Travel expert Doug Dyment and former parachute riggers Red Oxx collaborate, Part 1: Carry-on bag designs
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pDoug Dyment is a travel and packing expert who runs A HREF=””, a website dedicated to promoting “The Art and Science of Traveling Light.” Dyment’s site is not so much a blog, but more a “reference guide that is forever being revised,” loaded up with frequent-traveler tips on what to pack, how to pack it, and what to pack it Iin./I/p
pOn that latter note, Montana-based luggage company Red Oxx (which started out rigging military parachutes) realized Dyment’s experience was a good source of potential design knowledge. The resultant collaboration has yielded two carry-on bags, the business-traveler-targeted A HREF=”” Air Boss/A and A HREF=”” Sky Train/A models./pa href=””(more…)/a
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