Get it right, people, it’s “Coroflot” for chrissakes
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pI was just reading A HREF=”″ this article/A speculating that Microsoft may bring the Courier project back online. To refresh your memory, the Courier was a dual-screen tablet concept that the boys in Redmond had been floating around, but pulled the plug on shortly after the iPad began making waves. (See also: This morning’s story on A HREF=”” killing the Kin/A.)/p
pHere’s the part of the article I found interesting (boldface mine):/p
blockquoteThe Microsoft patent document identifies two other “inventors” of the dual display device besides Microsoft: Scott Wilson and Stephen Christopher, both of Chicago. An Internet search traced the two to BCoroloft/B, which is described as a job board for a wide variety of designers, but including industrial designers and product designers. Neither has yet replied to a request for comment. Microsoft again declined to comment today on the patent news./blockquote
pWilson has since responded to the author of that article, though I’m surprised said author didn’t spell his name “Wislon.” /p
pIn any case, you can check out A HREF=”″ Christopher’s/A and A HREF=”″ Wilson’s/A individual portfolios on Coroflot. The two are accomplished designers that have done projects you’ll surely recognize; Wilson was a Global Creative Director at Nike, and Christopher’s an ex-Motorola guy. Christopher currently works for Wilson’s A HREF=”” MINIMAL/A design studio, which is based in Chicago but has branches in Portland and Milan./p
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