Adidas Summer Deck

Paio easy per quest’estate by Adidas. Loro sono le Summer Deck.

Adidas Summer Deck

Adidas Summer Deck

Making Mondays — and your week — more productive

Mondays are opportunities to start new habits and the day to begin a productive path for the week. While others grumble about Mondays, I try to think of them like the first day of school or the first day of a new job. The possibilities for success, fulfillment, creativity, and all the reasons you do what you do are open for you to experience.

To help keep me motivated and positive about Mondays, I like to begin each week with a 10- to 15-minute planning session. I grab my cup of coffee (glorious, glorious coffee), a pencil, my calendar (this year I’ve been using the Julie Morgenstern Balanced Life Franklin Covey daily planner), and I head to my front porch or the dining room table. During this time, I ask myself the following questions while I plan out the week:

  • What calls, meetings, luncheons, parties, and travel do I have on my schedule that have set times and locations?
  • What deadlines do I need to meet?
  • What actions do I need to take to meet those deadlines?
  • What additional tasks do I also wish to accomplish this week?
  • What reminders for future actions do I need to set on my computer when I get back to my desk?
  • When am I most productive?
  • When am I least productive?

I plan for both my work and my personal life at the same time. I currently keep everything on the same calendar, but there have been years when I have kept things separate. It’s a matter of preference, and you could do one planning session at home and another when you get to work if that better meets your needs.

How you plan for your week is up to you, but taking the time to plan can make a significant difference in what you accomplish by Friday. It’s a lot easier to get somewhere if you know where you’re going.

Happy Monday!

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Natural Hiking Club Camera Strap

Camera strap dei giappo di Natural Hiking Club .

The Time Machine

Interpretazione di Justin Van Genderen.

The Time Machine

Bendy Bicycle by Kevin Scott

Il giovanissimo designer Kevin Scott ha progettato questa bici pieghevole che grazie ad un sistema di cremagliera a scatto permette di gestire la flessibilità del corpo centrale.

HM4 Thunderbolt by Maximilian Büsser

HM4 Thunderbolt by Maximilian Büsser

Maximilian Büsser of watch brand MB&F has designed a watch with dials mounted on two jet engine-shaped parts of the case. (more…)

Wisconsin Lawsuit Could Potentially Spawn Investigations of John Lennon Art Work and Collectible Sales


This weekend saw the start of an interesting, possibly wide spread legal movement coming out of an unlikely place, the small city of Waukesha, Wisconsin. As the Journal Sentinel reports, it’s there that David Peterson lives, a collector who has just filed a lawsuit against a collectibles dealer in Hawaii for selling him inauthentic work by John Lennon that had been presented as completely authentic originals. Peterson has spent close to $200,000 on art, supposedly originally created by the musician, as well as miscellaneous memorabilia, only to recently start discovering that many of the pieces the dealer sold him were either reproductions or outright fakes. While one unfortunately burnt collector is sad news, the paper reports that his lawsuit might lead to wider repercussions within the Lennon (and possibly Beatles) sales market. Peterson says that the FBI is now involved and the investigations might go beyond just this one suspect dealer and branch out into the whole cottage industry. Or as Peterson says, it might create “a tsunami in the collecting world.” Just the hopeful anger of a slighted collector or hint of something much larger to come? Will be interesting to see how it pans out.

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Illustration Annual cover: the making-of film

Jane Stockdale and Sean Freeman created the cover for our Illustration Annual using a large letter ‘i’ and an infinity mirror. Here’s a short film of how they produced the cover image pretty much straight from the camera…

“This was a big team project,” explains Stockdale who photographed the set-up, co-created with illustrator, Sean Freeman. “It was great to collaborate with mates and combine different skill sets from carpentry to art direction and product design. After we finalised the idea, we spent about a week prepping and researching the best way to create the structure. The build itself took about two days of sawing, gluing, clamping and drilling to create the frame.

“We knew from the start that this shoot was going to be really experimental so we spent a long time researching things we’d like to try and test. For the shoot itself we loaded up on anything and everything we could find that we thought would work – confetti, glitter, plastic swords, glow in the dark paint, fishing wire, LED lights and 1000 glowsticks.”

“We spent a day testing with versions of the letter ‘i’ made out of card and metal and a day shooting,” Stockdale continues. “The final cover image was created at about 5am. I think we all knew it was going to be the cover shot when we sat back and stared at it on screen for about half-an-hour thinking ‘how on earth did we just do that…?’

“The images might appear at first to be CGI but the cover image is pretty much the photo straight from the camera. If you look closely you can see how we did it. Big thanks to Toby Summerskill, Toby Stockdale, Clare Elliott, Matteo Fogale, Hugh Stockdale, Gunter, Liam Ricketts, Cassiano Prado and Ray from Ray’s Glass for their kind help and assistance.”

And here’s the finished front cover of the July issue (Stockdale and Freeman’s back cover image shown top of post):








The New School is seeking an Art Director in New York City

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pstronga href=””Associate Art Director/a
brThe New School/strongbr /New York City/p

pWhile the specific responsibilities and qualifications are noted, it will be some less tangible qualities that we’ll be looking for in our search: a professional who excels at all the traditional print design and production techniques as well as new media and web design; a great manager of people and time, with an innate understanding and respect for deadlines, process, and communications; and an innovative and collaborative designer who will push the boundaries of The New School’s visual identity and interpret it in inventive ways.

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pemThe best design jobs and portfolios hang out at a href=””Coroflot/a./em/p
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Try Seersucker Shorts For Breezy Summer Style!

imagePrior to this fashionable summer season, seersucker would have reminded me of those crinkly, stiff playsuits my mother used to dress me in as a kid on a scorching summer day, when I was too hot and too uncomfortable to even think about moving. But now, with the fabric cropping up all over the racks in the form of fitted blazers, tops, and swingy sundresses, it’s hard to imagine seersucker as anything but comfortable, movable, and stylish! It’s the perfect breathable material for summer shorts because it feels lightweight while still managing to look crisp and neat, and has this automatic sort of preppy-chic look that can be both casual with a tee or tank or dressed up with a ruffled blouse or tailored shirt. Wear them with a pair of platform sandals to lengthen legs, or play it cool with a pair of cuffed sandals. For the full selection of my favorite seersucker shorts, scope out the slideshow!

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