Block 2 by Henry Pilcher

Questa lampada è stata disegnata da Henry Pilcher per l’azienda australiana Anibou. Verranno prodotte in 4 colori differenti.

Block 2 by Henry Pilcher

Block 2 by Henry Pilcher

Kai Wiechmann

Kai Wiechmann est un photographe installé à Berlin. Après avoir passé 4 ans à Londres et 8 ans à New York, cet artiste propose son regard et son talent, à travers ses collaborations pour Sony, Mercedes, Volkswagen ou encore Amnesty International. Plus d’images dans la suite.











Previously on Fubiz

TAM Cargo Business card

Business card creativa per la società di trasporti TAM Cargo. Design by Y&R.

Bluelounge CableClip

CableClip da Bluelounge vi aiuteranno a tenere organizzati i cavi dei vostri giocattoli!

Bluelounge CableClip

Katie Kirk

Lei è Katie Kirk.

Katie Kirk

NITTO – Factory Cap

Cap NITTO indossato dai lavoratori della stessa fabbrica giappo. Solo per i più feticisti! Lo trovate in vendita su bluelug.

NITTO – Factory Cap

NITTO – Factory Cap

NITTO – Factory Cap

The Papervore Coffee Table

I fell in love with the Papervore Coffee Table by Pigeontail Design the moment I spotted it on Design*Sponge last week. I’m now plotting “accidents” my current coffee table could suffer so I can replace it with this:

Simple, modern, multipurpose design — the Papervore Coffee Table makes my heart go pitter patter.

Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health by Frank Gehry

Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health by Frank Gehry

Photographer Matthew Carbone has sent us his photos of Frank Gehry’s latest project, the recently-completed Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health in Las Vegas. (more…)

Core-Toon: The Forces Of Darkness

pimg alt=”ForcesOfDarkness_468.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”734″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pArtist: a href=””lunchbreath/abr /
More: a href=””View all cartoons/a/pa href=””(more…)/a
pa href=””img src=”” border=”0″ ismap=”true”/img/abr/
a href=””img src=”” border=”0″ ismap=”true”/img/a/p

The Mod Mobile