The Top 10 Time-Pieces For Any Style

imageWatches are the forgotten but practical accessory. Many of us overlook it, only remembering to put one on for an interview or important meeting, but watches and timepieces are a wonderful way to jazz up your outfit and tell time without your cell phone. Whether you’re looking for something sporty, or for a classic piece, or even something extra unique, there are an array of watch and timepiece styles out there to suit any personal taste. Telling time has never been so stylish or this much fun! From cheap and cheery to high dollar chic, it’s hard to see them all so here are our picks for the Top 10 timepieces! Just click on the slideshow!

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Love Factory

Trovato qui.

Love Factory

A passport to Albion

The new-look UK passport, unveiled yesterday, features a host of charming images of the isles and its weather systems. But far from reflecting an urbanised modern Britain, the new designs refer to the folklore of the past…

The psychedelic village scene above, for example, might look more at home on the sleeve of a folk rock album from the early 70s, but it forms the bottom half of the opening page of the new UK passport.

From the small selection of pages that we’ve seen, as issued by the UK Home Office press centre, it’s clear that a range of illustrative elements designed to evoke rural Britain have been incorporated into the document, which was created by the Identity and Passports Service’s product design team. Alongside the cottages above, there’s also some oak leaves and a native Chalkhill Blue butterfly (though any CR-reading lepidopterists, do correct me if I’m mistaken).

Of course, there are plenty of advancements in security features, too. For example, there’s a new transparent covering, which includes several holograms to protect the holder’s personal details, and there will now be two photographs of the passport holder on the official observations and personal details pages, shown below, which will move to the front of the document.

But check the detailing: it’s folk rock again – with a sea-faring lean! There’s a compass, cryptically placed on top of the passport bearer’s face, some gulls and a tern, and even an illustration of some rather choppy seas.

This being Britain, the weather is also a running illustrative theme across the passport’s 28 pages. Ahh, it appears to be cloudy again.

Other pages also feature well-known scenic gems including the white cliffs of Dover, the Gower peninsula, Ben Nevis and the Giant’s Causeway.

The new 10-year passport is set to be issued in October, produced under a £400 million contract by commercial security printers De La Rue.

Porter x White Mountaineering Collection

White Mountaineering ha rilasciato tutta una serie di accessori prodotti dalla giapponese Porter. Confesso che ne vado matto! Le trovate disponibili su Beams.

PORTER x White Mountaineering Collection

It’s Nice That ‘Oil Blows’

Lo shop di It’s Nice That è stato arricchito di nuovi pezzi tra cui questa tees Oil Blows.

It's Nice That Shop

At-At by Hasbro

Questo mega At-At Walker è un pezzo che prima o poi finirà nella mia collezione privata. Prodotto da Hasbro, la trovate qui ma non ditelo a nessuno prima che finiscano tutti 😉

At-At by Hasbro

Glacé Ice Cream

Gran lavoro di branding per i gelatai artigiani Glacé di Kansas City ad opera di Nathaniel Cooper.

Glacé Ice Cream

Glacé Ice Cream

Glacé Ice Cream

Glacé Ice Cream

Norse Projects × Ally Capellino Fjell Rucksacks

Nuova collaborazione tra il brand Ally Capellino e lo shop scandinavo Norse Projects per la release di questo Fjell Rucksacks. I materiali sono di ottima qualità e lo trovate disponibile qui.

Norse Projects × Ally Capellino Fjell Rucksacks

Augustin Esteso

Lui è Augustin Esteso e questo è il suo shop.

Augustin Esteso

Augustin Esteso

Carulla Knives Campaign

Après la très réussie campagne print Pictionary, voici cette opération d’ambient-marketing par Juan Jose Posada pour la marque de couteaux Carulla. Un travail sur deux supports : les journaux ainsi que sur les abribus. Plus d’images dans la suite de l’article.




Previously on Fubiz