Workspace of the Week: Cable cleanup

This week’s Workspace of the Week is Kraemer’s media center cord control:

Okay, so this week’s selection isn’t necessarily an office, but it is a beautiful example of cable management. By using hardboard pegboard and plastic cable ties (which are insanely reasonably priced at less than $4.00 for 100), Kraemer turned a possible rat’s nest of cables into a work of art. Something like this would work beautifully under a desk, behind a media center like Kraemer’s, or in a garage or basement workshop. Thank you, Kraemer, for submitting your image to our Flickr pool.

Want to have your own workspace featured in Workspace of the Week? Submit a picture to the Unclutterer flickr pool. Check it out because we have a nice little community brewing there. Also, don’t forget that workspaces aren’t just desks. If you’re a cook, it’s a kitchen; if you’re a carpenter, it’s your workbench.

Like this site? Buy Erin Rooney Doland’s Unclutter Your Life in One Week from today.

Perspective Sculptures

L’artiste James Hopkins aime assembler et modifier les objets du quotidien et de la culture populaire. En utilisant la perspective, il parvient à nous offrir des sculptures de personnages fictifs connus de tous, tels que les Simpsons ou encore Mickey. Plus d’exemples dans la suite.















Previously on Fubiz

Posen Loft by Yoshihara McKee Architects

Posen Loft by Yoshihara McKee Architects

Yoshihara McKee Architects of New York and Tokyo have installed a bathroom and kitchen either side of a freestanding wall in a New York loft apartment. (more…)

Starting Out: Stewart Smith, Designer/Artist/Programmer

pemStarting Out is a new series by Core77 about designers who have recently struck out on their own. More than a string of studio visits, the series profiles talented, risk-taking professionals all around the world. We hope their anecdotes will inspire your own entrepreneurial spirit./p

pFirst up is Stewart Smith of a href=””Stewdio/a, a designer, artist, programmer and American transplant in London. We visited him in his shared studio space in Dalston. Read the interview below, or click through the jump to see some of his projects./em/p

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pemTop: Stewart Smith. Bottom: Browser Pong is a traditional Pong game played not *in* a browser window, but *with* browser windows. Play a href=””here/a./em/p

pbCore77:/b What do you do exactly?/p

pbStewart Smith:/b I’m a graphic designer, programmer, and artist. At the beginning of the year I relocated from New York to London. I run my own little shop called a href=””Stewdio/a and share work space with architect a href=””James Payne/a and fellow designer / coder / artist a href=””Juuml;rg Lehni/a./p

pbC77:/b What are you working on right now?/p

pbSS:/b I’ve got three kettles on the stove. The first is a low-fi, computer-generated music video for a href=””Tomas Halberstad/a, a musician in Gothenburg, Sweden. The second is a data visualization piece for SFMoMA’s upcoming exhibition a href=”″”How Wine Became Modern”/a that opens in November. Finallymdash;and a bit further down the roadmdash;is a data viz piece for an exhibition titled a href=”””Global Art and the Museum”/a that will open at ZKM in Germany next summer. The latter two are collaborations with musician / engineer / architect a href=””Robert Gerard Pietrusko/a. Meanwhile I’ve also become very excited about Juuml;rg’s a href=”””Scriptographer”/a tool for Illustrator. He and I have just been talking about how we might channel that enthusiasm./p

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pemTop: Stewart shows us some data visualization sketches in Processing. Bottom: a href=””Exit (Terre Natale)/a is a 45-minute immersive visualization of human migration data in six narratives./em/p

pbC77:/b Describe your toolset./p

pbSS:/b I’m handcuffed to my MacBook Pro. From the moment I wake up to lights-out I’ve got it open, grinding away on something. Email and video chat take up an appalling slice of my daymdash;coordinating projects and syncing up with collaborators in various locations. Although I’m up early I usually arrive at the studio late because by morning coffee I’m already hooked into solving some aspect of a project. Sometimes it’s difficult to push things aside long enough to put myself together and walk over to the studio space. /p

