London Design Festival 2010 Preview: Three New Design Districts

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pAh, the wonderful dilemma with design festivals: too much to do, too little time. The a href=””London Design Festival/a is making that problem even worse, announcing that it’s sweep of the city is broadening with three new design districts, each with its own character and events. In addition to a href=””Brompton and the Shoreditch Design Triangle/a, the Covent Garden, a href=””Fitzrovia Creative/a, and a href=””Clerkenwell/a districts will help to further inundate London with design September 18-26. Various events, exhibitions, and installations are scheduled in each of the districts. For more information, download the London Design Festival Guide a href=””here/a./pa href=””(more…)/a
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Videos of home-computing-in-the-future concepts

pHere’s a couple of interesting videos done by Austin-based design studio A HREF=”” Zoticus Design/A, displaying computing-of-the-future concepts that demonstrate client Freescale’s networking prowess. In the second video, I dig the way the woman sends info to her tablet around 1:15; the first video is otherwise the more interesting one, but I kept thinking “Why in God’s name is that little girl wearing so much makeup?”/p

piframe src=”″ width=”468″ height=”263″ frameborder=”0″/iframepa href=”″Freescale – Consumer/a from a href=””Zoticus Design/a on a href=””Vimeo/a./p/p

piframe src=”″ width=”468″ height=”263″ frameborder=”0″/iframepa href=”″Freescale – Industrial/a from a href=””Zoticus Design/a on a href=””Vimeo/a./pbr /
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Recession Chic: Urban Outfitters Collabs Mean Designer Duds for Less!

imageFinding a good bargain sometimes feels like finding a soulmate … and finding great clothes and accessories from amazing high-end designers at prices I can actually afford is just the kind of bargain that really sets my heart a-flutter! Urban Outfitters designer collaborations have got to be my favorite in the now saturated world of designer/ retail collabs. Urban partners with smaller, independent designers that I already adore, such as Geren Ford, Corpus, and Samantha Pleet, and their creativity isn’t stifled by having to produce for a mass market audience. Besides the one-of-a-kind must-have designs, another plus is the value of the clothes, jewelry and accessories being offered. While perhaps at a slightly higher price point than other Urban Outfitters products, the designer goods seem to have better quality materials, trims and construction. Urban Outfitters is always announcing new projects with designers and highlighting them on their always fun to read blog. I love a good bargain, and when a good bargain is also well made, adorable and supports up-and-coming designers, well that’s just the icing on my shopping cake. Click through the slideshow for some of my favorite pieces from the Urban Outfitters collaborations!

view slideshow

Venice Architecture Biennales Highest-Profile Exhibits (in Video)

It’s getting to be a Friday afternoon before a holiday and you and we both know you’re not getting any work done today. So here are some visual distractions to painlessly kill at least half an hour of this long, long day. Since most everyone has agreed that this year’s Venice Architecture Biennale is the bee’s knees, we thought we’d take a quick, all-video tour of some of the more high-profile exhibits. First, Designboom takes a look at Hans Ulrich Obrist‘s commissioned project wherein he interviewed the event’s participants. Therein you’ll find some behind-the-scenes shots of the video shoot, as well as a couple of linked clips from the exhibit, including one by this year’s curator, Kazuyo Sejima. Second, Domus took a tour of OMA‘s exhibit at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni, interviewing the project’s architect along the way. Definitely worth watching. Last, Frank Gehry was there in Venice to show off models of the massive park project he’s developing for the city of Arles in France. Since we know all that reading, clicking, and watching has left you all the more sluggish, we’ll do you one last favor and embed Gehry’s talk about that project, right here:

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This innovative house design is great for Shimane, Japan. It would never fly in Brooklyn

pIf you live in Brooklyn, the bane of your peaceful residential existence (or the source of your entertainment, depending on your disposition) is noisy teenagers hanging out on the stoop. So here we present The Last House I’d Ever Build in Brooklyn: A HREF=”” Y+M Design Office’s Stairs House/A./p

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pThe entire house, as you can see, is basically one gigantic stoop. Very cool for a beachside family property in Japan, not so cool when you live in Bushwick and would have to spend every evening chasing guys named Re-Re, Bombs-a-Poppin and Tommy Karate off of your goddamn roof while threatening to call cops that, let’s face it, have better things to do. /p

pHit the jump for more shots./pa href=””(more…)/a
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Secondome Edizioni by 5.5 designers, Sam Baron, Joost van Bleiswijk and Kiki van Eijk

Family by FABRICA , 5.5 designers, Joost van Bleiswijk and Kiki van Eijk

Italian design gallery Secondome have launched these handblown glass pieces by 5.5 designers, Sam Baron, Joost van Bleiswijk and Kiki van Eijk at Maison & Objet in Paris this week.

Family by FABRICA , 5.5 designers, Joost van Bleiswijk and Kiki van Eijk

Bucolic (top) by 5.5 designers are a pair of vasses with trellises for plants to climb. Joost Bells (above) by van Bleiswijk have terracotta stands finished in platinum enamel.

Family by FABRICA , 5.5 designers, Joost van Bleiswijk and Kiki van Eijk

Bijoux (above) by van Eijk consists of two cake stands and a money box with ceramic bases finished in gold enamel.

Family by FABRICA , 5.5 designers, Joost van Bleiswijk and Kiki van Eijk

Veni Vidi Vici (above) by Baron are three vases that can be used either way up.

Maison&Objet continues until 7 September.

