Darwin chair by Stefan Sagmeister
Posted in: UncategorizedGraphic designer Stefan Sagmeister presented a chair with 200 patterns at Design Miami/Basel last week. (more…)
I got Arrested! Now What? The Center for Urban Pedagogy clarifies the juvenile justice system
Posted in: Uncategorizeddiv style=”align: right;”img src=”http://www.core77.com/blog/images/2010/06/cup-poster1.jpg” width=”468″ height=”351″ alt=”cup-poster1.jpg”//div
pa href=”http://makingpolicypublic.net/index.php?page=I-Got-Arrested”The latest poster/a from the Center for Urban Pedagogy’s emMaking Policy Public/em series elucidates the juvenile justice system in one easy-to-read graphic novel that follows “the story of Chris from his arrest to the last gavel slam.” The publication aims to help youths understand that being arrested doesn’t have to ruin their life, taking them through the system step-by-step and pointing out key decision-makers and crucial tips. The project is a collaboration between the Center for Court Innovation, the Youth Justice Board, and graphic novelist Danica Novgorodoff./p
p Some photos here, or you can download the full pdf or buy the printed poster at the a href=”http://makingpolicypublic.net/index.php?page=I-Got-Arrested\”CUP’s website/a./p
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div style=”align: right;”img src=”http://www.core77.com/blog/images/2010/06/cup-poster4.jpg” width=”468″ height=”351″ alt=”cup-poster4.jpg”//diva href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/object_culture/i_got_arrested_now_what_the_center_for_urban_pedagogy_clarifies_the_juvenile_justice_system_16805.asp”(more…)/a
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New masters degree programme at BIArch
Posted in: UncategorizedDezeen promotion: the Barcelona Institute of Architecture (BIArch) are to launch a new architectural masters degree programme from September. (more…)
Awkward Times for the Awarding of the BP Portrait Prize
Posted in: UncategorizedA bit of tragic awkwardness at London’s National Portrait Gallery recently. The annual BP Portrait Prize was awarded this week at the museum to painter Daphne Todd for her piece, “Last Portrait of Mother,” wherein she depicts her mother in bed after she had just recently died. While her work is hauntingly beautiful and seems entirely worthy of the prize, it’s a rough time to be attached to the oil giant BP right now. There were protesters outside the National Portrait Galley during the award ceremony, many who weren’t just angry at BP for the ongoing spill in the Gulf of Mexico, but specifically that taking art funding from the company was reprehensible. While we’re certainly not pleased with what’s gone on with the spill, and the blame lies squarely on BP for causing this emotion in the first place, on purely a sympathetic personal level, it’s a tough break that Todd’s big win has been tainted by something outside of her control. But we’re sure the passage of time, and the £25,000 that comes with the award, will certainly help get her through. Also, as Art Info puts it, you have to give it to BP not to meddle with the judging, given the winner’s subject was death, something the company probably isn’t wanting to be any more attached to than it has to at the moment.
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Vac from the Sea: Electrolux’s quest to collect the ocean’s plastic debris and turn it into vacuums
Posted in: Uncategorizeddiv style=”align: right;”img src=”http://www.core77.com/blog/images/2010/06/vacsea-logo.jpg” width=”468″ height=”446″ alt=”vacsea-logo.jpg”//div
pElectrolux has just embarked on a quest: to collect the debris from plastic islands in the ocean and turn them into a line of 6 vacuum cleaners, each representing one of the following bodies of water: the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian Ocean, the Mediterranean, the Baltic Sea, and the North Sea. The quest intends to bring attention to the issue of plastic pollution in the ocean (a href=”http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Pacific_Garbage_Patch”see the Great Pacific Garbage Patch/a) and to combat the scarcity of recycled plastics needed to make home appliances. The initiative is entitled a href=”http://www.electrolux.se/Innovation/Campaigns/Vac-from-the-sea/”Vac from the Sea/a./p
pFrom Hans Straring;berg, the President and CEO of Electrolux:/p
blockquoteOur oceans are filled with plastic waste. Yet on land, there is a shortage of recycled plastic. The supply of sustainable raw material, such as recycled plastic, is crucial for making sustainable appliances, and assisting consumers in making their homes greener. I therefore hope people will join us in raising awareness about the threat plastic poses to marine habitats, and the urgent need for taking better care of the plastic that already exists./blockquote
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pMaybe you’re wondering what this vac might look likemdash;after all the plastic is melted down would it transform into some kind of muddy gray or brown? The Electrolux design team has done a preliminary concept sketch representing how these plastic might be treated, and we love it: the scavenged plastic will be pressed/melted together, kind of like those little plastic beads kids iron together into pixelated shapes, but better. br /
It remains to be seen what will happen when they begin working with the material, but we hope it stays multi-colored./p
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pThe debris will be collected by whatever means possible: diving, fishing or scavenging. Anyone interested in getting involved or following the endeavor should check the Vac from the Sea a href=”http://www.electrolux.se/Innovation/Campaigns/Vac-from-the-sea/”website/a. /p
pFor more info, watch the video just after the jump./pa href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/object_culture/vac_from_the_sea_electroluxs_quest_to_collect_the_oceans_plastic_debris_and_turn_it_into_vacuums__16804.asp”(more…)/a
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RIBA Stirling Prize moves to BBC 2
Posted in: UncategorizedCarro Lungi by Ciszak Dalmas
Posted in: UncategorizedDesigners Ciszak Dalmas made this hand-cart to display garments made from Indian sarongs by fashion designer Kavita Parmar of Raasta. (more…)
MAC Cosmetics is seeking a Freelance Industrial Designer in New York City
Posted in: Uncategorizedpa href=”http://www.coroflot.com/public/jobs_browse.asp” border=”0″img alt=”coroflot-joboftheday.jpg” src=”http://www.core77.com/blog/images/coroflot-joboftheday.jpg” width=”468″ height=”68″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //a/p
pstronga href=”http://www.coroflot.com/public/job_details.asp?job_id=27035referral=C77blogpost”Freelance Industrial Designer/a
brMAC Cosmetics/strongbr /New York City/p
pA regular three day a week freelance position in the industrial design department of one of the world’s highest profile cosmetics companies working on displayers, fittings and packaging – work will include conceptualizing new designs, making initial concept sketches, preparing visual presentations, model-making and technical specification drawing for manufacturing./p
pa href=”http://www.coroflot.com/public/job_details.asp?job_id=27035referral=C77blogpost”raquo; view/a/p
pemThe best design jobs and portfolios hang out at a href=”http://coroflot.com”Coroflot/a./em/pa href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/featured_items/mac_cosmetics_is_seeking_a_freelance_industrial_designer_in_new_york_city_16802.asp”(more…)/a
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Belkin’s Conserve Valet
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Belkin‘s new Conserve Valet power station presents a simple, energy-efficient way to charge electronic devices. A single platform charges up to four mobile devices at once reducing energy consumption by 75% overall, and the station itself draws zero power when not in use.

As an added measure, the Valet automatically shuts off once all devices have been charged, ensuring that no more energy than necessary is being consumed. Unlike some other charging stations the Belkin accommodates your existing USB cords, which get wrapped around the base for clutter-free storage.
The Valet launches in July 2010 and is available on Belkin’s website for $40 each.