Preguntas Hermosas

Un court métrage en trois parties, autour d’une triste histoire d’amour. Basé sur les poèmes à la fois de Pablo Neruda et de Carl Sandbur, il a entièrement été réalisé par le studio américain Superfad et dirigé par David Viau. A découvrir en vidéo HD dans la suite de l’article.


Previously on Fubiz

Ask Unclutterer: Processing car clutter

Reader Ruth submitted the following to Ask Unclutterer:

As a mini-van driving mom (and unabashed unclutterer), I am stymied by trash that seems to accumulate in the car on a daily basis. Dirty kleenex, gum wrappers, parking stubs, crumpled notebook paper, empty water bottles – all mysterious appear in the back of the car when I am not looking. I spend about 10 minutes a day cleaning it all out into a recycled grocery bag but can’t help wonder if there are other ideas on how to hold/manage trash in a vehicle. Of course, I would prefer something that was aesthetically pleasing (ie. NOT a Hefty bag tied to the back of the driver’s seat).

I would really like a scientific study commissioned to look into the trash and stray paper breeding ground of the automobile. I truly believe it is one of the most fertile regions on the planet. Our car grows straw wrappers, toll receipts, and used handy wipes faster than a flash of lightning — the humidity and sun exposure must be ideal trash and paper growing conditions.

To try to reduce the over-population of these items, we use a reusable trash bag tied to the back of our passenger’s seat. It’s not beautiful, but it’s better than the lawn and leaf black plastic bag you mentioned in your question.

Granted, getting others to use the bag might be the most difficult task of all. It took my husband and me a few months to even remember we had installed it, but once we remembered we’ve been using it with regularity.

You’re doing a great job by taking a few minutes each day to clean the stray clutter out of the car. I recommend to everyone a simple uncluttering session each time you get out of the car at your home. If you have kids, put incentives in place for actually using the reusable trash bags or make a game out of using it. You also might find that a bag on the back of multiple seats increases the likelihood that the receptacles will be used.

Good luck to you on keeping the clutter out of your car. For additional car uncluttering information, check out “Cleaning out your cluttered car” and “Clutter creeps into the car.”

Thank you, Ruth, for submitting your question for our Ask Unclutterer column.

Do you have a question relating to organizing, cleaning, home and office projects, productivity, or any problems you think the Unclutterer team could help you solve? To submit your questions to Ask Unclutterer, go to our contact page and type your question in the content field. Please list the subject of your e-mail as “Ask Unclutterer.” If you feel comfortable sharing images of the spaces that trouble you, let us know about them. The more information we have about your specific issue, the better.

Kenya Hara’s “Senseware” exhibit on applications for artificial fibers

pimg alt=”0khsenseware.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”1066″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pSuperdesigner Kenya Hara, the founder of the Nippon Design Center’s Hara Design Institute, is curating a rather interesting cross-border exhibition called “A HREF=”” Senseware/A.” Held at Israel’s Design Museum Holon, the exhibit defines Senseware as “matter that stirs the human creative instinct and awakens the desire to make things.”/p

pExplains Hara, /p

blockquoteThe aim of this exhibition is to deliberately bring a broad sweep of creators and technology people into contact with attractive new artificial fibers, encouraging them to think of applications that make the benefits of the material visible. [The exhibit] attempts to show ideas for the future of manufacturing, exhibiting new environmental membranes derived from artificial fibers in order to share them with the world at large.

p…I invited 15 creators and 2 companies to participate, comprising people working in architecture, interior design, product design, art direction, and media analysis, together with an automaker, a high-tech domestic appliance manufacturer, a flower artist, and fashion designers./blockquote/p

pHere’s a video preview of an earlier iteration of the exhibit held in Japan:/p

pobject width=”468″ height=”282″param name=”movie” value=”″/paramparam name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”/paramparam name=”allowScriptAccess” value=”always”/paramembed src=”″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowfullscreen=”true” allowScriptAccess=”always” width=”468″ height=”282″/embed/object/p

p”Senseware” opens at Holon one week from today./pa href=””(more…)/a
pa href=””img src=”” border=”0″ ismap=”true”/img/abr/
a href=””img src=”” border=”0″ ismap=”true”/img/a/p

Facts about Projection

Designers of the Future Celebrated at Design Miami/Basel

Winners of the 2010 W Hotels Designers of the Future Award (Photo: Design Miami)

“Bees!!!” Such was the excited text message we received yesterday from a friend making the rounds in Basel, where the Messeplatz is buzzing about designer Tomas Libertiny‘s honeycomb Jesus at the Design Miami/Basel booth of London-based Carpenters Workshop Gallery. Director Julien Lombrail is stoking the hive mentality by presenting the work in progress—he trucked in thousands of live bees that are denuding the sculpture of residual honey over the course of the fair. The piece is enclosed inside a large glass tank, so no stings have been reported (yet).

While Libertiny’s work is surely Basel’s apiological apex, Design Miami has also been busy feting the winners of the Designers of the Future Award, sponsored by W Hotels: Beta Tank (Michele Gauler and Eyal Burstein), Graham Hudson, rAndom International (Stuart Wood, Flo Ortkrass, and Hannes Koch), and Zigelbaum + Coelho (Jamie Zigelbaum and Marcelo Coelho). The designers discussed their fresh approaches yesterday at a talk moderated by journalist and curator Cedric Morisset before unwinding at a celebratory cocktail reception. No word as to which, if any, of their commissioned projects will live on in W Hotels. Announced in April at the Milan Furniture Fair, the Designers of the Future winners were chosen by a selection committee that consisted of Ambra Medda and Wava Carpenter (Design Miami), Mike Tiedy (Starwood Hotels), and Marcus Fairs (Dezeen).

Previously on UnBeige:

  • Live Vicariously Through New Design Miami Blog
  • W Hotels Buys Branding Rights for Design Miami Award
  • Organic Innovation Bubbles Up at Design Miami

    New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

  • Label Love: Torn By Ronny Kobo Has Us Wild For Animal Prints

    imageJust knowing that designer Ronny Kobo loves Africa, Cleopatra, and loads of accessories, it’s no surprise that her latest collection pays homage to indigenous tribes and safari animals with its wild prints and graphics, and lends itself to piling on plenty of jewelry! Torn by Ronny Kobo seeks to give women a sense of casual stylishness without having to resort to boring basics — and after one look at the latest African-inspired collection, it’s clear that these pieces are anything but boring! Featuring long flowing maxidresses, flattering striped skirts that fit the body just right, and floaty tunics that take tribal patterns to a new level of effortlessness, the summer 2010 collection is hardly just casual, but manages to exude earthy style without all the fuss, and allows for plenty of fashionable interpretation with the addition of accessories. Check out the slideshow for a glimpse at the latest line!

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    Previously on Fubiz

    Think.Select #2

    Production: Luca Gentile
    Photo: Francio
    Store: Antonia Uomo

    Quote of Note | Paige Rense Noland

    AD_stack.jpg“People used to be afraid of architects. Actually, there was a lot of fear of decorators, too. People didn’t know all the things they know now. The decorators were not stars, they were treated like the help, and yet people weren’t sure what they wanted. They had a fear of being labeled as someone with no taste or bad taste. In the beginning, they loved the Louis and they loved formal. Now, the clients are more sophisticated, and they tell the designer what to do. We used to call them decorators. Michael Greer said, ‘I don’t care if they call me a decorator or a designer, just so long as the check clears.'”

    Paige Rense Noland, retiring editor-in-chief of Architectural Digest, in conversation with Penelope Green of The New York Times

    New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.