Cotton on to Creative Times Artist PJs

cottonPJs.jpgHaving just wrapped up a scrumdiddlyumptious show at Pace Prints, Will Cotton has found a new outlet for his confectionary delights: pajamas. The artist’s signature cakes, ice cream, candy, and pastries are the delicious highlight of a deluxe set of cotton PJs (at right) created for Creative Time, the New York public arts organization whose latest project (with artist Paul Ramirez Jonas) is a kind of five-borough scavenger hunt. Launched last Saturday at Bergdorf Goodman, the Cotton PJs retail for $195 and can also be purchased through Creative Time’s online store. Sales of the limited-edition sleepwear will “directly support artists’ dream projects.”

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

IDEO and Steelcase update the classroom desk

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pIf you travel back in time and show a student from the 1950s an iPad or Twitter they’d have a tough time making sense of it; show them a classroom desk, though, and they’d see it’s changed little./p

pSteelcase’s IDEO-designed Node chair aims to change that, with a modern re-fresh of the schoolroom desk-chair combo. /p

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pIts most significant feature is the casters that allow students to pivot and swivel, following dynamic presentations, or quickly move the desks into circles or conference tables depending on the task at hand. Off-the-floor storage is provided underneath the chair, and backpacks can also be hung from the armrests for quick access to materials. And the generously-sized desk surface is meant to hold an entire laptop without any precarious cantilevering./p

pSteelcase and IDEO have even taken the physical receiving of the Node into account: Shipped in three pieces, the Node can be assembled in 30 seconds without tools!/p

pRead more about the Node and the methodology behind its design A HREF=”” here/A./p

pvia A HREF=”” fast company/Abr /
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An end to iPhone lines? (Oh, probably not)

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pOne of the things technology is supposed to do, and has done a decent job of, is reduce the amount of time we spend waiting in lines. Self-checkout and barcode scanners speed the supermarket line; EZ-Pass and other regional automatic toll-collectors hasten the toll booth experience; and of course there’s the decades-old telephone reservation that prevents us from having to wait for a table at the bar./p

pWill the annual Apple Store Line spectacle finally come to an end, or at least reduce in size? People seem to be getting hip to the fact that waiting in overnight lines is for suckers when there’s a pre-order system in place. Which is probably why Apple and its associated partners–ATT and Radio Shack–A HREF=”” took a record 600,000 pre-orders for the iPhone 4/A, with ATT reporting Iten freaking times/I the number of pre-orders as there were for the iPhone 3GS./p

pOverwhelming demand led ATT servers to famously (and unsurprisingly) crash, suspending the pre-order process for all parties involved, and ship dates have been pushed back to July 2nd. Many would-be customers that managed to successfully pre-order reported glitches, like being charged the full unsubsidized amount for the new iPhone, even though they were upgrade-approved. Still, I think I’d rather spend a frustrated 30 minutes on my computer or cell phone sorting it all out rather than multiple hours using my physical body to occupy a physical space on a sidewalk, holding my pee and sweating in the sun. The latter just seems /
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Star Wars The Old Republic

Un impressionnant trailer présenté par Bioware dans le cadre de l’E3 2010 pour leur prochain jeu “Star Wars The Old Republic”. Plus de 5 minutes d’images de synthèses, à découvrir en vidéo et images dans la suite de l’article. Une sortie prévue pour le printemps 2011.


Previously on Fubiz

David Byrne Offers More Songs About Buildings and Food (Minus the Food)

Regular readers of UnBeige know that we can’t get enough of the cultural force that is David Byrne, whether he’s boosting biking, deepening the world’s understanding of Imelda Marcos to a disco beat, or transforming buildings into musical instruments. In the past month alone, he’s spent some quality time in Iceland, sued Florida governor Charlie Crist for illegal use of the Talking Heads tune “Road to Nowhere” in campaign ads, and mused on New Urbanism in Atlanta. We suggest you spend the next 16 minutes viewing Byrne’s newly posted TED talk (below) on the role of architecture in musical innovation.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

NL Architects’ Flipper Bridge deals with alternate-side driving switch

pLast month the winners were announced in the A HREF=”” Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities International Design Ideas Competition/A. The idea behind the competition was to design the border-crossing facilities for a new bridge that would directly link Hong Kong to Macao and Zhuhai, China, reducing the current travel time of 4-5 hours to 30 minutes by drawing a straighter line. Here’s the video brief:/p

pobject width=”468″ height=”282″param name=”movie” value=”″/paramparam name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”/paramparam name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always”/paramembed src=”″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true” width=”468″ height=”282″/embed/object/p

pAll of the winners can be A HREF=”” seen at Arch Daily/A, and will probably be of more interest to architects rather than industrial designers. But one entry that caught our eye but did not make the cut–probably because they stepped well outside the parameters of the competition–was the radical knot-inspired Flipper Bridge design proposed by A HREF=”” NL Architects/A./p

