Roger Eberts Thoughts on Totalitarian Modern Architecture


Already making the rounds and stirring up some noise is one of Roger Ebert‘s latest posts for the Sun Times, “The Image of a Man You Do Not See,” which if you’re either a Chicago architecture or Louis Sullivan buff, you’ll recognize as a quote from the famous architect (in full, as Ebert prints it: “Every building you see is the image of a man you do not see.”). As you’ve guessed, the post is about architecture. In between history lessons, from his own to Chicago’s great buildings and the architects who designed them, Ebert branches out a bit to wonder if/complain that Mies van der Rohe giving popular rise to modernism in the US led to “an architecture that is totalitarian in its severe economy.” He appreciates van der Rohe (and even Frank Gehry!), but mourns the loss of ornamentation, the kind Sullivan earned his legacy for. So Ebert’s stance isn’t anti-modernism of the Prince Charles model (again: he says he likes Frank Gehry), but instead, seems rooted firmly in nostalgia. Unfortunately, this nostalgia seems to cloud the essay a bit, sounding like Ebert believes that once Mies came around everyone decided “Well, let’s quit with the ornamentation and originality in general,” neglecting to factor in globalization, insanely quicker building techniques, and the birth/growth of the suburbs (in no particular order). We know he must not believe that, given his few sentences about money and “cookie-cutter marketing” are dead giveaways, but all the nostalgia seems to water down the argument/grief a bit in an otherwise great read.

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Your very first ID class assignment needs a modern update. Maybe this is it

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pHaving to make a chair out of a single flat piece of corrugated cardboard has been an ID school mainstay for god knows how long. The ID 101 class assignment could use an update, no? Perhaps this will be its replacement for the 2010s: A HREF=”” Make a cell phone dock/A out of a single sheet of cardstock./p

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pNow we all know you enterprising students can figure this one out on your own, right, just by looking at the photos? But if you want to cheat, you can watch the video below and download the template A HREF=”” here/A./p

pobject width=”468″ height=”263″param name=”allowfullscreen” value=”true” /param name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always” /param name=”movie” value=”;server=vimeo.comamp;show_title=1amp;show_byline=1amp;show_portrait=0amp;color=00ADEFamp;fullscreen=1″ /embed src=”;server=vimeo.comamp;show_title=1amp;show_byline=1amp;show_portrait=0amp;color=00ADEFamp;fullscreen=1″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowfullscreen=”true” allowscriptaccess=”always” width=”468″ height=”263″/embed/objectpa href=”″Iphone Paper Dock / Stand/a from a href=”″Dessine moi un objet/a on a href=””Vimeo/a./pbr /
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Watch how I open the car doors

pIt seems to us the domain of the rich and exclusive to sport a wristwatch intended to pair with a supercar, which is what French ID’er Faibein Cacheux’s A HREF=”” Silver Arrow wristwatch/A is meant to do; the concept design watch is meant to specifically complement the Mercedes SLS AMG Gullwing, in case owning a $200,000 sports car on its own isn’t exclusive enough./p

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pWhile that will undoubtedly speak to a very minor percentage of people that live on this Earth, one thing about the concept we thought was neat: A button on it that pops the car’s doors open. It’d be funny to see the gullwings raise and lower every time the owner struggled out of a too-tight leather jacket./p

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The Missing Piece by The Glue Society

The Glue Society in Sydney has created this set of photographs, titled The Missing Piece, as part of The Australia Project, a series of creative initiatives dedicated to exploring new ideas of Australian national identity…


“This photographic series features images from around the heart of Australia,” explains The Glue Society. “But something vital is missing. We all know what it is. The question is will we ever be smart enough to complete the picture?”


All the images in The Missing Piece were shot in camera, meaning that the team had to transport a large timber puzzle piece on metal legs to the various remote locations where the photographs were shot.


The series debuted at The Australia Project exhibition at the AGIdeas International Design Week in Melbourne in May, and it will also form part of an exhibition celebrating 13 years of The Glue Society’s work, which the creative agency will hold at the end of year.


More info on The Australia Project is here.


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Unitasker Wednesday: ept’s Keepsake Bag

All Unitasker Wednesday posts are jokes — we don’t want you to acquire these items, we want you to laugh at their ridiculousness. Enjoy!

Today’s unitasker was sent to us by reader Daphne, and it just might be the most, uh, um, uhhhh personal unitasker we have featured since the UroClub.

It’s, well, uh, a purple, satin, keepsake bag for your positive at-home pregnancy test.

As the site explains, it’s for when you would like to “Remember the moment you knew …”

Personally, I don’t know why a clear, zip-top bag couldn’t work just as well. In fact, I’d actually want a plastic bag (not fabric) and would want to see what is in the bag without having to open the bag, touch the test, and pull it out of the bag to “remember the moment.” A zip-top bag is the better option, in my opinion, if keeping a stick with urine on it is your thing.

On the plus side (yes, that horrible pun is intentional), it does look like you can get a keepsake bag for free!

If you’re not at work, I strongly recommend checking out MomLogic’s alternative suggestions for how to showcase your treasured, positive, at-home pregnancy tests. Let the world see your, um, “moment.”

Like this site? Buy Erin Rooney Doland’s Unclutter Your Life in One Week from today.

Tad Carpenter


Not a big fan of John Mayer, but solid illustration from Tad Carpenter! Click through to see more.

This is a great, playful style that looks like it would screen print well. Thanks for the pics Tad, lots more on his site.

Guimeraicinca’s SunRed solar moped concept

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pThe armadillo-like SunRed solar moped concept features a cool way to cover the bike up when it’s parked: a retractable shell covered in solar panels. When you’re ready to go, just roll the cover back and fire the moped up, as it’s now been juiced up by the sun./p

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pDesigned by Barcelona-based A HREF=”” Guimeraicinca/A, a partnership between designers and educators Oriol Guimera and Joan Cinca, the SunRed won a special jury mention at the Barcelona International Motor Show’s Awards for Technological Innovation. Check out more Guimeraicinca projects A HREF=”” here/ /
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Designers’ Open | Call For Participation

Designers’ Open  |  The Festival for Design Leipzig  |
October 29 to October 31, 2010Call For ParticipationFor the sixth time already,..

VA to launch competition for Exhibition Road extension

the Victoria and Albert museum in London are to launch an open international competition this autumn to design an extension to the museum on Exhibition Road – Independent

fuseproject’s electric vehicle charging station for GE

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pUnveiled yesterday, the GE WattStation is a href=””fuseproject’s/a new electric vehicle charging station for a href=””GE’s Ecomagination Initiative/a. /p

pThe charger is meant to lower the adoption barrier for electric cars, reducing the required charge time and, with the use of smart-grid technology, allows utility companies to manage the impact of these plug-in vehicles on local and regional grids. /p

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pThe docks are modular for easy upgrading (who knows how fast this technology will change) and should integrate seamlessly with the existing urban landscape and driving routine, according to fuseproject principal Yves Beacute;har. /p

pThe WattStation will be available in the last quarter of 2010 through auto dealerships, electrical wholesalers and utility companies./p

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