Knitted Meat

Questi pezzi di carne fatta a maglia sono stati sferruzzati dalla studentessa Stephanie Casper. Li troverete presto in vendita sul suo Etsy.

Knitted Meat

Knitted Meat

Vinci un Runner’s Roadtrip a Portland con Nike iD

Se ti piace correre e hai una vena creativa, puoi provare a vincere questo concorso. Quello che devi fare è andare su nikerunning, personalizzare la tua Lunarglide+ 2 iD e descrivere cosa ha inspirato il tuo design. Il migliore verrà selezionato per vivere un’esperienza esclusiva presso i Nike World Headquarters e godere del trattamento d’elite che Nike riserva normalmente ai suoi atleti più importanti. Avete tempo fino al 30 luglio.

Vinci un Runner's Roadtrip a Portland con Nike iD

British Museum Latest To Be Hit by Anti-BP Activists

The trouble continues in London among museums who have received support from the oil company BP. Following last month’s protestors out in front of the National Portrait Gallery during the awarding of the BP Portrait Prize and the activists spilling an oil-like substance both inside and out at the Tate Britian, among other incidents at other cultural institutions across the city, the British Museum is the latest to come under fire for their involvement with the company. The CBC reports that five members of the group Culture Beyond Oil poured (another) “oil-like substance” around the base of Hoa Hakananai’a, a 3,000 year old statue from Easter Island. The group issued a statement saying they’d selected the statue because it “”represents the way in which civilizations once considered invincible can collapse in a short period of time.” A like the incident before at the Tate, there’s footage:

What is that “oil-like substance” you see them pouring there? The the Art Diary’s John Crace called the museum to ask, and learned that it was in fact molasses:

How could they be so certain, the Diary asked? “This was confirmed by our conservation team,” came the reply.

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Super Impose at Kinsale Art Week

If you happen to be near Kinsale, southern Ireland, check out Super Impose, a screenprint show from Hannah Galvin-Horne, Marianne Keating, Mat Cook, and Julian House

Super Impose is showing at the KAW Gallery 2 as part of Kinsale Art Week. It features personal work by House (shown above right at the private view) and Cook, who readers will know from their work at design studio Intro.

Cook is showing prints from his MusicParanoia and Booze series

while House is showing work from his Ghost Box project

The graphic wallpaper, above, is by Marianne Keating and features a Joe Strummer quote, “The future is unwritten”.

And the vinyl 45 prints, below, are by Hannah Galvin-Horne

Galvin-Horne’s Pineapple Print chair can be glimpsed in this shot

but seen better here

The show is on until July 18, details here


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Connrad Belt Black

Questa cinta ad anello è prodotta da Wheelmen & Co. 100% cotton, made in usa.

Connrad Belt Black

Campus Roskilde by Henning Larsen Architects

Campus Roskilde by Henning Larsen Architects

Danish firm Henning Larsen Architects have won a competition to design a new campus for the University College Sealand in Roskilde, Denmark. (more…)

Cooler Racer

Ignorantissimo!!! Trovate il kit in vendita qui.

Cooler Racer

Fighting the summer productivity blahs

I have the mid-summer blahs. It happens every year, and, even though I know it’s coming, there isn’t much to do to prevent it. It’s something I have to survive instead of avoid.

Maybe you get it, too? You look out your office window, see the glorious warm sun shining, and the last thing you want to do is work. You remember summers spent at camp or on a beach or running in the backyard at your grandmother’s house and your thoughts are overwhelmed with joyful nostalgia instead of the monthly report you have to produce for your boss. You want to be just about anywhere other than at your desk.

To survive these blahs and stay somewhat productive, I try to do the following things every day:

  • Get to my desk earlier in the day (for me, this is around 6:00 a.m.). I try to get as much work done as possible before other people start working. I have more energy than I’ll have later in the day, my phone doesn’t ring, no one e-mails, and it keeps me from feeling guilty when I totally zone out around 3:00 in the afternoon.
  • Do a lot of positive self-talking. My internal dialogue is typically: “Dude, you’re wasting time. Get your stuff done so you can go out and do something outside. The longer you procrastinate your work the less time you’ll have for whatever else it is you want to do.”
  • Have a clear plan for what needs to get done each day. Schedule brainy, thought-intensive action items for early in the day and more mindless stuff for the afternoon.
  • Avoid heavy lunches. If the meal is hard to digest, it often puts me right to sleep or into a zone. Lighter lunches don’t seem to have the same impact. This might be psychological, but, even if it is, I’m okay with that.

What do you do to survive the mid-summer blahs and keep on track with your work?

Like this site? Buy Erin Rooney Doland’s Unclutter Your Life in One Week from today.

Raised by Wolves x Furni Watches

Nuova release Raised by Wolves x Furni Watches. Questo giro con colori pastello. Li trovate qui.

Raised by Wolves x Furni Watches

Spectrum by Tokujin Yoshioka

pobject width=”468″ height=”310″param name=”allowfullscreen” value=”true” /param name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always” /param name=”movie” value=”;server=vimeo.comamp;show_title=1amp;show_byline=1amp;show_portrait=0amp;color=00ADEFamp;fullscreen=1″ /embed src=”;server=vimeo.comamp;show_title=1amp;show_byline=1amp;show_portrait=0amp;color=00ADEFamp;fullscreen=1″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowfullscreen=”true” allowscriptaccess=”always” width=”468″ height=”310″/embed/object/p

pa href=””Tokujin Yoshioka’s studio/a just sent us the newly completed video of emSpectrum/em, their latest installation at Seoul’s MUSEUM beyondmuseum. On display are selected works from the past decade or so (including our favorite, the chair grown in a crystal bath). Defining the show is a segment of Rainbow Church, an architectural project in development by Tokujin. The 9-m high stained glass wall is made from 500 crystal prisms, which reflect the full spectrum of light as you move across it. /p

pThe installation has been open since May 1st, but those of us not in Seoul can finally see it (in at least some of its glory) above. /p

pFor more on Tokujin, see our brief a href=””QA with him this past April in Milan/a./pa href=””(more…)/a
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