Norman Foster pays tribute to Steve Jobs

Dezeen Wire:
architect Norman Foster has paid tribute to Apple founder and former CEO Steve Jobs, who has dies aged 56.

Foster + Partners are working on the new Apple campus to be built in Cupertino, California, and released images of the design just a week before Jobs resigned as CEO of Apple in August. Read Foster’s full statement below

Tribute to Steve Jobs, Chairman of Apple
6 October 2011

With my colleagues I would like to pay tribute to Steve Jobs. Like so many millions our lives have been profoundly and positively influenced by the innovations pioneered by Steve and Apple, names which are inseparable.

We were greatly privileged to know Steve as a person, as a friend and in every way so much more than a client. Steve was an inspiration and a role model. He encouraged us to develop new ways of looking at design to reflect his unique ability to weave backwards and forwards between grand strategy and the minutiae of the tiniest of internal fittings. For him no detail was small in its significance and he would be simultaneously questioning the headlines of our project together whilst he delved into its fine print.

He was the ultimate perfectionist and demanded of himself as he demanded of others. We are better as individuals and certainly wiser as architects through the experience of the last two years and more of working for him. His participation was so intense and creative that our memory will be that of working with one of the truly great designers and mentors.

Norman Foster Architect
Chairman + Founder of Foster + Partners


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Addio Steve

Addio Steve. Grazie per averci fatto sognare.

Addio Steve

Steve Jobs 1955-2011

Steve Jobs 1055-2011

Dezeen Wire: Steve Jobs, co-founder and former CEO of Apple, has died, the company has announced. He was 56. Apple’s homepage is today dedicated to a photo of Jobs (above) and, instead of product news, hosts a short statement which starts “Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being”.

Steven Paul Jobs, 1955-2011 – Wall Street Journal | Steve Jobs dies – live blog – The Telegraph | All our stories about Apple

Real Business Cards

Dans le même esprit que les Creative Business Cards, voici cette étonnante sélection avec les véritables cartes de visites de 10 personnalités dans le monde tels que Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page ou encore Steve Jobs. La sélection est à découvrir dans la suite.













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Steve Jobs lascia carica CEO Apple

La notizia che sta rimbalzando un po’ su tutti i media di oggi sono le dimissioni rassegnate da Steve Jobs come CEO di Apple. Al suo posto è stato nominato Tim Cook. Jobs, da una nota pubblica, lascia intendere che resterà coinvolto nello sviluppo dei principali prodotti e strategie, come chairman attivo nel consiglio di amministrazione.
Riporto una delle sue tante citazioni, con la domanda che si stanno chiedendo un po’ tutti: Cosa cambierà veramente ora in Apple?

Abbiamo disegnato delle icone sullo schermo così belle che vi verrà voglia di leccarle.
– Steve Jobs parlando di Mac OS X, da: Fortune del 24 gennaio 2000 –

Future Apple Headquarters

Le patron d’Apple, Steve Jobs, a présenté le futur campus et les projets de bureaux d’Apple. Une conception circulaire, grâce à une infrastructure en verre et à un parc intérieur. Un travail d’architecture prévu par Foster + Partners pour 2015 rassemblant plus de 13 000 employés.










Previously on Fubiz

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