Soon to be ripped off by an ad agency near you…

This charming short film produced by Everynone to promote NY public radio explores the world of wordplay. Expect it to ‘inspire’ a creative team shortly…

The film, by Daniel Mercadente and Will Hoffman, promotes the Radiolab segment on WNYC. Some of the allusions may be just a tad forced but overall, it’s a thing of loveliness. So, what do you think… bank ad? Search engine maybe?

Or am I just being a horrible old cynic?

See more of Everynone’s work here

Link: The Guardian

The ballsiest Nike installation you’ve ever seen

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pLast month I was so caught up with the World Cup games, I never caught wind of the subsidiary events happening around South Africa. Like this killer Nike installation by A HREF=”” Ratcliffe Fowler Design/A, erected in a Jo’burg shopping mall: The 20-meter high figure is modeled after Carlos Tevez, and the 5,500 “pixels” are actual balls that were subsequently donated to football programs around South Africa./p

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pCheck out the video of it going up:/p

pobject width=”468″ height=”282″param name=”movie” value=”;hl=en_US”/paramparam name=”allowFullScreen” value=”true”/paramparam name=”allowscriptaccess” value=”always”/paramembed src=”;hl=en_US” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowscriptaccess=”always” allowfullscreen=”true” width=”468″ height=”282″/embed/object/p

pvia A HREF=”” the coolhunter/Abr /
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Because We Can does up the Stanford Institute of Design

pWhen the A HREF=”” Stanford Institute of Design/A needed a couple of A HREF=”” interior elements/A for their facilities, they turned to Because We Can, the awesome husband-and-wife design team we wrote about A HREF=”” earlier this year/A./p

pBWC made this killer built-in lounge made from cedar slats. We love how the frame, which looks to be CNC’d, makes for complete idiot-proof installation of the slats:/p

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pWe also dig the portable-but-enormous TVs that BWC made. They’re essentially huge screens of projection material mounted to a rolling frame that holds a projector:/p

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pCheck out more of Because We Can’s stuff A HREF=”” here./Abr /
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Dogs on Design: Debbie Millman Knows Her Shih Tzus

pimg alt=”Duff_Millman.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”351″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p

pemIn this fourth post in our series, Dogs on Design, a href=””Raleigh Pop/a blogger Sarah F. Cox went for a dog walk with Debbie Millman to talk about brands and breeds. While they were out, they ran into theater director Neil Pepe and his dog. /em/p

pIs loyalty to a dog breed like loyalty to a brand? Debbie Millman may not think of her two dogs, Scruffy and Duff, like she thinks of her clients, but there is evidence of some cross over. Scruffy, the older male, is a shih tzu while Duff, the female, is a mix of that and a spaniel. The two resemble a set of salt and pepper shakers that came packaged together, but it was Debbie’s design that united them when a poster for her dog walker led to an accidental adoption./pa href=””(more…)/a
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Merkury Innovations is seeking a Full Time Package Designer in New York City

pa href=”” border=”0″img alt=”coroflot-joboftheday.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”68″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //a/p

pstronga href=””Merkury Innovations/a
brPackage Designer/strongbr /New York, NY/p

pYOU are a package designer/graphic artist with a solid background in consumer products. Recent grads okay if you are INCREDIBLE but retail packaging experience is a 100% MUST. You are a creative genius who will rock our world visually and play a critical role in the conception and implementation of the packaging for our products, website, catalog, etc. /p

pa href=””raquo; view/a/p

pemThe best design jobs and portfolios hang out at a href=””Coroflot/a./em/p
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Land of Giants by Choi + Shine Architects

Land of Giants by Choi + Shine Architects

American firm Choi + Shine Architects designed these conceptual electricity pylons shaped like human figures to march across the Icelandic landscape.

Land of Giants by Choi + Shine Architects

Top: background image supplied by the Association of Icelandic Architects.
Above: background image © Thomas Ormston used under the cc license

Each pylon would be assembled from modular parts, which could be adapted into various positions to given the impression the the statues are walking, climbing or crouching.

Land of Giants by Choi + Shine Architects

The 30-metre tall statues would be supported on concrete footings and are an alteration of the steel frame used by existing pylons.

Land of Giants by Choi + Shine Architects

Click above for larger image

Called Land of Giants, the project was originally submitted for a 2008 competition held by Icelandic transmission company Landsnet and the Association of Icelandic Architects. See our earlier story on the competition.

Land of Giants by Choi + Shine Architects

Click above for larger image

The design was one of four winners at the recent 2010 Boston Society of Architects Unbuilt Architecture Awards.

Land of Giants by Choi + Shine Architects

Click above for larger image

All images are copyright Choi+Shine Architects unless other wise stated.

Here’s some more from the designers:


This design transforms mundane electrical pylons into statues on the Icelandic landscape.

Making only minor alterations to well established steel-framed tower design, we have created a series of towers that are powerful, solemn and variable. These iconic pylon-figures will become monuments in the landscape. Seeing the pylon- figures will become an unforgettable experience, elevating the towers to something more than merely a functional design of necessity.

The pylon-figures can be configured to respond to their environment with appropriate gestures. As the carried electrical lines ascend a hill, the pylon-figures change posture, imitating a climbing person. Over long spans, the pylon-figure stretches to gain increased height, crouches for increased strength or strains under the weight of the wires.

Land of Giants by Choi + Shine Architects

Click above for larger image

In addition, the pylon-figures can also be arranged to create a sense of place through deliberate expression. Subtle alterations in the hands and head combined with repositioning of the main body parts in the x, y and z-axis, allow for a rich variety of expressions. The pylon-figures can be placed in pairs, walking in the same direction or opposite directions, glancing at each other as they pass by or kneeling respectively, head bowed at a town.

