Windows Phone Campaign‬

A l’occasion du lancement mondial du Windows Phone 7, voici cette campagne imaginée par l’agence de publicité Crispin Porter + Bogusky avec la baseline “A phone to save us from our phones”. Un spot réalisé sur In the Hall of the Mountain King du compositeur Edvard Grieg.



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Lexus’ wickedly huge driving simulator, "World’s most advanced"


This 56-foot-diameter pod sits on a tiltable turntable resting on tracks that can move in both axes, like a huge CNC router; but it’s not a manufacturing device, it’s Lexus’ insanely complex new driving simulator, billed as the world’s most advanced. Full 360-degree projections inside the dome provide a convincingly immersive environment, and as the dome pitches and yaws the driver inside can be fooled into thinking he’s turning, braking and accelerating at speeds of up to 186 miles per hour!


Space Hotel

Un projet en développement avec Orbital Technologies, une société russe qui prévoit de lancer en orbite cette capsule devenant alors le premier hôtel de l’espace. Jusqu’à 7 personnes pourront y séjourner : le coût n’a pas été révélé, mais le lancement est prévu pour 2016.




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Linkin Park – Waiting for the End

Voici le clip vidéo pour le nouveau titre du groupe Linkin Park : “Waiting for the End.” Une expérience artistique et numérique axé sur le prise de contrôle des machines dans notre quotidien. Une réalisation réussie de Joe Hahn, membre du groupe. A découvrir dans la suite.




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This Just Inbox: Patrick Hyland’s Copper Phone Uses Heat for Power


Patrick Hyland is working on creating a “charger-free cell phone future.” This means that, in addition to lowering electricity consumption, we won’t have to mess with annoying chargers anymore and can stop throwing them away (because we won’t have them in the first place).

According to Hyland, discarded chargers produce 51,000 tons of waste annually. To address this problem, he’s proposed a cell phone that charges with heat. A conductive copper skin transmits heat to a thermogenerator inside, producing electricity when the phone is placed on a radiator or inside a pocket. The skin is engraved with small heatsinks, mimicking a sun-baked, dry earth pattern.



The EU’s newly launched Innovation Union


With a completely over the top video (but hey, that’s what it takes to make something go viral, no?), the European Commission has launched yesterday an ambitious initiative that aims to use public sector intervention to help the private sector flourish and make Europe more competitive in a global economy.

“The Innovation Union will focus Europe’s efforts – and co-operation with third countries – on challenges like climate change, energy and food security, health and an ageing population. It will use public sector intervention to stimulate the private sector and to remove bottlenecks which stop ideas reaching the market. These include lack of finance, fragmented research systems and markets, under-use of public procurement for innovation and slow standard setting. The Innovation Union is a “flagship” in the Europe 2020 Strategy.”

Also of interest to a design audience are some items in the launch press release (available in all EU languages):

  • The Commission will set up in 2011 a European Design Leadership Board and a European Design Excellence Label.
  • The Commission will launch in 2011 a major research programme on public sector and social innovation and pilot a European Public Sector Innovation Scoreboard. It will launch a European Social Innovation Pilot to provide expertise for social innovators and propose social innovation as a focus of European Social Fund programmes. It will consult social partners on spreading the innovation economy to all occupational levels.
  • The Commission proposes that governments set aside dedicated budgets for public procurement of innovative products and services. This should create a procurement market worth at least €10 billion a year for innovations that improve public services. The Commission will offer guidance on joint procurements between contracting entities from different Member States.

Much more information can be found on the somewhat poorly designed Innovation Union website (and on their Facebook page and Twitter feed).

We are definitely looking forward to Robert Billing’s Tales from the Future and the interactive demonstration of augmented reality.


Wake Up Concept

Un projet original du designer sud-coréen Seung Jun Jeong avec cet oreiller remplaçant l’alarme et le réveil du matin. En effet, il est doté d’un vibreur se déclenchant de manière progressive lors du lever du jour, en fonction de la programmation de l’utilisateur. Explications dans la suite.




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Light-extruding tech now available in app form


One of our most-Tweeted posts was the recent “How to extrude light,” which showed design consultancy Berg and Dentsu London’s innovative use of an iPad and long-shutter photography to produce images in space.

Unsurprisingly, the technology is now available in app form for both the iPad and iPhone with Garry Sommerville’s Holo-Paint–albeit currently for phrases only, so you’ll not be able to draw the cool cityscape above. It allows you to select the depth, angle, color, font, and various other settings, and thus far it’s ringing in at just 99 cents. (From some of the confused reviews, it’s apparently not clear that you also need an SLR. You do, in order to shoot your iDevice actually extruding the word.)


Nokia researching fabric-like electronics for future cell phones


Dropping your cell phone is a big deal. For most of us it happens sooner or later, with luck dividing us into those standing on carpet and those standing on cement.

Dropping phones might not be an issue in the future if a current line of research Nokia is pursuing takes off. Dr. Stephanie Lacour of the Nokia Research Centre in Cambridge demonstrates a “stretchable electronic skin” that could one day be the form phones come in, in which case we’d be wearing them rather than holding them, and dropping them would be more like dropping a handkerchief than a crystal dish.

Next we’re hoping someone can address the far more common issue of dropped calls.

via dvice


Nissan Townpod EV

Le constructeur japonais Nissan vient de dévoiler les premières images du concept “Townpod”, un prototype de véhicule urbain 100 % électrique. Un compromis entre une berline et un véhicule professionnel avec un look décalé. Plus de visuels dans la suite de l’article.







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