Saikat Biswas’ fresh digital Holga concept
Posted in: UncategorizedpIt’s kind of funny that back in the day, if you were an industrial design student and your model of your design lacked a certain amount of detailing, you would have been accused of doing a half-assed job; but now even commonplace objects have moved so far towards minimalism that the following sparsely-detailed model (or is it a rendering?) of a A HREF=”” theoretical Holga digital camera/A looks high-end:/p
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pThe concept is by designer A HREF=”” Saikat Biswas/A, who’s not a student, by the way, but a pro ID’er based out of Scandinavia. And Biswas’ “Holga D” is not just an under-thought plain box–to the contrary, he’s put lots of nice touches into it, like the reversible top that swaps the shutter button around for lefties:/p
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pWe’re also digging the swoopy little mini-flash:/p
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pBiswas has also put up some of his original sketches. /p
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pBe sure to check out the rest of the Holga D concept, and the thought that went into it, A HREF=”” here/ /
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