pimg src=http://www.productdose.com/images/products/draft_5326.gif
alt= //pp pI love playing a good prank on someone. But most are too elaborate or too mean, like putting drops of a href=http://www.bohemian.com/bohemian/01.21.09/cover-highschool-0903.htmlacid in someone’s drink/a, which is akin to mental violation. We’re not those sort of people. /p pIf I had unlimited resources, then I could be like the a href=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Magic_Christian_%28film%29Magic Christian/a and spend all my time pulling the wool over people’s eyes. But I’m stone-cold broke and I’ll have to take my pleasures the old fashioned way. Inflicting misery upon others. br / /p pHere are pranks you can play on anyone, even during these tough economic times.nbsp;/p p I’ve performed almost all of these myself, or had them done to me. /p pnbsp;/p pnbsp;/p p img height=150 width=200 border=0 src=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3596/3403796584_3dd04f46c9_o.jpg alt=tippy turtle / br / 1. strongTippy Turtle musical greeting cards/strong sound chip prank. quot;Hey, hey, Tippy Turtle. What you gonna do now?quot; quot;First I’m gonna bother everybody I meet. Then I’m gonna go home and get drunk.quot; This genius turtle from the glory days of SNL always had the best tips for annoying the crap out of someone. This prank is easy. Take the musical chip out of a greeting card and drop it in someone’s bag or desk drawer. It’ll drive them nuts trying to figure out where the incessant chirping tune is coming from. (I can’t believe this is the best picture I could find of the swell critter)br / br / 2. strong$0 gift cards as presents/strong. This is a pretty bastard move but it will be worth it to see your most deadly enemies try and use their Target or Starbucks gift cards with no cash deposited on them. It’s easy enough to walk into any retailer or fancy beverage joint and grab a stack of these cards. They’re sitting on the counter for you to take. You then hand them out as gifts and your recipients will be none the wiser until they’re checking out and trying to pay for their mocha latte. You can always claim ignorance as to why there was no money on the cards. Cheap and easy thrills galore./p pnbsp;/p pnbsp;/p pnbsp;img height=600 width=400 border=0 src=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3468/3402985725_b840760427_o.jpg alt=hole / br / 3. strongThe classic hole in the ground/strong. a target=_blank href=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DUoldLCARAhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DUoldLCARA/a. I tried this on my cousin when we were kids. I spent an hour in the hot Florida sun digging a hole big enough for him to fall into, then covered it with thin cardboard and some dirt. I collected him from in front of the TV and coaxed him outside. I put my arm over his shoulder so I could maneuver him into my trap. Right when I got him to step over where I intended I collapsed into the same pit I had just dug. It seemed I had done such a convincing job of camouflaging the hole that I misjudged where it was. I fell into it myself instead of him. If this was a petard, I definitely hoisted my own./p pnbsp;/p pnbsp;/p img height=390 width=450 border=0 alt=bat ears src=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3551/3403796612_68634a2c81_o.jpg / p4. strongThe muted TV/strong (for your hard of hearing grandparents). I used to rent a room in a house owned by a lovely senior. She and I would watch Jeopardy together every night and we’d compete to see who could answer the most questions correctly. One night I muted the sound and with each question I yelled out the answer. She sat there for a few minutes wondering why she couldn’t hear the TV. She asked me to turn the volume up and I pointed the remote at the TV and pretended to turn the volume up. She still couldn’t hear anything. I told her, quot;It’s kind of loud. You still can’t hear it?quot; I might go to hell for this one./p pnbsp;/p pnbsp;/p pnbsp;img height=319 width=450 border=0 alt=greenspan src=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3614/3403796478_904866feb2_o.jpg / br / 5. strongVoice of God/strong on supermarket PA. I might have seen this in a movie but I’ll still take credit for being Johnny on the spot in executing it. One day I was in the checkout line at the supermarket and I saw my friend come into the store. He didn’t see me. First, let me say that my friend is from a less developed country than the US. He’s smart as hell though since he was here to work towards his PhD in Microbiology. Anyway, I grabbed the PA mic at the register and announced, quot;Pradeep, this is God. You are slacking off. Get back to work.quot; He looked around as if Shiva was going to snatch his soul on the spot. It was most classic. Until the register girl snatched the mic from me and reprimanded me as if I were a four year old. The indignity!/ppnbsp;/ppnbsp;/ppnbsp;/pp img height=456 width=610 border=0 alt=FINEARTS-DALI/ src=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3441/3402985651_58704170f2_o.jpg / br / 6. strongThe exploding eyeball/strong. This is truly effective if you have a friend who was trained at one of the world’s best drama schools. I literally jumped out of my seat when my buddy seemingly poked a fork in his eye and it exploded. We’re all sitting around in a Denny’s in Vegas and he’s surreptitiously palmed a half-and-half creamer. As we’re chatting and talking he scratches his cheek using the tines of his fork. No one pays attention. He does this very discreetly for about fifteen minutes. He puts his hand over his face. Then he pokes his fork in his eye and eyeball juice spurts out. Talk about trompe l’oeil – I freaked! Oscar-worthy.br / br / 7. strongPenny-locking a door/strong. This was a popular trick in my dorm. You and a gang of accomplices lean against a door and jam pennies between the door and the frame in the space created. Make sure your victim is in the room because it’s pointless to lock someone in their own room if they’re not in there. After you’ve put a stack of pennies in the space, you knock. When they try to open the door, the pressure the pennies have placed on the knob prevents it from turning. Try not to do this if there’s a fire in the building./p pnbsp;/p pnbsp;/p pnbsp;/p pimg height=434 width=381 border=0 src=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3577/3402985689_9576da803d_o.jpg alt=groundhog / br / 8. strongGroundhog’s Day/strong – Buy a stack of papers and set the same one out each morning, then reset the clocks each night back one day. Best for a live-in friend or lover. A variation of this time distortion trick is if you have a live-in who likes to nap in the late afternoon. If they’re prone to grogginess upon waking you can exploit this by convincing them it’s early morning and they’re late for school, work, funeral, wedding, etc. I know this works because I was the victim of this prank. The worst part about that incident is the fact my mom was the perpetrator. I actually brushed my teeth, quickly got dressed, and walked out the door only to see her and her friend yucking it up at my expense.br / br / 9. strongSaran wrap the toilet/strong. Not sure I’d ever try this one. Basically, you place a layer of saran wrap over the toilet so smoothly that it seems there is nothing covering it. The next time someone goes number one or number two, they’re in for a nasty surprise. I try to avoid anything involving feces or urine because the clean up might fall to you after all the laughing’s done.br / br / 10. Again, I don’t do feces but for the truly lazy you can just mail someone a strongsack of manure/strong. Seriously. a target=_blank href=http://www.manuremail.com/http://www.manuremail.com//abr / /p /p