Block 2 by Henry Pilcher
Posted in: UncategorizedQuesta lampada è stata disegnata da Henry Pilcher per l’azienda australiana Anibou. Verranno prodotte in 4 colori differenti.
Questa lampada è stata disegnata da Henry Pilcher per l’azienda australiana Anibou. Verranno prodotte in 4 colori differenti.
Kai Wiechmann est un photographe installé à Berlin. Après avoir passé 4 ans à Londres et 8 ans à New York, cet artiste propose son regard et son talent, à travers ses collaborations pour Sony, Mercedes, Volkswagen ou encore Amnesty International. Plus d’images dans la suite.
CableClip da Bluelounge vi aiuteranno a tenere organizzati i cavi dei vostri giocattoli!
I fell in love with the Papervore Coffee Table by Pigeontail Design the moment I spotted it on Design*Sponge last week. I’m now plotting “accidents” my current coffee table could suffer so I can replace it with this:
Simple, modern, multipurpose design — the Papervore Coffee Table makes my heart go pitter patter.
Photographer Matthew Carbone has sent us his photos of Frank Gehry’s latest project, the recently-completed Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health in Las Vegas. (more…)
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