I also popped over to Free Range today, at the Truman Brewery in London, to see the graduate photography shows that are on there this weekend. I’ve selected work from the University of East London, University of Westminster, University of Brighton, and Nottingham Trent University to show here…
First up is work by the Nottingham Trent students. Photographs by Alma Haser are shown above and top. The images are shown on lightboxes, which unfortunately have reflected the strip lighting in the space, sorry about that. Apologies generally for any reflections of lights (or me!) in these images.
James Christopher Beasley exhibited a series of split portraits.
By My Linh Le
Nikki Bruton presented a number of diptych portraits, which showed a photograph taken by her on the left, with a self-portrait by the subject on the right.
Over to UEL’s show now, and Craig Madden, who presented a number of abstract photographs, in both black and white.
Lizzy Stewart presented a number of enigmatic adaptations of found images.
Tom Griffiths explored the invisibility of older people in contemporary society in a series of images.
In the University of Westminster show, Nikki Gibbs presented a series of landscapes.
By Robert Downer, from a series titled Remains.
John Christie’s work is based on Caravaggio’s The Betrayal of Christ.
In the Brighton show, Jamie Sinclair presented an image from a series of portraits based on the themes of constricted breathing and loss of control. The models were shown holding their breath as they hung upside-down.
By Kayla Stoate
Finally, Meghan S Mari presented a series of images on smoking, including this somewhat controversial image of a heavily pregnant woman.
This version of Free Range is on until June 21. More info is at free-range.org.uk.