Upcoming Material Intelligence workshop

pimg alt=”0matintelsw.jpg” src=”http://s3files.core77.com/blog/images/0matintelsw.jpg” width=”468″ height=”300″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pIn mid-August in New York City, the only material I’m thinking about is Freon and the air conditioners it goes in; but for those seeking greater edification, A HREF=”http://materialintelligence.nu/about” Material Intelligence/A is an upcoming “intensive design and prototyping workshop” running from August 16-20th and held in Queens./p

pSponsored by Arch Daily, Rhino, Studio Mode/modeLab and others, the workshop seems geared mainly towards architects but should have some room for ID overlap (you can be that one annoying person who keeps trying to bring it back to ID while pooh-poohing any project larger than a desk) and does provide access to some sexy CNC machines:/p

blockquoteOver the course of five days participants will examine the cultural as well as technological domains of associative practices within architecture and its related fields. Participants will develop projects through iterative workflows with an emphasis placed on material prototyping as a vehicle for design innovation. The workshop will be conducted in a fast-paced and hands-on studio environment where participants will have access to digital fabrication equipment including an industrial CNC 3-axis Mill and CNC High-Force Cutter./blockquote

pClick A HREF=”http://materialintelligence.nu/about” here/A to learn more, or A HREF=”http://materialintelligence.nu/registration” here/A for registration info.br /
/pa href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/education/upcoming_material_intelligence_workshop_16917.asp”(more…)/a
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Nike Stories of Style

Venerdì 9 luglio c’è stato il secondo appuntamento della serie organizzata da Nike, Stories of Style. Eccovi un po’ di foto di report, abilmente scattate dal Francio. Per l’occasione sono stato chiamato a rappresentare il concept di Nike iD, quindi senza pensarci 2 volte, ho costruito 2 versioni della AirMax 90 e Dunk HI entrambe in cardboard formato XXXL 😉 Resteranno esposte c/o il Nike Store di Milano in C.so V.Emanuele fino a Giovedì 15 luglio, serata conclusiva dedicata alle sneakers e interpretata dagli amici di FNG.
Non potete mancare, so cosa faranno e vi dico che è da vedere assolutamente!
Appuntamento quindi questo giovedì dalle ore 18.

Nike Stories of Style

Nike Stories of Style

Nike Stories of Style

Nike Stories of Style

Nike Stories of Style

Nike Stories of Style

Nike Stories of Style

Nike Stories of Style

Nike Stories of Style

Nike Stories of Style

Nike Stories of Style

Nike Stories of Style

Shaun White Shoes for Target

Lifelong skater (and Olympian snowboarder) debuts his affordable skate shoes for Target

Building out his line for Target, gold-medal snowboarder Shaun White’s first collection of skate shoes drops in stores this week. In of-the-moment colors like electric blue, gray, black and maroon, each pair makes a bid to be an everyday shoe, covering all the bases with fat laces, thick outsoles, suede uppers and double stitched construction. Target sent over a pair for us to check out and we were impressed with the high quality considering the low price-point.


Shaun, who’s also an avid skater, introduces six styles of the skate shoes—three for men, three for boys— which will be stocked in stores, and two models for each will be online exclusives, with prices ranging from $28-$35. Also launching, a new season of apparel—the latest in the line that White and his brother Jesse have been partnering with Target on since 2008—includes jeans, t-shirts, wovens and jackets, hitting the sweet spot at $35 and under.

Yeti Ninja variant

Shawnimals ha presentato al San Diego Comic Con 2010 queste due versioni dello Yeti Ninja. Entrambe firmate a mano e prodotte in edizione limitatissima di 50pz. Verrano prodotti e messi in vendita da Kidrobot.

Yeti Ninja variant

Yeti Ninja variant

Is a career in packaging design appealing to ID grads?

pLike my college classmates, I studied industrial design with thoughts of going into furniture, electronic products or auto design, the sexier subdivisions of ID. Package design never occurred to any of us as an option until one of our number, a guy named Randy, got an internship doing package design. It paid roughly 50% more than any other ID internship at the time, and when he came back to the studio and told us what he was making we all dropped our glue guns./p

pRandy quit that internship after a few months to take an even more lucrative one doing POP (point-of-purchase) design. Upon learning of the vacancy, I called the first place, secured an internship with them after an interview, and after graduating I had steady freelance work from them for 12 years./p

pThat was a long time ago, but what do ID students think of going into packaging design now? IPackaging News/I hits The New Designers show at London’s Business Design Centre to find out:/p

pembed src=”http://c.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f8/1485945011″ bgcolor=”#FFFFFF” flashVars=”videoId=111084713001playerId=1485945011viewerSecureGatewayURL=https://console.brightcove.com/services/amfgatewayservicesURL=http://services.brightcove.com/servicescdnURL=http://admin.brightcove.comdomain=embedautoStart=false” base=”http://admin.brightcove.com” name=”flashObj” width=”468″ height=”397″ seamlesstabbing=”false” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” swLiveConnect=”true” pluginspage=”http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash”/embed/p

pvia A HREF=”http://packagingnews.co.uk/channel/design/news/1015234/Packaging-News-TV-career-packaging-attractive-graduate-designers/” packaging news/A/pa href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/business/is_a_career_in_packaging_design_appealing_to_id_grads_16916.asp”(more…)/a
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We Are In Awe Of We Are Handsome!

imageWe are hot, trendy, retro, and so ready hit the pool. That’s why Jeremy Somers of People Like Us and Indhra Chagoury of Oscar and Elvis Swimwear created We Are Handsome‘s notable line of swimsuits that could quite possibly be art gallery worthy. Their collaborative talents are showcased in vintage-photo like one-pieces named after abstract places such as Jupiter, Hollywood and Delaware that depict essence-capturing posters of culture as they each feature scenes that reminisce of their site of influence. The vivid and somewhat provocative scenes make the post-card like swimwear seem perfect for a day of roller-blading down Venice Beach’s boardwalk — or with the right pair of frayed jean shorts and gladiator sandals, they’re fit for a day of outdoor mall shopping on a hot summer‘s day. While everyone else blends together poolside with their string bikinis and halter suits, these pieces will surely blow the best of them out of the water. With high bikini cuts and low necklines, they’re as attractive as they seem comfortable for care-free water wading. Check out the chicest swimsuit prints of the summer and take awe to We Are Handsome’s handsome mantra to beach fashion. Take a peek at the slideshow to get a taste of some creative beach fashion!

view slideshow

Flight 815 zip-up hoody

Da non indossare mentre siete in volo, specialmente con Ryanair! Disegnata da Kyle Maplesden per Threadless. Votatela qui.

The North Face PURPLE LABEL Kanga Shoulder Bag

A noi piacciono solo le limited production parallele, quindi come resistere a questa Kanga Shoulder Bag della collezione PURPLE LABEL di North Face?

Table Nº1 identity

Non male questa lavoro di brand identity per il gastro-bar Table N°1 di Shanghai. Disegnato da Foreign Policy.

Table Nº1 identity

Table Nº1 identity

Table Nº1 identity

We are Family Sofabed

Pratico divano/letto se avete da ospitare i vostri amici un po’ hippie 😉 Disegnato da Claus Molgaard e Ole Jensen.