Quote of Note | Tom Ford

T-ford.jpg“No one works on film anymore. I don’t shoot on film: That’s the only reason I can be a photographer. To be a photographer now, you just have to kind of catch a base image, and then you can rebuild it, rework it, recolor it. Those old guys like [Helmut] Newton and [Richard] Avedon—and [Irving] Penn—were just incredible in the way they could pull off the images they did on film, with no retouching. They truly understood the mechanics of their craft.

For most photographers today—I won’t necessarily mention names—you see a picture of 10 people in a magazine, and none of those people were shot together. They take the best head from here, stick it on the best body from that shot, move that over there, and you fill in, which is fine, but that’s a different kind of art—an impressionistic way of interpreting something. I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad thing, but it’s a different way of working.”

-Fashion designer, photographer, and filmmaker Tom Ford

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At the beach

Tomas Nilsson interprets Little Red Riding Hood through info graphics

pobject width=”400″ height=”225″param name=”allowfullscreen” value=”true” /param name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always” /param name=”movie” value=”http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=3514904amp;server=vimeo.comamp;show_title=1amp;show_byline=1amp;show_portrait=1amp;color=amp;fullscreen=1amp;autoplay=0amp;loop=0″ /embed src=”http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=3514904amp;server=vimeo.comamp;show_title=1amp;show_byline=1amp;show_portrait=1amp;color=amp;fullscreen=1amp;autoplay=0amp;loop=0″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowfullscreen=”true” allowscriptaccess=”always” width=”400″ height=”225″/embed/objectpa href=”http://vimeo.com/3514904″Slagsmålsklubben – Sponsored by destiny/a from a href=”http://vimeo.com/user1379043″Tomas Nilsson/a on a href=”http://vimeo.com”Vimeo/a./p/p

pWe all love a good animated info graphic, but a href=”http://tomas-nilsson.se/”Tomas Nilsson/a takes it to another level with his interpretation of the classic Little Red Riding Hood story. A great example of the power of story telling and a little humor./p

pThanks toa href=”http://renelee.net/” Rene Lee/a for the tip./pa href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/featured_items/tomas_nilsson_interprets_little_red_riding_hood_through_info_graphics_17116.asp”(more…)/a
pa href=”http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/82f2Wg5_f-TIOoXOpddJOvm9hb8/0/da”img src=”http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/82f2Wg5_f-TIOoXOpddJOvm9hb8/0/di” border=”0″ ismap=”true”/img/abr/
a href=”http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/82f2Wg5_f-TIOoXOpddJOvm9hb8/1/da”img src=”http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/82f2Wg5_f-TIOoXOpddJOvm9hb8/1/di” border=”0″ ismap=”true”/img/a/p

PLUS clothes hanger

A new and basic way to hang your clothes.

UPS Reusable Express Envelope

Go green with the “brown” shipper

Already using entirely recycled fibers for their shipping materials, UPS adds even greater sustainability to their express envelopes with a second adhesive strip that makes an extra use possible. The Reusable Express Envelope not only cuts down on wasteful paper, but the convenient reseal system also allows for easy return of documents without the hassle of locating another envelope.


A no-brainer way to reduce at least some of the impact of express mailing, the envelopes come in letter and legal sizes and are available from the UPS website.


Jübergtower Hemer Landmark by Birk + Heilmeyer and Knippers Helbig Advanced Engineering

Jueberg Tower by Birk + Heilmeyer Architekten

Stuttgart office Birk und Heilmeyer Architekten with Knippers Helbig Advanced Engineering have completed this wooden observation tower in Hemer, Germany.

Jueberg Tower by Birk + Heilmeyer Architekten

The Jübergtower Hemer Landmark has a hyperboloid structure comprising 240 straight timber batons, criss-crossing in two directions around the tower.

Jueberg Tower by Birk + Heilmeyer Architekten

The batons thin out towards the top, affording different views as visitors rise through each of the five observation levels to the top deck.

Jueberg Tower by Birk + Heilmeyer Architekten

The 23.5-metre tower has a footprint of six metres, fanning out to nine meters at the top.

Jueberg Tower by Birk + Heilmeyer Architekten

Photos are copyright © Christian Richters/VIEW

Jueberg Tower by Birk + Heilmeyer Architekten

Here’s some more information from the architects:

Jübergtower Hemer Landmark of the regional garden and flower festival “Landesgartenschau Hemer 2010”, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

With a 23.5 m high look-out tower, the “Landesgartenschau Hemer“ contributes a new landmark upon the city. The tower, which has been completed after a planning and construction period of merely nine months, comprises a hyperboloid of straight timber members.

Jueberg Tower by Birk + Heilmeyer Architekten

In 2008, it won the second prize in a competition and has been designed, planned and completed by the working group Birk und Heilmeyer Architekten BDA and Knippers Helbig Advanced Engineering, Stuttgart. It was officially commissioned on 17 April, the day of the opening of the “Landesgartenschau”. The look-out tower has been donated by the foundation of the Stadtsparkasse Hemer.

Jueberg Tower by Birk + Heilmeyer Architekten

Click above for larger image

Visible from far away, the look-out tower Jüberg is prominently positioned at the end of a long flight of stairs, marking the end point of the city and the transition to landscape. The upwards expanding shape of the tower reacts immediately to the local circumstances; the forested hill Jüberg, the urban centre line and a 360-degrees view.

