Mad Men Costume Designer Janie Bryant Signs More Deals, Branded Nail Polish and Lingerie Coming Soon


Just last month, Mad Men costumer designer Janie Bryant announced that she was planning to launch her own clothing line this fall with the QVC network, appropriately titled “Mod.” She’s apparently the hottest thing going at the moment, as now it’s also been released that the designer will be lending her name/talents to the nail polish brand Nailtini for sales at CVS and Duane Reade. What’s more, announced just this week, Bryant will also be creating a line of underthings and unmentionables for the lingerie company Maidenform, which should be available sometime this fall. Here’s the official word from Bryant:

“Usually, the television-viewing audience doesn’t see the foundation pieces, but it’s so important to me that the actors not only feel their character on the outside, but on the inside as well, and that is why intimates plays an integral role,” said Ms. Bryant. “I am thrilled to be teaming up with Maidenform to help educate women on the role of intimate apparel as the ultimate foundation of fashion. Maidenform has a strong heritage of product innovation and fit expertise, and I share the same passion and commitment to helping every woman look and feel her best which starts with the first thing she puts on.”

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Vans Vault Sk8 Hi Schaffers

Sono già disponibili da Bows & Arrows, queste Vans Vault Sk8 Hi Shaffers. Particolare la parte di tomaia superiore in pelle traforata.

Vans Vault Sk8 Hi Schaffers

Freitag F27 Notebook

Nuova dagli svizzeri di Freitag questa agenda F27. La trovate sullo store ufficiale. Cercate la combo di colori che più preferite.

Freitag F27 Notebook

TrendTracker iPhone App

L’azienda londinese TrendStop, una tra le più importanti in fatto di ricerca ed analisi di tendenze moda, ha lanciato TrendTracker, free App che ti permette di essere quotidianamente aggiornato sugli ultimi trends.

TrendTracker iPhone App

CSS3 Generator

Bomba per gli sviluppatori. Prendere nota.

CSS3 Generator

Della Bag

La designer losangelina Tina Tangalakis, dopo essere tornata da un viaggio ispirante in Ghana, ha deciso di fondare la company Della per promuovere l’artigianato locale della popolazione africana. Le trovate in vendita qui.

Della Bag

Magic Chair

Une illusion d’optique et un design très efficace pour cette chaise intitulée “Magic Chair”, par le designer italien Davide Conti. Un matériau transparent est utilisé pour maintenir l’équilibre, et sert donc de pied invisible. Plus de visuels dans la suite.




Previously on Fubiz

Paper Folds

Pixellated vases

Royal College of Art graduate Julian Bond unveiled an interesting casting machine at his graduate show this year. But his working model casts vases in a series of unusual, pixellated shapes…

Bond’s casting machine has two opposing faces, each one constructed from a series of “sticks”, 22 wide and 30 high (1,320 in total). The plaster sticks aren’t mechanically fixed which enables them to be moved easily. This also apparently reduces the time it takes to shape a mold to around 20 minutes.

“Slip casting moulds are usually fixed,” explains Bond on his website, “[and] each new design needs a new mold to be made. This project was about giving anyone the ability to engage with the slip casting technique and allowing them to create a one-off design. The machine is designed to engage with the user, allowing them to understand the form they are creating. This is a rapid manufacturing tool, not rapid prototyping, each piece that is made can be fired and glazed as a final product.”

Lots more images of the vases Bond has made to date can be found at his site,

The Atlas is Painless

Mathematician Jason LaFerrera’s digitally-manipulated maps depicting birds and beasts

Combining two of the nerdiest disciplines out there, ornithology and cartography, former music producer Jason LaFerrera creates curious collages of birds and beasts by recasting old maps into quaintly colorful still-life—of the kind more commonly seen on postage stamps.

“I digitally manipulate cartographic materials to create fauna, mostly birds, in poses reminiscent of field guides from a similarly early era of publication,” the Richmond, VA native’s site explains. “The patterns of forests and shores often become an animal’s feathers or fur, while the rings of topography often trace out wings or antlers.” By posing the beauty of maps themselves with idealized depictions of nature, LaFerrera (who currently studies Mathematics at Columbia) is a kind of eco-Duchamp, drawing on readymades, upcycling and cliché images to make a point about our relationship to the natural world.


Visitors to Tennessee can catch his solo show, “The Atlas Is Painless,” at the Renaissance Center

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His collection of fauna is under a website that’s under a Creative Commons License, allowing his work to be shared, altered and reproduced for non-commercial purposes. Pieces sell directly from his online shop and range between $40 and $225.

The Atlas is Painless” runs through 28 August 2010.