Toshiba’s version of “Take two tablets” and call them in the summer

pimg alt=”0dualibretto.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”637″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pDual-screen tablet, interesting. Yesterday Toshiba announced their forthcoming dual-screen limited-edition Libretto, which will be produced this summer. Each panel is not quite iPad-sized; screens are each about 7 inches diagonally./p

pThe dual-screen configuration makes for some potentially interesting interface capabilities, as you can see in the demo video below. Do yourself a favor and fast-forward to 0:57–and try to ignore the overcaffeinated interviewer’s constant, inarticulate interruptions. The Libretto demo ends around 3:30, at which point they switch over to talking about Toshiba’s 3D laptop, which you can also skip (there’s no visual demo)./p

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pOur not-difficult-to-make prediction: It’s just a matter of time before some joker on YouTube spoofs this, lamely we imagine, with two iPads and some duct tape./p

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Type Tuesday: Clarendon Love

Loll Pitch Birdhouse

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Known for their recycled plastic Adirondack chairs, Loll has created the Pitch Birdhouse – a clean modern approach to the traditional birdhouse. Made with 100% recycled plastic and maintenance free each birdhouse is made from 24 reclaimed milk jugs.

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Avanty “Expo n° 1″

Sabato 3 Luglio Avanty vi invita all EXPO n° 1!
L’ Expo si terrà a Viareggio presso il Kaiman Club (Via  Libeccio 48 Viareggio, Bicchio).
Per maggiori informazioni clicca qui .