The construction of the building is based on the principle of the hyperboloid, which had frequently been used for steel constructions by the engineer Vladimir G. Suchov (1853 – 1939). It consists of 240 straight timber members of Siberian larch (glued laminated timber) with a cross section of 8 x 8 centimetres. A large-mesh structure has been designed by inclining two reverse planes of members, on which only the outer, delicate member system bears the loads. Additional vertical members, such as steel columns or a centre mast, were consistently omitted.

Jueberg Tower by Birk + Heilmeyer Architekten

Click above for larger image

The simplified static model of the tower resembles a clamped tube. Due to the horizontal wind forces, the maximal applied load develops at the clamping position. Steel needles anchor the construction up to 6 metres deep in the bedrock. Above the foundation, the rigidity of the tower is reduced gradually from the bottom to the top by decreasing the number of timber rods. According to the diminishing loads, the mesh structure expands towards the top. The supports in the lowest plane consist of six individual rods, which are reduced to five in the next level, then four, three, and finally two rods. This allows for an increasing panoramic view the higher you get to the observation deck. Each of the five landing platforms creates an individual atmosphere due to the diminishing rod system.

Corresponding to the forest aisle, the foot of the tower has been kept slim with its dimension of around 6 metres. Inside the structure, five flights of winding steel stairs with altogether 125 steps lead to the observation deck at a height of 23.5 metres. The observation deck, which has a diameter of 9 metres, offers a spectacular 360 degree view.

Click above for larger image

Jueberg Tower by Birk + Heilmeyer Architekten

Client: Foundation of the Sparkasse Hemer Represented by Landesgartenschau Hemer 2010 GmbH
Architecture: Birk und Heilmeyer Architekten BDA, Stuttgart Stephan Birk, Liza Heilmeyer
Structural engineering: Knippers Helbig Advanced Engineering, Stuttgart New York Thorsten Helbig, Jan Knippers Diana D’Souza, Fabian Friz, Adam Seidel (contributers)
Planning period: 9 months
Construction period tower: 6 weeks

Jueberg Tower by Birk + Heilmeyer Architekten

Click above for larger image

Completion: 2010
Construction: Timber Rod-Hyperbolid
Height: 23.5 metres
Diametre foot: 6.0 metres
Diametre observation deck: 9.0 metres
Material: 240 straight timber members of larch glulam

Jueberg Tower by Birk + Heilmeyer Architekten

Click above for larger image

See also:


Observation Tower
by terrain:loenhart&mayr
ArcelorMittal Orbit
by Anish Kapoor
Viewing Tower
by Ateliereen Architecten

Fondazione HangarBicocca

A Milan art venue’s makeover and new partnerships with fellow institutions

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One of the most interesting contemporary art spaces in Milan, the newly-renovated HangarBicocca is a massive venue featuring site-specific installations from both renowned and emerging international artists.

The re-do marks the beginning of a new partnership between HangarBicocca and two other colossal art spaces—Paris’ Grand Palais and The Armory in NYC—that kicks off with artist Christian Boltanski’s “Personnes.” First shown as “Monumenta” at the Grand Palais, Boltanski’s work was transported and adapted for the Milan location specifically, before it moves on to New York.


Apart from large-scale artistic installations, HangarBicocca now offers the HB Art Bookstore and the HB Bistro. Both areas are furnished by Contempo, a group of artisans who recover and reinterpret industrial equipment, known primarily for their work on Diesel Stores around the world.

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The HangarBicocca’s permanent collection includes Anselm Kiefer’s reputed Seven Heavenly Palaces as well as newly-acquired works like La Sequenza by Italian maestro Fausto Melotti (designed in 1971 but realized in 1981) and Stefano Boccalini’s Melting Pot 3.0.

Nature’s Catch Smoked Salmon Jerky

The classic road-trip snack gets a healthy, sustainable update

A traveler’s staple, beef jerky boasts a low calorie count but provides little other health benefits. Nature’s Catch serves up a nutritiously tasty substitute with their Smoked Salmon Jerky.

Using only wild Alaskan salmon, the Blaine, Washington-based company keeps sustainability in mind—the Environmental Defense Fund names salmon as one of the best eco-friendly fish to eat—when creating their thinly sliced jerky. Drawing on the well-managed population of salmon inhabiting the Pacific Northwest, the snack is rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fats, as well as vitamins D, B6 and B12.

Marinated and then carefully smoked, the salmon jerky has the fishy taste you would expect accented by the smoky flavor of traditional beef jerky. Nature’s Choice also offers a soy sauce-infused flavor for a Teriyaki-on-the-go experience.

Free of artificial preservatives, trans fat, artificial flavors, MSG or GMO’s, Nature’s Catch Smoked Salmon Jerky sells for $5 per two-ounce package. To order contact Nature’s Catch.

Euon Uglow


The August issue of British Vogue brought the figurative paintings of Euon Uglow to my attention.

Uglow is best known as a painter of the figure (particularly female nudes) as well as portraits, still-lifes, and landscapes. I love how he is able to conjure feelings of intimacy and warmth with his simple compositions which often consist of a single figure in a setting emptied of all extraneous details.