Recession Chic: 10 Sweet Summer Totes Under $75!

imageWhen it comes to finding the perfect summer tote to carry you through the season (or rather, carry all your stuff), the search really shouldn’t be as hard as it often is. All a girl really needs is lots of room, a couple handy pockets, a stylish design, and a reasonable price tag without it looking like you got it for free from the airport magazine stand. If you’ve already embarked on your search and have found nothing but a bunch of cheap-o looking canvas eco-totes so far, don’t be discouraged! To save you some time (and a whole lot of moolah), I’ve scrounged around for a selection of 10 super-cute totes — from beachy straw bags to trendy studded leatherette ones — all for $75 or less! Some even boast designer labels, for you recessionistas who still have high-fashion taste! Take a look at the slideshow for the selection!

view slideshow

Norman E. Timbs: 1948 Buick Streamliner

Dyson is seeking a Design Engineer in Wiltshire, UK

pa href=”” border=”0″img alt=”coroflot-joboftheday.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”68″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //a/p

pstronga href=””Design Engineer/a
brDyson/strongbr /Wiltshire, UK/p

pOur Design Engineers work within our design teams to help meet or exceed the technical specification, cost and time requirements on our products. Working alongside Design Managers and Senior Engineers, our Design Engineers are encouraged to be thoroughly hands on when developing products from initial inception through to manufacture.

pa href=””raquo; view/a/p

pemThe best design jobs and portfolios hang out at a href=””Coroflot/a./em/pa href=””(more…)/a
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Degree shows: Free Range Photography

I also popped over to Free Range today, at the Truman Brewery in London, to see the graduate photography shows that are on there this weekend. I’ve selected work from the University of East London, University of Westminster, University of Brighton, and Nottingham Trent University to show here…



First up is work by the Nottingham Trent students. Photographs by Alma Haser are shown above and top. The images are shown on lightboxes, which unfortunately have reflected the strip lighting in the space, sorry about that. Apologies generally for any reflections of lights (or me!) in these images.


James Christopher Beasley exhibited a series of split portraits.

By My Linh Le

Nikki Bruton presented a number of diptych portraits, which showed a photograph taken by her on the left, with a self-portrait by the subject on the right.

Over to UEL’s show now, and Craig Madden, who presented a number of abstract photographs, in both black and white.

Lizzy Stewart presented a number of enigmatic adaptations of found images.

Tom Griffiths explored the invisibility of older people in contemporary society in a series of images.

In the University of Westminster show, Nikki Gibbs presented a series of landscapes.

By Robert Downer, from a series titled Remains.

John Christie’s work is based on Caravaggio’s The Betrayal of Christ.

In the Brighton show, Jamie Sinclair presented an image from a series of portraits based on the themes of constricted breathing and loss of control. The models were shown holding their breath as they hung upside-down.

By Kayla Stoate

Finally, Meghan S Mari presented a series of images on smoking, including this somewhat controversial image of a heavily pregnant woman.


This version of Free Range is on until June 21. More info is at



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Urban Dive

Après la réalisation pour Netvibes Showcase, voici une nouvelle production de Fubiz et Sonacom pour le client Pages Jaunes. Le projet intitulé Urban Dive sera lancée fin 2010, et il sera basé autour d’une recherche locale ludique et sociale. Explications en vidéo dans la suite.





Production : Sonacom / Vidéo : Mattrunks / Projet : Fubiz

Urban Dive sera un service d’exploration urbaine en vue immersive afin de s’approprier la ville en 3D. Un système de widgets est prévu pour en faire un espace personnalisé en interaction avec ses réseaux sociaux. Le lancement est prévu pour fin 2010 sur Mac/PC, iPad et mobiles.

Previously on Fubiz

iPhone 4 mirror app

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pIt’s a great example of both an obvious solution and technological overkill: iPhone app developer A HREF=”” DLP Mobile’s/A forthcoming A HREF=””Mirror App/A will use the iPhone 4’s front-facing camera to show you your own face. A DLP exec promises the app will provide a “crystal-clear high-definition vanity mirror,” and while the iPhone 4’s flash is on the other side, in-app light filters will enable the user to apply makeup even if the lighting ain’t great./p

pDLP’s marketers will presumably bypass the lucrative professional clown market and instead pursue cosmetics-wearing women./p

pIt’s too bad this app, and the iPhone 4, wasn’t ready earlier; we Americans could use it to paint the Stars ‘N Stripes on our face while we continue losing the World Cup./p

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pB[Note:/B Just as I was about to hit the “post” button on this entry, Landon Donovan blasted the literally uplifting goal that caused Slovenian goalie Handanovic to Iflinch/I rather than block. With the U.S. team closing the gap, there’s egg on my face. Which I could see if I had this app.]/pa href=””(more…)/a
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Studiocanoe: Temujin Doran

Degree shows: Kingston Illustration Animation

Along with the graphic design show, Kingston’s BA Illustration & Animation graduates are also currently showing in London, at LBI in the Atlantis Building at the Truman Brewery. The show is generally excellent but here are some of my favourite moments…

First up are some macabre yet appealing illustrations from Joe Bichard. He also has an excellent animation showreel, created with Jack Cunningham, shown below:


Alice Hartley is showing this rather magical house as part of her display… A detail from one of the intricate woodcut sides is shown below…


Hattie Stewart has a number of brightly coloured, psychedelic-style illustrations in the show.

Rachel Lillie is showing a small installation of sculptures and illustrations in her Lived Fast Died Young Museum.

Rebecca Jay is exhibiting a selection of portraits, of both dogs and people, complete with witty one-liners.

Sonia Yekinni has decorated the rather boring display panels with a number of illustrated characters and letters, plus is also showing posters.

Ben Brown is showing an illustration, above, in the show, as well as animation which he made in collaboration with Alice Hartley (who worked on the background and also on the sound design) and Matt Dicks who created the illustrated Sonic character. The film they made together features Sonic The Hedgehog, gradually losing his mind to boredom in a laundrette. Here it is:


The Kingston Illustration & Animation show will be at LBI until June 21, and will also appear at D&AD New Blood from June 24-28. Details on all the work featured can be found here.



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Airship traveling – Mobile five-star Hotel

In 2010, the chair of Prof. G. Eichinger at ETH Zurich was able to gain a nameable Designer to give a theoretical approach.His wish to design a mobile..

BP Oil Leak: Ready, Set…Brainstorm!

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pemIn the Core77 forums, designer a href=””Scott Henderson/a has a href=”″shared a few of his ideas/a on how to stop the oil from spilling in the gulf, and he invites you to do the same. Here, see his cone-shaped wedge and collapsing tube containment, and submit your own sketches to the a href=”″discussion/a./em br /
br /
Are you tired of watching the BP Oil Spill continue to flow unabated, and all anyone seems to be talking about is who is going to pay for the damage that is ongoing with no end in sight? /p

pThe relief wells that BP has finally begun drilling to shut off the leak will not be ready until the end of the summer, while the BP Oil leak is producing an Exxon Valdez sized spill every eight days. That’s about 12 more Valdez’s on the way at least!/p

pWhere has all of the ingenuity gone? Can industrial Design save the day? Ready, Set…Brainstorm!/p

pa href=”″Submit here./a/p

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