Super x HighSnobiety II

Seconda collaborazione tra Super e il blog HighSnobiety che presumo voi tutti conosciate!
Il modello in questione che vedete nella foto qui sotto, è stato prodotto solamente in 80pz e 2 di questi li trovate su Maze.

Super x HighSnobiety II

Helping people in making their homes more energy efficient

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pThe Design Council has recently run a design workship with the UK a href=””Department of Energy and Climate Change/a (DECC) to look at how to encourage the adoption of home insulation and other low-carbon home modifications. /p

pA joint proposal stronga href=””How can we help people make their homes more energy efficient?/a/strong (pdf) shows how user-centred design research has helped DECC understand how consumers feel about installing cavity wall insulation or lagging their loft and it shows that people feel disengaged with the overarching environmental issues. /p

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John Kenny

Lui è John Kenny.

John Kenny

Charles Pyott’s designs spin records and wheels in new ways

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pL.A.-based designer A HREF=”″ Charles Pyott’s/A been getting lots of blog love lately for his portable A HREF=”″ Linos record player concept,/A above; another lesser-known project of his worth checking out is the A HREF=”″ DAWS/A (Dynamically Augmenting Wheel System, below). /p

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New Era 505 Fitted Cap

Lo so, questo modello di cap è un po’ vecchiotto ma ne approfitto per dirvi che giusto oggi pedalavo con un NewEra 59Fitted (quello regular per intendrci) e non ci vedevo una beata mazza. Questo con visiera ridotta (il modello è il 505) mi piacerebbe provarlo per capire se ci sta o sembro un totale m**chione!

FTC x New Era OG Logo 505 Fitted Cap

I.D. Magazine Annual Design Review Party

pimg alt=”ID_Annual_2010.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”635″ class=”mt-image-center” style=”text-align: center; display: block; margin: 0 auto 20px;” //p

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ID Magazine may have a href=””shut its doors/a this past year , but, as promised, the a href=””Annual Design Review/a stayed put, celebrating the best of design with its 2010 awards at the AIGA center in New York. /p

pNicely packed for a Wednesday evening in NYC, the festivities showcased a variety of work from product to packaging in the minimalist showroom design of a href=””Manuel Miranda/a and Jiwon Lee. The duo’s basic kraft paper-and-masking-tape-covered-pedestal installation reminded us of the simple solutions many winning designs captured (faves that put a smile on our face were Homebase’s a href=”″Grow Your Ow/an gardening product, the concept a href=”″Coat Check chai/ar and the a href=”″Meyerhoffer Surfboard/a). While the back wall display of some 60 I.D. covers served as visual epitaph to one of the most followed design publications from the last 50 years, the products in the room reminded us that though the printed page might be gone, but the conversation still continues. /p

pYou can see the whole lot of winners a href=””here/a./pa href=””(more…)/a
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Adidas Stan Smith 80’s Mid

Le Stan Smith Mid mancavano nel mio repertorio di sneakers! Le trovate anche su End Clothing.

Adidas Stan Smith 80’s Mid

Ask Unclutterer: Overflowing lotion bottles

Reader Sage submitted the following to Ask Unclutterer:

I have tons of lotion bottles — and they are all near full, and perfectly good to use, but I only use about 4 or 5 of the scents. What do I do with the rest? I don’t want to throw them away because that would be really wasteful of the lotion.

In my high school biology class, we bred mice to track which genetic traits of an original pair of two mice were transferred on to the more than 100, fourth generation, great-great-grandmice. Before the project started, my lab partners were convinced we could name all of the offspring after rock stars who died from drug overdoses in the 1960s and 1970s. (One of us had recently discovered her dad’s Sex Pistols’ album.) Since I was in high school before the days of Google and Wikipedia, we ran out of names during the second litter of mice and had to start using names of rock stars we were surprised hadn’t overdosed. We had no idea how quickly mice bred and how fertile they were, in addition to our lack of real knowledge about the music industry. We were also overwhelmed with cleaning, feeding, tracking pregnancies, and separating the mice into independent cages.

I think of this lab experiment gone awry whenever I go through my lotions, shampoos, and conditioners. These liquids appear to breed like Sid and Nancy, our first generation pair of mice. Without much time and effort, they overwhelm drawers and shelves.

To keep your lotions, shampoos, and conditioners from cluttering up your space, try these tips that have significantly helped me:

  • Start by checking all of the bottles’ expiration dates and putting the liquids through a smell test. Dispose of any lotions that are past their use-by dates and throw out any lotions that smell rancid or funky. After pouring the expired lotion in the trash, you should be able to recycle most of the plastic bottles.
  • Identify the exact location for where you will store your lotions in the future and create a perimeter that defines the area. This will be your dedicated lotion space, and you need to commit to not storing more lotion than can fit in this footprint. When this space is stuffed, you’ll know it’s time to unclutter again.
  • To get rid of the lotions that are good but you no longer want, trade with friends and extended family members for scents you like or simply give them as gifts.
  • Another option is to donate the good lotions to a charity, like a women’s shelter or homeless shelter. Call the charity before you drop off your donation, and only donate products that you would use if you liked the scent.
  • You can also put them in a guest bathroom in a basket with a sign “For Our Guests: Help yourself!” on it.
  • You can commit to using them up, regardless of your love for them. Most lotions lose their scents an hour or two after skin contact, anyway.
  • Even though it’s not always the most sane financial decision, you should commit to buying only the small size bottles of lotion in the future. Anything over 4 oz. will likely go unused.
  • Finally, resist the urge to take home bottles of lotion from hotels in an effort to keep your lotion stash under control. Or, do the exact opposite, and stop buying lotion and only keep the free samples you like from hotels. (And, yes, hotels are okay with you taking these samples. I’ve asked numerous folks in the hotel industry and they view these products as advertising.)

Thank you, Sage, for submitting your question for our Ask Unclutterer column. I hope I was able to help you with your lotion dilemma. Be sure to check the comments for even more ideas on how to keep lotion, shampoo, and conditioner from becoming clutter in your bathroom.

Do you have a question relating to organizing, cleaning, home and office projects, productivity, or any problems you think the Unclutterer team could help you solve? To submit your questions to Ask Unclutterer, go to our contact page and type your question in the content field. Please list the subject of your e-mail as “Ask Unclutterer.” If you feel comfortable sharing images of the spaces that trouble you, let us know about them. The more information we have about your specific issue, the better.

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Shoes-Up #27 “DIMENSIONS”

Non conoscevo questo magazine finchè oggi non mi è arrivata la loro newsletter. Dalle premesse sembra essere interessante…lo trovate distribuito in Francia in tutti gli shops/bookstores partners.

Shoes-Up #27

Shoes-Up #27

Shoes-Up #27

Shoes-Up #27

830 Sign

Ecco un’ anterprima della collezione F/W 2010 di 830 Sign. I capi vengono realizzati con i migliori tessuti: dai filati più pregiati per la maglieria, alle tele gipponesi per la parte denim. Tutte le altre immagini, all’interno del post. Trovate i retail direttamente sul sito.

830 Sign

830 Sign

830 Sign

830 Sign

830 Sign

830 Sign