Here’s some more from Secondome:

SECONDOME Edizioni September 2010

The Secondome family is getting bigger…

Getting bigger is the designers “family” : after Sam Baron together with the young designers from Fabrica (center in research in communication of Benetton group) we invited 5.5 Designers (group of 4 designers), Kiki Van Eijk and Joost Van Bleiswijk (Dutch designers whom reputation is international) for the September 2010 collection.

Getting bigger is also the products “family” : with new items in borosilicated hand blown glass, a material we are using from the beginning and for the very first time this material is coloured or combined with our traditionnal ceramic produced on a wheel and enamelled with gold or platinium.

See also:


Glass Skin by van Eijk
and van Bleiswijk
Down Side Up
by Fabrica
Cut and Paste by Kiki van Eijk at Secondome

Think.Side No.1

Inauguro oggi una nuova rubrica curata dal mio pusher di fiducia. Ogni venerdì si rinnoverà l’appuntamento con nuove recensioni…ovviamente se avete suggerimenti e altra merce di scambio, vi rimando ai commenti. Enjoy the week-end!
– Luca –


Robert Hood

Se tra i vari generi musicali etichettati con termini sempre più bizzarri il vostro preferito è quello denominato “TECHNO” tirate un bel respiro e sparatevi a volume altissimo Omega di Robert Hood. Omega è composto da beat di una potenza lacerante ma propone anche il classico suono plasticoso che tanto ci piace e attenzione in alcune tracce il nostro non si dimentica delle radici funk che lo hanno caratterizzato agli inizi e quindi cosa fa? Con una precisione chirurgica ci mette dentro pure dei groove che danno quel tocco in più che non guasta affatto.
Passo e chiudo con una info sul disco, Hood ha tratto ispirazione per comporre Omega dal libro “I’m A Legend” dello scrittore Richard Matheson.

The Suburbs

Arcade Fire

Talvolta in ambito indie rock escono delle band che pare abbiano una storia da scrivere ma il destino è crudele il secondo o terzo album è la loro tomba per assurdo costruita con le loro stesse mani. Questo non è il caso degli Arcade Fire! Che gruppo con la cazzimma questi canadesi, escono nell’attesa più spessa possibile con critici pronti a decretare la loro fine e invece mettono sul banco il loro disco più compiuto, più stratificato, più caratterizzante, maturo? No dai è roba da riccardoni quella. Io all’ascolto della title-track ho avuto una specie di catarsi e ho decretato “questo è uno dei pezzi della vita”! E ci credo tutt’ora a questa cosa.
Potrete sentire traccia dopo traccia questa fantastica ensemble canadese che omaggia a suon di pezzi favolosi artisti come Televison, David Bowie, Blondie, Talking Heads, vi pare poco?
Disco irrinunciabile, ad alta densità pop/rock talmente riuscito da affondare fino alle radici dei suddetti generi.


Benoit Pioulard

Non so voi ma aspetto con trepidazione l’autunno, conoscete no?
Il freddo in arrivo, le foglie che abbandonano gli alberi e mutano da verdi in gialle. L’attesa è ancora lunga ma io gioco d’anticipo e vi propongo il nuovo studio album di Thomas Meluch aka Benoit Pioulard come dire roba da “autunno peso”. Il disco parte con la strumentale “Purse Discusses” il rumore della pioggia il traffico cittadino con gli echi dei clacson impazziti e via via il suono diventa sempre più rarefatto il pezzo a seguire è “sault” e cosa ve lo dico a fare? E’ un colpo al cuore! Roba davvero grossa. B.Pioulard è parte di quel cantautorato folk imbastardito con elettronica, rumorismo di sottofondo ecc. questo suo disco esce per la mitica etichetta indie Kranky che tanto per cantarcela ha fatto esordire una band canadese chiamata ‘Godspeed You! Black Emperor’. E ora basta perdere tempo in chiacchere io passo a Lasted a quel gran disco intitolato Lasted.

Minimalist Chess Set

In vendita al MoMA Store potete trovare questo Minimalist Chess Set del ‘66 dove le classiche pedine vengono rappresentate con edifici in legno.

Customer service, SNCF style

DDB Paris has created a set of amusing ads for French rail company SNCF, which show five passengers receiving epic, personalised greetings when arriving at Gare l’Est in Paris…


The ads, directed by Glue Society’s Matt Devine, aim to promote the services of the online booking website, To emphasis the personal touch of the site, five travellers are captured on film receiving a tailor-made welcome when they arrive at the station – Sylvie, a heavy metal fan, is greeted by a rawk band (top), while a young chap called Fabien is mobbed by screaming women (above).


Elsewhere, romantic Gabrielle is uncomfortably serenaded by an uber-tanned Liberace lookalike, and Aurélien is beseiged by kung fu fighters.


In the final spot, kiddies Jade and Jenna get greeted by a batch of excitable clowns. While all this activity might put you off travelling via Gare l’Est, the passengers in the ads (mostly) seem to take it all in their stride. We wonder how many less cheerful reactions to being surprised in this way ended up on the cutting room floor….


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Studiobility debuts new products at today’s Maison et Objet show in Paris

pA HREF=”” Studiobility/A, the Icelandic design studio headed up by Gudrun Lilja, has launched a new partially-eponymous brand: Bility. Today at the Maison et Object design show in Paris, Lilja will take the wraps off of new Bility items like this A HREF=”” Heklad Stal/A shelf made from polycoated steel:/p

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