Cinematographer Garrett Brown’s game-changing inventions
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pThough it was initially intended for movies, not sports, cinematographer A HREF=”” Garrett Brown/A invented the Steadicam in the 1970s. For a proof-of-concept reel, Garrett used his prototype to shoot footage of his girlfriend running up the steps of Philadelphia’s Art Museum. The director John Avildson, who was about to make IRocky/I, saw the footage and subsequently incorporated the sequence–and Garrett’s rig–into the film. The scene has since become so iconic it has A HREF=”” its own Wikipedia page/A, and if you poke around YouTube you’ll see it’s practically a rite of passage for Philadelphia-visiting tourists to re-enact the scene./p
pThe Steadicam was also famously used to record the “speeder bike” sequences from IReturn of the Jedi./I Garrett recorded the footage on foot, walking, and the steadiness of his contraption meant the footage could be sped up and still appear smooth./p
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