iPad Light Painting

Ce film “Making Future Magic” explore les utilisations ludiques et techniques pour déplacer des objets et des formes typographiques en 3D. Le tout en light-painting grâce à un iPad et un EOS 5D Mark II, par l’agence Dentsu London. La vidéo est à découvrir dans la suite de l’article.



Previously on Fubiz

Africa Is The Future

Predict Africa’s fate with bold tees and hoodies

Raised in Paris by a French mother and Congolese father, photographer Nicolas Premier traveled to the Republic of Congo to investigate his roots for the first time in September 2001. Shocked by the destruction and poverty plaguing much of the capital city Brazzaville due to the civil war, Premier painted a series of portraits inspired by this reality.

aitf2.jpg aitf3.jpg

When he showed his work at a group exhibit in Paris, Premier made a one-off shirt for the exhibit, which plainly stated “Africa is the Future.” Following its success, he initially only produced a small run of the tees, but now peddles the altruistic duds online.


Premier has been documenting the various people wearing the shirts on the AITF blog, which includes everyone from Nigerian-German singer Nneka to American hip-hop duo Dead Prez. AITF tanks, tees and hoodies start around €17.

WashHouse by Studio Makkink Bey

WashHouse by Studio Makkink & Bey

Blankets hang from wooden frames to represent a rural village in this installation at Helmrinderknecht gallery in Berlin by Dutch designers Studio Makkink & Bey.

WashHouse by Studio Makkink & Bey

Called WashHouse, the mohair blankets feature drawings of brickwork, roofing, wooden buildings, vegetable patches, animals and transport.

WashHouse by Studio Makkink & Bey

They have been pegged over wooden frames as though visitors are walking through a series of washing lines or a drawn village.

WashHouse by Studio Makkink & Bey

The show continues until 30 October 2010.

WashHouse by Studio Makkink & Bey

The information that follows is from the gallery:


In Dutch design studio Makkink & Bey (Rianne Makkink & Jurgen Bey)’s world, design is a narrative based process. For their frst solo exhibition at HELMRINDERKNECHT contemporary design gallery, Studio Makkink & Bey has created a site-specifc walk through the three dimensional landscape of a rural village.

WashHouse by Studio Makkink & Bey

Mohair woollen blankets hanging on a clothesline give shape to the space and divide it. Individually woven patterns and lines become a house’s exterior walls or refect the imagery of the surrounding landscape.

WashHouse by Studio Makkink & Bey

The washing line is draped in between simple wooden posts. Although these posts function as a laundry rack within the space, within the fictive landscape they become trees.

WashHouse by Studio Makkink & Bey

Renowned for continually questioning the role of industrial design in our society, Makkink & Bey approach contemporary questions about the cross-disciplinary feld with innovative solutions.

WashHouse by Studio Makkink & Bey

This analytical approach is the basis for their design methodology that not only values beauty, but as well strives towards the continuous development of alternative means of dealing with space, the environment and our resources. Makkink & Bey’s new and visionary work is characterised by its focus on traditional craftsmanship and the use of environmentally conscious resources.

WashHouse by Studio Makkink & Bey

The installation, “WashHouse” traces our sensual and experiential perception of private and public spaces. Private space is determined by walls and other extreme demarcations. It is therefore protected and cared for by the individual. Public space is moulded by the responsible cooperation between individuals and groups.

WashHouse by Studio Makkink & Bey

It is open, without boundaries and based on the principle of collective participation. Woollen blankets are the design objects through which space is defned, with inner and outer mirroring one another. Like houses, woollen blankets offer human beings protection and shelter. Taking care of warmth and security, they are roofs over our heads and tuck us comfortably in. Both roof and blanket make private, protected moments possible.

WashHouse by Studio Makkink & Bey

Studio Makkink & Bey’s woollen blankets can simultaneously stage very private, intimate scenes as well as create vast public spaces. The border between private and public becomes blurred. Mohair is used to represent its softness and permeability. But “WashHouse” reaches as well into another level: by employing clothesline to hang the blankets, the association of cleanliness and freshness arise, for which the individual is responsible in both private and public space.

WashHouse by Studio Makkink & Bey

The woollen blankets were produced at the Textielmuseum’s workshop, Textilelab, in Tilburg, Netherlands. All blankets are two sided and woven with two different colours. There are a total of fve patterns. Each woollen blanket is unique and exlusively available at HELMRINDERKNECHT contemporary design. Measurements: 160×250m. Material: Mohair (goat hair)

WashHouse by Studio Makkink & Bey

Jurgen Bey (*1965) is one of the Netherlands best known designers. He and the architect Rianne Makkink (*1964), founded Studio Makkink & Bey in 2002. Makkink & Bey produce work in the felds of industrial design, exhibition design, installations in public space and applied arts. Jurgen Bey teaches at the Royal College of Art in London and was named Director of the Sandberg Institute in Amsterdam in 2010.

