Think.Side No.2

Nuovo appuntamento, come promesso, con la rubrica Think.Side. Altri 3 album fondamentali da avere in playlist. Questo week end saprete cosa ascoltare davanti al banco della Fnac!
– Luca –


Holy Fuck

Altro gran colpo dei canadesi che almeno per questa volta diminuiscono il fattore NOISE per dare più risalto al kraut dei settanta con spizzate psichedeliche; il risultato è quanto di meglio si potesse sperare.
‘Coesione nel caos’ forse questa è la migliore traduzione per Latin.
‘Stilettos’ è figlio del loro recente passato con quel suo suono sintetico in cui emerge la pazzia di certe percussioni, il sound ambient di ‘1MD’ è la giusta apertura che lascia campo a ‘Red Lights’ che vaga impazzito come un vero e proprio proiettile.
Leggendo qua e là nella rete mi son fatto l’idea che l’apice del disco sia in quella commistione di voci in digitale, beat gracchianti che caratterizzano ‘SHT MTN’.
Comunque sia, con gli Holy Fuck anche stavolta il Canada vince soprattutto perchè nella loro musica emerge quella spinta sperimentale calda e vibrante che sa spaziare con ‘intelligenza’ in un genere (electro-noise-rock) nel quale è facile bruciarsi in fretta.
Guarda il video di Holy Fuck ‘Latin America

There is love in you

Four Tet

Quarantasette minuti avvolgenti che sconfinano su diversi territori (elettronica,jazz,post rock), quarantasette minuti suddivisi in tracce che suonano come un inno d’amore incondizionato per la musica e per la gente che vuole ascoltarla, quarantasette minuti partoriti dal genio Kieran Hebden aka Four Tet.
E’ da un pò di tempo che circola ma alcune cose sono fatte per resistere allo scorrere del tempo, alcune cose come ‘Angel Echoes’ (con quella voce femminile in loop che ci ripete allo sfinimento “there is no love in you), come ‘Love Cry’ (quell’impatto schizoide accompagnato dai synth giusti per l’occasione), e come ‘This Unfolds’ (che per il sottoscritto è il pezzo migliore con quell’impasto sonoro che sta a metà strada fra jazz e post rock). Sarà, anzi, è già fra i migliori album del 2010 e non solo, questo disco infatti è fatto per restare ‘ISTANT CLASSIC’.

Quarantine the past


Non venite a dirmi che non avete mai sentito parlare dei Pavement.
Se vi siete macchiati di questo imperdonabile errore, ma anche se li seguite dai ‘90, è d’obbligo mettere sul vostro lettore questa raccolta che ripercorre la loro carriera.
Questa, per intenderci, è una band fondamentale per qualsiasi appassionato di rock; loro sono gli alfieri di quel genere denominato lo-fi e, a suo tempo, il pezzo ‘Cut you hair’ era divenuto una specie di manifesto per un’intera generazione.
Tipo il ragazzino del college con le converse bucate che fumava erba e amava quella biondina prosperosa di estrazione punk o l’intellettualoide incazzoso che non perdeva l’occasione di imbucarsi in qualsivoglia manifestazione di protesta. A parte queste dicerie restano intatti nel tempo lo splendore di pezzi come Gold Soundz, Frontwards, Stereo, In the mouth a desert, Unfair e quella pazzesca e melodicamente devastante Shady Lane/ j vs s.
Insomma siamo di fronte a una raccolta che vale la pena avere sul proprio scaffale, chiaramente non a prendere polvere! Lunga vita a S.Malkmus e soci che sostanzialmente combattono per un mondo ‘musicalmente’ migliore.
Guarda il video di Pavement ‘Shady Lane

UnBeige’s Top Ten Ways to Spend Fashion’s Night Out (Part 2)

Ruffle up and deal: Valentino will celebrate Fashion’s Night Out with a charity poker tournament.

Our countdown of ways to spend your Fashion’s Night Out continues, from gambling for a good cause and playing designer ping-pong to admiring exotic ice buckets and sampling a slice of an Eiffel Tower-shaped cake.

  • Go all in at Valentino. Ruffle up and deal! Tear yourself away from the floaty fall confections of Maria Grazia Chiuri and Pier Paolo Piccioli to cheer on the participants in Valentino’s poker tournament (747 Madison Avenue). Among those mustering their best poker faces will be Devon Aoki, 30 Rock‘s Judah Friedlander, Richard Johnson, and Molly Sims, who’ll take to the tables and play for their favorite charities. Once the winner has been declared, ask them to deal you in and pray for pocket aces. Poker not your thing? Consider playing ping-pong with designer Robert Geller, who will pick up a paddle at Barneys (660 Madison Avenue) from 8 to 9 p.m., or dance ’til you drop at Tracy Reese‘s dance marathon (641 Hudson Street).
  • Get married. Or at least prepare to walk the down the aisle in style. Wedding gown designer-turned-lifestyle brand Vera Wang will begin the evening at her uptown salon (991 Madison Avenue), where she’ll style brides and sign books from 6 to 7 p.m. Over in Chelsea, wedding gift registry service NewlyWish has partnered with product designer Michael Aram for a bridal bash of epic proportions at his flagship store (136 West 18th Street). Chat up Aram himself and meet many of the other NewlyWish network wedding experts, including cupcake queen Tawny Ong and Belle Fleur’s bouquet gurus, with whom we plan to debate the merits of gerbera daisies. The matrimonial bliss continues at Reem Acra (14 East 60th Street), where the designer will sip “Reem-tinis” with the likes of event designer Preston Bailey and wedding cake baker extraordinaire Sylvia Weinstock. All those signature cocktails will help guests loosen up for performances by burlesque artist Dirty Martini and music by DJ Lady Bunny.


