SVA Adds One-Year MA in Design Research, Writing, and Criticism

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It was the great design scholar Ferris Bueller who once said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” New York’s School of Visual Arts is heeding the need for speed and the importance of looking around with a one-year MA in design research, writing, and criticism. The new graduate program, which launches this fall, is an evolution of D-Crit (the two-year MA program in design criticism that has been sharpening design minds since 2008) streamlined into two semesters and eight months of studying images, objects, and environments, and learning ways to construct multi-format narratives that bring them to life from a faculty that includes Steven Heller, MoMA’s Paola Antonelli, and Murray Moss. “The program’s curriculum charts the cutting edge of design practice and is responsive to exciting developments in the media landscape,” says Alice Twemlow, the program’s founding chair. Learn more at next Sunday’s open house and info session.

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Travis Louie: Strange Discoveries: The master creature conjurer and visual storyteller brings his strange new characters to Los Angeles

Travis Louie: Strange Discoveries

In Travis Louie’s imaginary world strange creatures and humans exist side-by-side—and are even sometimes morphed together into one. While much of his work offers a fictional recreation of the Continue Reading…

Take It On Posters

Ces posters ’Take it On’ ont été pensés pour la School of Visual Arts à New York sous la direction artistique de Stefan Sagmeister et Jessica Walsh. Avec des compositions typographiques impressionnantes, ces posters, visibles dans les couloirs du métro new-yorkais, font la part belle à la créativité.

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Get to Know SVA’s D-Crit Program, Meet Milton Glaser (New Date!)

dcrit.gifHere’s your chance to get the scoop on the graduate program that we can’t stop talking about and meet the legendary Milton Glaser (you know you ♥ him!). On Saturday, November 17, the School of Visual Arts’ Design Criticism department will host an afternoon of presentations and informal discussion about its MFA in Design Criticism, better known by its rapper name, D-Crit. Students past and present will talk about their experiences, delightful D-Crit chairperson Alice Twemlow will provide a program overview, and faculty members Adam Harrison Levy (BBC documentary producer) and Karrie Jacobs (Metropolis columnist) will discuss the courses they teach. Stick around to hear the man, the myth, the Glaser reflect on the nature and role of design criticism. We hear that coffee, mimosas, and donuts will be yours for the taking, and if you ask nicely, they might let you peruse the twelve-volume reprint set of Domus that we spied in one of the D-Crit classrooms on a recent visit. Register here. And read on for a look at the department’s stellar fall lecture series. continued…

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A Masters in Branding

The School of Visual Arts has just launched a brand new one year degree program offering a Masters of Professional Studies in Branding! This program is the first of its kind in the United States and is chaired by Debbie Millman and co-founded by Steven Heller. The program offers students a unique opportunity to study with some of the most accomplished branding experts working today. To find out more click here.