SVA Student Drives Change in Saudi Arabia
Posted in: UncategorizedNever underestimate the power of well-designed stickers to change the world. It’s the chosen method of Areej Khan, an MFA student at the School of Visual Arts, whose “We the Women” project aims to get people talking about the issue of women driving in Saudi Arabia, where women are not allowed to drive. “The point behind it is very simple: we want to get all the opinions around this issue, why people support it, why they are against it or why they cannot be bothered,” notes Khan on the project’s website. “We want to get to the bottom of this social phenomenon.” How? By asking Saudi women to share their thoughts about driving in downloadable speech bubble bumper stickers that feature the project logo. “It’s basically the female icon but she’s wearing the Hagad, which is the ring that men wear over their headdress traditionally,” Khan told NY1 recently. “So it in itself is a symbol of rebellion.”
Thanks to Steven Heller for letting us know about this project. Click here for a look at more products, campaigns, and services developed by students graduating from SVA’s MFA Design Department.