WashHouse by Studio Makkink & Bey

We are grateful to the Embassy of The Kingdom of the Netherlands for their kind support of the exhibition.

See also:


Repacked by Studio
Makkink & Bey
Work Sofa by Studio
Makkink & Bey
House of Furniture Parts by
Studio Makkink & Bey

Type Tuesday: Twitface

Behind the Scenes at Damien Hirst’s Effects on the Art Market


Staying in the UK a bit longer and specifically with one of the artists mentioned in that last post, The Economist has published this fascinating read: “The Art Market: Hands Up for Hirst.” It covers the quick rise and sudden fall of the prices surrounding Damien Hirst‘s famously expensive pieces, including the legendary “Beautiful” which sold at a price near $200 million at an auction held around this time two years ago (it went along with the bulk of 223 other pieces that also fetched hundreds of thousands, if not multiple millions). However, since the economic tumble that swept the world shortly thereafter, the perceived value of his work has fallen considerably, as well as his sales numbers (just two months after that record-setting September auction, Hirst laid off most of his staff). Since the decline, while the artist remained rich from the sales, those who bought his work at those incredibly high costs, including those temporarily-anonymous buyers, have seen their investments cut to pieces (or, to make a stupid joke, the financial version of his his “Mother and Child Divided“). It’s a great look at how Hirst has affected the art market and how it’s now suffering through it. Definitely worth your time.

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London Design Festival Preview: Nelly Ben Hayoun’s Domestic Volcano

div style=”align: right;”img src=”http://s3files.core77.com/blog/images/2010/09/volcano1.jpg” width=”468″ height=”312″ alt=”volcano1.jpg”//div

pWe featured Designer/Performer a href=”http://www.nellyben.com/”Nelly Ben Hayoun/a in our a href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/starting_out/starting_out_nelly_ben_hayoun_designerperformer__17097.asp”Starting Out/a series this past August. During the studio visit, she mentioned off hand that she been dreaming of making a volcano (and was mildly annoyed that Eyjafjallajokull had beat her to the punch). She’s a fast worker, because this year at the London Design Festival emThe Other Volcano/em (yes, Nelly’s) will be unveiled at the Sunbury Workshops. /p

pOn show is a first ceramic version of the project, a 100 times scale down replica of the Mount St. Helen’s explosion, developed in collaboration with a href=”http://www.austinhouldsworth.co.uk/”Austin Houlsdworth/a, explosives designer, and a href=”http://www.es.ucl.ac.uk/people/fearnley/”Carina Fearnley/a, volcanologist. /pa href=”http://www.core77.com/blog/featured_items/london_design_festival_preview_nelly_ben_hayouns_domestic_volcano__17379.asp”(more…)/a
pa href=”http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/36fXa1_vgiKzO_Agfv41JdgdBBs/0/da”img src=”http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/36fXa1_vgiKzO_Agfv41JdgdBBs/0/di” border=”0″ ismap=”true”/img/abr/
a href=”http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/36fXa1_vgiKzO_Agfv41JdgdBBs/1/da”img src=”http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/36fXa1_vgiKzO_Agfv41JdgdBBs/1/di” border=”0″ ismap=”true”/img/a/p

Series 2010 Golden Ticket Mayo Dunny

Svelato il Golden Ticket della Dunny Series 2010: il Mayo Dunny, una variante della Ketchup Dunny di SketOne. Do ragione a SoSilver che visti tutti insieme, non sono niente male!

Series 2010 Golden Ticket Mayo Dunny

Are you productively or destructively wasting time?

I’m a proponent of wasting time when it feeds a greater purpose, such as when it recharges your body and mind, strengthens a relationship, or introduces you to a new way of looking at things. A former colleague of mine had a jelly bean dispenser in her office, and while on mid-afternoon strolls by her desk we sometimes solved work-related problems just by casually talking them over with each other.

What isn’t productive, however, is wasting time as a procrastination technique, to avoid responsibilities, or to take advantage of someone else.

If you don’t know the difference between productive and destructive time wasting, here is a simple way to tell:

Imagine your boss or a well-respected colleague were to walk by your desk and have immediate and full access to what you were doing and thinking. Would you change your behavior?

If the answer is “no,” you’re very likely in the productive time wasting category and you should feel comfortable with what you’re doing. Remember that even bosses and respected colleagues take breaks from time-to-time, so be realistic when you’re constructing your answer.

If the answer is a strong “yes,” however, you’re in the destructive time wasting category and it’s time for you to get back to work.

Like this site? Buy Erin Rooney Doland’s Unclutter Your Life in One Week from Amazon.com today.

Sinn 900 Pilots S

I tedeschi di Sinn hanno rilasciato il nuovissimo cronografo 900 Pilot S. Cassa in acciao inossidabile, tecnologia di deumificazione e altre chicche lo rendono un modello davvero interessante. In vendita nei migliori dealers del brand.

Sinn 900 Pilots S


Appendiabito disegnato da Eugenio Gargioni e Paola Traversa di Eugadesign.