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pThe idea is that the bridge would provide a visually spectacular way to impress upon drivers that they are crossing from a land where one drives on the right (China) to a drive-on-the-left (Hong Kong) system. The submission is a bit thick on architectural hyperbole (“Can we turn the moment of swapping into an unforgettable spectacle? Can we enhance awareness of motorists while at the same time creating an unprecedented driving experience?”) but it’s an interesting idea nonetheless./pa href=””(more…)/a
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Jet Kitchen

Dans la lignée des autres créations des designers berlinois de Kinzo, cette cuisine impressionne par ses traits. Inspirée par les lignes d’avions ou de vaisseaux spatiaux, cette installation permet de donner au lieu une clarté et une impression d’espace réussie. Plus de visuels dans la suite.








Previously on Fubiz

Creative Teabag Coasters

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This neat way to make art using your teabags was created by Yuree S. Lim and Jleun Yang.

Once you’re done with your teabag, instead of adding to your collection of tea stains on your table, place the bag on the nifty paper coaster and watch it work its magic.

via The Die Line

Electrolux Design Lab 2010 Entries + a Dancing Pork Chop

pimg alt=”electrolux_touch.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”639″ class=”mt-image-center” style=”text-align: center; display: block; margin: 0 auto 20px;” //p

pThe top 25 entries of the a href=””Electrolux Design Lab 2010 /acompetition are out. Participants were asked to focus on “The 2nd Space Age” by designing a home environment for the year 2050 when 74% of the world’s population is expected to live in urban areas. Entries addressed the areas of food prep and storage, as well as laundry and dish washing. The expected compact dishwashers and washing machines are thrown in the mix, some requisite anthropomorphism elicits smiles, and a few provoking materials keep things interesting. You can see all the entires a href=”″here/a. Check out Berty Bhuruth’s “Instinct Vacuum Cleaner” (aka “the Sheep-like Cleaner”) that dutifully cleans while you surf the web; Yuriy Dmitriev’s Bio Robot Refrigerator from Russia that literally tackles “Cool, Green, Food Preservation” by proposing to chill your edibles with bright chartreuse luminescent biopolymer gel (Pictured above. Also cryptically defined as looking “like boot process products”-?); and several entries even do away with the need for physical food altogether by bringing the Jetson-ian regime to life with food replacement systems. /p

pIt’s always a treat to imagine what might come next in our domestic spaces, but we got to wondering what would happen if Electrolux considered more than just small spaces for the future. With growing urbanization, that human touch in design would help us all feel better about living in our single-bed-studio-apartments. Imagine teaming some of these entries up with the poetic likes of designer Michael Harboun, whose a href=””Living Kitche/an incorporates a href=””Claytronics/a technology to create a truly responsive environment. Or throwing Joan Healy’s a href=””Sound-Activated Dancing Pork Chop/a in there to get form, function and, well…a new way to think about “grinding meat.” It might make you chuckle, but let’s not forget that the future can’t be all work and no play. /p

pstrongLiving Kitchen/strongbr /
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pstrongDancing Pork Chop/strongbr /
object width=”400″ height=”300″param name=”allowfullscreen” value=”true” /param name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always” /param name=”movie” value=”;server=vimeo.comamp;show_title=1amp;show_byline=1amp;show_portrait=0amp;color=amp;fullscreen=1″ /embed src=”;server=vimeo.comamp;show_title=1amp;show_byline=1amp;show_portrait=0amp;color=amp;fullscreen=1″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowfullscreen=”true” allowscriptaccess=”always” width=”400″ height=”300″/embed/objectpa href=”″Meat Market/a from a href=”″Joan Healy/a on a href=””Vimeo/a./p/pa href=””(more…)/a
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Born of a meditation on authenticity, the recent collaboration between design studio No. 1 Son and the innovative glassmakers at Portland-based Esque Studio flirts with scale and fantasy for a collection of modern heirlooms “so exotic and unique, that it truly would be an object passed on to generations to come.” Esque artist Andi Kovel continues, the “concept is staged in the future, but just barely into the future.”

The beautifully provocative collection is the upshot of both a collective desire to create meaningful objects, and No. 1 Son founder Travis Harvey’s carefully considered look at Miles Orvell’s book “The Real Thing: Imitation and Authenticity in American Culture.” While the project involved months of discourse between Esque partners Justin Parker and Kovel and Harvey (who draws on design chops as head designer of Nike’s Pro Combat collection), the anachronistically savage items speak for themselves, standing out for their surprising mix of materials and overall symbolism.

See images of the full collection, including a sling shot, bar travel set, and much more, in the gallery below. For more on Esque Studio, check out our 2007 video of the artists at work making their remarkable glass designs.