Excerpt: Eight strategies to stop procrastinating
Posted in: UncategorizedThe following is an excerpt from my book Unclutter Your Life in One Week, which comes out next week on November 3. If you have pre-ordered the book, THANK YOU! and also don’t forget to sign up to receive the special PDF bonus worksheets. And, to let you know, the electronic Kindle version is now available for pre-order (still no word on the other e-book formats).
Now, on with the excerpt from the Thursday chapter, “Working While at Work” section of the book:
“… try these strategies for improving your productivity when you don’t really want to work:
- Similar to what you might do when exercising, play music with a fast rhythm.
- If you drink caffeine, consume it in small, frequent amounts instead of just one large cup at the beginning of the day.
- Set time-specific goals in two-, five-, or ten-minute increments. Identify what you want to accomplish in a very short amount of time, and then set a timer and go for it.
- Isolate yourself. Remove the desire to procrastinate by not having any other options but to work.
- Acknowledge that you’re procrastinating. Often, just realizing that you’re putting something off is enough to get you working.
- Challenge a colleague to see who can get the most work done in a set time period.
- Ask someone to help you stay accountable. There are professional motivators who will call you once a day to see how you’re doing, but a trusted and willing friend or coworker can do the same thing for free.
- If the task doesn’t require much though, listen to an audiobook while you work. Agree to only listen to the book when you’re working on the project you don’t want to do. This way, you’ll be interested in hearing more of the story each time you take on the undesirable task.”