Ampersand Campaign

Questa campagna ha lo scopo di incoraggiare l’uso della e commerciale. La campagna è intitolata ‘Why use and when you can use &’. E’ stata applicata ad una varietà di prodotti che sono stati pensati come promozione della bistrattata &. Design by Scott Marc Berry.

Ampersand Campaign

Ampersand Campaign

Valdemar by Artificial/form

Danish designers Martin Kechayas and Christian Nørgaard of Artificial/form have designed this felt-upholstered wingback chair for furniture brand Normann-Copenhagen. (more…)

HUF Hupper ‘Numero Uno’

Nuova tomaia e colore per le HUF modello Hupper. Verranno rilasciate per fine giugno.

HUF Hupper ‘Numbero Uno’

Tie Tea

Tazza porta-bustina da tea! Grazie alle due piccole fessure sul bordo, si può fissare la cordina della bustina per evitare che affoghi tutto 😉

Tie Tea

Tie Tea

ONLY NY 2010 June New Releases

Sul webstore di ONLY tutte le novità di questo giugno. Dico solo: WOW!

This is not a Book for IPad/Kindle

Sembra un libro, in realtà questo è un case per iPad o Kindle. Lo trovate in vendita qui.

Book for IPad/Kindle

Book for IPad/Kindle

As Seen in Norway…Todd Saunders Studio Tour


With good reason, Todd Saunders is one of the most talked about young architects working in Scandanavia today. And as luck would have it, he lives in Bergen, where our architecture/design tour through Norway was ending. He invited us over for a studio tour and take a look at some of the new projects he’s been working on, including some top secret sketches and models of Zita Cobb‘s Fogo Island project, which Saunders is a big part of (with help by some other very impressive names, along the way). We were sworn to secrecy with what we saw regarding that project, but we thought we’d take you on a quick tour and pull out a few choice bits of what Saunders had to say.


New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Jack Hudson

Lui è Jack Hudson.

Jack Hudson

Training centre by Chartier-Corbasson

Training center by chartier-corbasson

French architects Chartier-Carbasson have designed a football training centre in Amiens, France, with a sloping turf roof that merges with the adjacent field. (more…)

Call for Entries: INDEX: Design Challenge – Designing for Education

pimg alt=”index.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”222″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pa href=””INDEX: Design to Improve Life/a has just opened the doors to their a href=”″2010 challenge/a with the theme “Designing for Education,” in partnership with the children’s rights organization UNICEF. If you are a student, a recent grad, or faculty, you are invited to submit in the following three areas: improved educational facilities, sanitation and hygiene, and gender parity in education. /p

pHere’s an excerpt from the brief:/p

blockquoteAccording to UNESCO’s 2010 Education for All report (EFA), the number of children out of school has dropped by 33 million worldwide since 1999. South and West Asia more than halved the number of children not in school – a reduction of 21 million. But the latest numbers show that 72 million children are still out of school, and if the trend continues, 56 million children will still be out of school in 2015. Equally important, besides ensuring more children enroll in school, those children already in school must get a good education.

pLiteracy remains among the most neglected of all education goals, and millions of children are leaving school before acquiring basic skills. In some countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, young adults with five years of education have a 40% probability of being illiterate. About 759 million adults lack literacy skills today. Two-thirds are women./p

pThe gender disparity in education is another problem in developing countries today. Even though the share of girls out of school has declined from 58% to 54%, and the gender gap in primary education is narrowing in many countries, the difference is still a problem. In Sub-Saharan Africa alone, almost 12 million girls may never enroll. In Yemen, nearly 80% of girls out of school are unlikely ever to enroll, compared with 36% of boys./blockquote/p

pSubmissions are due by November 26, 2010. Click here for a href=”″guidelines/a. /pa href=””(more…)/a
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