminaries to try their hand at redesigning the staid statuette. Winterhouse’s Jessica Helfand and Alex Knowlton devised a trophy applause sign that erupts in cheers when lifted, while Harry Allen sketched an elegant pair of glass hands clapping (fashion designer Peter Som played to the crowd with jazz hands, designed to be cast in bronze). But Milton Glaser had other ideas. “Since the Oscar is the most universally known award in the drama world, why don’t we simply do our version of it?” he asked. “Tony, for noninsiders, has a totally different meaning than for those in the theater.” He offered this “less idealized and more realistic” take on the Academy’s golden man.

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