pimg alt=”” src=”http://s3files.core77.com/blog/images/2010/09/collage1.jpg” width=”468″ height=”1171″ class=”mt-image-center” style=”text-align: center; display: block; margin: 0 auto 20px;” //p
psmallem(Summary by Linda Norlen, AIGA Seattle, photos by Liz Martini)/em/small/p
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Moderator a href=”http://www.linkedin.com/in/corbetcurfman”Corbet Curfman/a (Sustainability Director, AIGA Seattle) kicked off the event, an evening of four speakers and enthusiastic exchange, produced by a href=”http://www.aigaseattle.org/events/92310-designers-accord-town-hall-event/”AIGA Seattle/a, a href=”http://www.aiaseattle.org/”AIA Seattle/a, and a href=”http://www.idsanw.org/”IDSA Northwest/a, September 23, 2010 at a href=”http://www.svcseattle.com/”School of Visual Concepts/a. /p
pIt would be hard to say who spoke faster, a href=”http://www.linkedin.com/pub/joe-brewer/5/792/495″Joe Brewer/a (a consultant who helps organizations improve by using ideas from cognitive and behavioral science) or Zac West (industrial designer), but both exuded high energy. /p
pFirst Brewer gave a lively pitch for a href=”http://seattleinnovators.org/”Seattle Innovators/a, who aim to make Seattle the first carbon neutral city in North America by 2030, a goal that Seattle’s City Council has already adopted. Brewer sees Seattle’s civic-minded, well-educated populace as a kind of “civic software,” one of the advantages that makes the Puget Sound region one of the “cool places” to live in the U.S. Since any early mover gains a competitive advantage, Brewer thinks Seattle should build an “innovation engine” (like the a href=”http://www.ted.com/”TED talks/a or the a href=”http://www.xprize.org/”X Prize/a) to spark it to become the first sustainable city. /p
pTo that end, last March Brewer and collaborators organized what they called “Building Day,” to build tools for cross-sector collaboration, and they will do another installment in the future. /pa href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/events/seattles_first_designers_accord_town_hall_meeting_reflections_photos_17506.asp”(more…)/a
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