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    Design For You – Herman Miller

    Herman Miller ha lanciato il progetto Design For You, per avere la possibilità di vincere una di queste splendide Rocker Chair customizzate da 5 artisti tra cui Josh Cochran, Christopher Lee e Mark Giglio.

    Design For You - HermanMiller

    Ask Unclutterer: Should my family have more than one computer?

    Reader Angela submitted the following to Ask Unclutterer:

    I work from home with one laptop (a MacBook), which is all I need — until my two children (10 and 15) come home! Then, it’s a fight over who needs the computer. I am usually finished with work, but I may want to surf and check my email. The kids claim to have homework, but I seriously doubt their teachers are assigning videos from YouTube! Anyway, my question for you and the Unclutterer readers is, “How many computers do you think are normal for a family of three?” I am trying to buy less and save more, but I really want another Mac!

    To answer your stated question about how many computers are normal for a family of three, the answer is one computer. The Kaiser Family Foundation (using data from the US Department of Commerce) reports that although 90 percent of children in 2009 have access to a computer at home, only 36 percent of children ages 8-18 have their own computers in their bedrooms. So, most children are using a shared family computer in their homes.

    However, these facts are meaningless if you are interested in getting a second computer. Evaluate your situation, save the $1,500 for a new Mac, and then buy one if you decide it is what is best for you and your family. Remember, if an object has utility for you and your family, it’s not clutter.

    Before buying a second computer, though, I’d like to recommend an experiment for you to conduct. Tell your children that you realize you all can’t use the computer at the same time when you’re at home and you’ve decided to alleviate this problem. Then, the next day after school, drive them to the public library. Synchronize your watches and tell your children they have 45 minutes to jump on the computers and complete their digital-necessary homework. After a week of spending 45 minutes each evening at the library, you’ll have a good idea as to if your children are using the computers for school work (or socializing) and if you really could benefit from a second home computer.

    My guess is that your kids will either complain and whine and tell you that you’re a horrible mom, or they’ll actually appreciate their daily time at the library and enjoy having time on the computers to do their homework without having to share a machine. After years of teaching high school, I can say with absolute certainty that your children are not going to have a vague response — you will know if they need a second computer for school work.

    Thank you, Angela, for submitting your question for our Ask Unclutterer column.

    Do you have a question relating to organizing, cleaning, home and office projects, productivity, or any problems you think the Unclutterer team could help you solve? To submit your questions to Ask Unclutterer, go to our contact page and type your question in the content field. Please list the subject of your e-mail as “Ask Unclutterer.” If you feel comfortable sharing images of the spaces that trouble you, let us know about them. The more information we have about your specific issue, the better.

    Like this site? Buy Erin Rooney Doland’s Unclutter Your Life in One Week from today.

    Ito Morabito’s kick-ass designs for furniture and, well, every category of industrial design under the sun

    pI could do without the excessive jump-cutting, but this video of Ito Morabito’s Ora-Gami chair definitely has its moments: /p

    piframe src=”″ width=”468″ height=”263″ frameborder=”0″/iframepa href=”″ORA ITO/a from a href=””MTC CORP/a on a href=””Vimeo/a./p/p

    pProduced under French designer Morabito’s A HREF=”” Ora-Ito/A brand, the Ora-Gami keeps good company; we love the Ora-Ito Ayrton (below), a bed inspired by the F1 driver, and there are tons of other eye-catching pieces of furniture, bottles, lighting designs, consumer products, and more in Ora-Ito’s crazy thick portfolio. It’s a Friday, so steal a few hours to browse and check it all out A HREF=”” here/A. You won’t be sorry./p

    pimg alt=”0oraito.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”1033″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” /br /
    /pa href=””(more…)/a
    pa href=””img src=”” border=”0″ ismap=”true”/img/abr/
    a href=””img src=”” border=”0″ ismap=”true”/img/a/p

    Design Icons Chairs

    Divertente App per testare il vostro design addicted. Sapreste indovinare nome, design e anno di produzione delle oltre 100 silhouette di sedie? Sviluppata da Mark Stevens, la trovate qui.


    The S7-SERIES is a Windows Phone 7 device aimed at attracting users who want to stand out from the iPhone crowd using its bamboo casing and unique cam..

    Hulger Plumen 001 Light Bulbs

    Gli stessi del famoso Hulger Phone hanno sviluppato Plumen. Cambiando completamente campo di applicazione ma restando sempre in ambito design, questa volta si tratta di una lampadina a basso consumo energetico della durata (dicono) di 8 anni e di un consumo dell’80% in meno. Disponibile in tre forme diverse direttamente sul loro store.

    Hulger Plumen 001 Light Bulbs

    Hulger Plumen 001 Light Bulbs

    David Shrigley attempts to Save The Arts

    David Shrigley has joined a number of contemporary artists in supporting Save The Arts, a campaign that aims to make the case against the proposed 25% cuts in UK government funding of the arts. He has created this very amusing film to articulate the main points of the campaign…


    For more info on Save The Arts, visit


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    Eggbot kit: for geeky easter bunnies

    Questo robot ti permette di decorare qualsiasi cosa che abbia forma cilindrica, dalla pallina di ping pong alle uova di pasqua! Comunica con Inkscape e si comporta come una vera e propria stampante connessa via USB.

    Eggbot kit: for geeky easter bunnies