pRight now my one-two software combination is TextMate plus Terminal. Recently I tried to answer this question about what tools I use but found myself failing miserably. I code quite a bit, but I’m increasingly interested in writing. There’s an oft neglected connection between the two. Writing good source code is like writing poetry. One wants to be concise but also expressive. (Did I mention I’m a rather big fan of a href=””Ruby/a?)/pa href=””(more…)/a
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LEGO is seeking a Concept Designer in Billund, Denmark

pa href=”” border=”0″img alt=”coroflot-joboftheday.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”68″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //a/p

pstronga href=””Concept Designer/a
brLEGO/strongbr /Billund, Denmark/p

pYou will: work with Buildable Action Figures, such as BIONICLE®, Hero Factory and Ben10. You must: have 2+ years experience; have the ability to express your ideas/ concepts through hand sketches and computer illustration; be able to confidently, verbally communicate and ‘sell’ your ideas both internally and externally; have a demonstrated ability to work across consumer touchpoints, eg packaging, web; have a passion for toys and sculpted/digital characters as well as an interest in comics/video game characters/stylized film characters. /p

pa href=””raquo; view/a/p

pemThe best design jobs and portfolios hang out at a href=””Coroflot/a./em/pa href=””(more…)/a
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Movie: Tokujin Yoshioka – Spectrum

DezeenTV: Japanese designer Tokujin Yoshioka has sent us a movie about an exhibition of his work on show in Seoul, which includes this 9-metre window made of 500 glass prisms (above). (more…)

RIBA Future Trends Survey predicts tougher times ahead

the RIBA in London have published a survey that points to tougher times ahead for British architects. See press release below. (more…)

Able to enjoy

pimg alt=”able_to_enjoy.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”410″ class=”mt-image-center” style=”text-align: center; display: block; margin: 0 auto 20px;” //p

pTorino-based designer Danilo Ragona combined his fascination with outdoors sports, his design skills and experience (he worked at Pininfarina Extra), and his wheelchair bound condition into something truly unique: a company that emphasises the fun, excitement and pleasure of a sportsy, active and fully autonomous life for “wheelchaired” people./p

pHis personisable wheelchairs are not only multifunctional and innovative but also great looking design objects./p

p a href=””Able to Enjoy/a/p

pobject width=”480″ height=”385″param name=”movie” value=”;hl=en_GBamp;fs=1″/paramparam name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”/paramparam name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always”/paramembed src=”;hl=en_GBamp;fs=1″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true” width=”480″ height=”385″/embed/object/pa href=””(more…)/a
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Free Your Mind In Tie-Dye With A Modern Twist!

imageBefore you start questioning my knack for keeping up with the latest styles and trends, you’ll need to re-think your ideas on tie-dye. While tie-dye used to conjure up images of brightly colored bursts on white tees (like the kind you made at the after-school program in elementary school) and is generally linked to hippie attire and reserved for those still stuck in the 60’s and 70’s (in both mindset and style), tie-dye as of late has gotten a modern make-over. Using an edgier or more wearable color palette, as well as differing patterns and shapes, modern day tie-dye is now more chic and stylish than tacky and dated. Whether it’s as a water-color like print on a fluid tank, or as a unique and trendy way to add interest and texture to a hot pair of jeans or leggings, there’s no denying that tie-dye is popping up everywhere … and it’s staying! The new, made-over tie-dye designs are youthful, versatile and totally fashionable and soon, over-sized rainbow tie-dye shirts will just be a thing of fashion-faux-pas nightmares. Want to take a look at the new and improved tie-dye and incorporate it into your closet? Click on the slideshow to see some of my favorite modern tie-dye pieces!

view slideshow

The Social Network

Après le teaser officiel diffusé le mois dernier, voici la mise en ligne de la nouvelle bande annonce du film “The Social Network” autour de Facebook. Produit par Columbia Pictures et réalisé par David Fincher. La bande-son est une reprise de Radiohead, signée Scala on The Rocks.




Previously on Fubiz