Despite the large number of possible forms, each pylon-figure is made from the same major assembled parts (torso, fore arm, upper leg, hand etc.) and uses a library of pre-assembled joints between these parts to create the pylon-figures’ appearance. This design allows for many variations in form and height while the pylon-figures’ cost is kept low through identical production, simple assembly and construction.

Land of Giants by Choi + Shine Architects

Click above for larger image

The pylon-figures are designed to provide supports for the conductors, ground wires and other cables all within required clearances. These clearances are maintained in the various shown positions. The towers are largely self-supporting, sitting on concrete footings, perhaps with the addition of guy wires, depending on requirements of the loading wires.

Like the statues of Easter Island, it is envisioned that these one hundred and fifty foot tall, modern caryatids will take on a quiet authority, belonging to their landscape yet serving the people, silently transporting electricity across all terrain, day and night, sunshine or snow.

Land of Giants by Choi + Shine Architects

Click above for larger image

Project Type: High-Voltage Pylon Competition
Location: Iceland
Type of Client: A public company (that owns and runs the electrical transmission system in Iceland).
New or Reno: New – Pylon design competition.
Special constraints & site description: The pylons were intended to be constructable, affordable and durable.
Design challenges & solutions: We sought to make an iconic, unforgettable pylon, that created an identity for Iceland and the power company.
Original/Adaptation: The design is original.
Unusual/innovative building components: Each structure is composed of a kit of parts, minimizing construction costs.
Sustainable design elements: The structure is predominantly recyclable
Material use: Steel, glass and concrete
Completion date: 2008
Others involved: None

See also:


Transmisison Line Towers
by Arphenotype
Pylons of the Future
by Hugh Dutton Associés
Medical Herbman Café Project

Beautiful bikes from the past by O. Ray Courtney

pHenderson is a defunct brand of U.S.-made motorcycle that went bust around the time of the Great Depression. In 1936 designer O. Ray Courtney took a 1930 Henderson and modified it into the streamlined style you see here:/p

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p[photo credit: A HREF=””]/p

pLittle is known about Courtney, though his name does pop up again in a 1953 IPopular Science/I article, along with photos of another motorcycle he modded in 1950–with a style evolving along with the times:/p

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pThe 1936 bike is now owned (and was restored) by one Frank Westfall of Syracuse, New York. The 1950 bike, sadly, is MIA./p

pvia A HREF=”” knucklebuster/A and A HREF=”” finkbuilt/Abr /
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Paul Goldberger Talks Green Building with Architect Richard Cook

If you ever get a chance to see the New Yorker‘s architecture critic Paul Goldberger speak in person, we recommend you do it. We saw him earlier this year at a panel hosted by the Chicago Architectural Foundation and he was our favorite part of the evening. But if he doesn’t happen to be swinging into your town anytime soon, your next best option is to catch him somewhere like here, appearing in the latest edition of his magazine’s New Yorker Current video series. In this latest edition, Goldberger talks to architect Richard Cook about sustainability, LEED certification, and “the use of nature in design.” And coming in at just over 25 minutes, it’s just the thing for eating up some time on a slow summer Friday.

New Career Opportunities Daily: The best jobs in media.

Os Gemeos and Futura paint NY school

Brazilian artists Otavio and Gustavo Pandolfo (also known as ‘Os Gemeos‘) and graffiti legend Futura have just completed an 80-feet-high mural on the wall of a New York school.

The project was driven by New York-based creative studio AKANYC and street art website 12ozProphet with support from Nike (tying in with its World Basketball Festival) and paint company MTN Colors.

The mural is on the west-facing wall of P.S. 11, William T. Harris elementary school, in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York City. Work began on the afternoon of Friday, August 6, and was completed today, August 13.

The overall theme, we are told, is a message of international unity. Os Gemeos’ iconic yellow character (sometimes referred to as as ‘the giant’ or ʻgiganteʼ) is adorned with flags representing countries around the globe. Of the design, Os Gemeos says, “We are using different flags painted with non-traditional colours. The idea is ‘one world one voice’, no borders, no separation, just everything and everyone working together for a single cause that is a better world.” Seems like they did the bulk of the work, with Futura adding details within the overall scheme.

AKANYC creative director Allen Benedikt hopes “to create a regular mural series that we believe will inspire and enrich the creative communities throughout the city”.

All images courtesy AKANYC

Price drops on Modernist house from “Ferris Bueller”

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pWho could forget the Mies-van-der-Rohe-esque house Cameron lived in in IFerris Bueller/I, the one with the glass garage where he sent his dad’s 1961 Ferrari 250GT plummeting to its doom?/p

pOver a year ago we started seeing blog posts indicating the Highland Park house was on the market, going for A HREF=”” $2.3 mil/A. We checked A HREF=”” the listing/A yesterday and not only has the house Inot/I sold, but the price has dropped to $1.65 mil. This is your chance, lucky Core77 reader, to swoop in and save yourself $650,000! You better invite us over after you buy it./p

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pOfficially called the Ben Rose Home, the steel and glass structures are located at 370 Beech Street in Highland Park, a suburb of Chicago. They were designed by 20th-century architects A. James Speyer and David Haid./p

pAs Chicago-area ’80s movies houses go, this one’s a better look than that Colonial rat-trap Macaulay Culkin got locked up in./p

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p align=centerRebellious teenager not included/p
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