Spring Gardening Gear: Our favorites across rare seeds and hydroponics to smart tools and watering cans

Spring Gardening Gear

Everyone can be a gardener with a little effort, proper scheduling and a dedicated plot of land. Whether or not you’re interested in toying with orach or purple tree collards, or having your plants tweet, maybe this is the year you dig…

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Rapha SS14 Hooded Wind Jacket: A lightweight, DWR-coated jacket that’s perfect for spring riding

Rapha SS14 Hooded Wind Jacket

Like the groans and gripes that winter will never release its grasp, the temperatures around NYC (and the Northern Hemisphere in general) have finally begun to ease up. While T-shirt weather is still some time away, now is the right time to bring…

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10 Shirts and Shorts: Stripes, patterns and color to work into your warm weather wardrobe

10 Shirts and Shorts

A style once reserved for cubicle jockeys and gas station attendants, the short sleeve button-down has picked up speed in the menswear market in recent years. And shorts? Well, they’ve always been popular. To celebrate the recent uptick in temperature most of the Northern Hemisphere is finally experiencing, we’ve pulled…

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DQM Mayfield Anorak: Side-zipping, water resistant and color-blocked—a pullover perfectly fit for spring

DQM Mayfield Anorak

Thriving in a city where style trends come and go in a matter of minutes isn’t easy, but DQM does it with ease—as seen in their new spring 2013 collection, launched today 17 April. Included are a few button downs, camp caps…

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Alite Designs Squirrel Pack: Get outdoors in bright, lightweight style this spring

Alite Designs Squirrel Pack

Operating under the belief that getting outside should be fun and easy rather than intimidating, San Francisco-based outdoors company Alite Designs foregoes expensive, specialized gear for woodsy pursuits in favor of the lightweight recordOutboundLink(this,…

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Five Steps to Spring Style from Gilt: An insider’s guide to staying ahead of the sartorial pack this season

Five Steps to Spring Style from Gilt

Advertorial Content: Spring is finally peeking out from behind the clouds here in NYC and the mercury is slowly rising across the hemisphere. Welcoming warmer weather means more than just shedding layers—your wardrobe can look forward to a lighter, brighter and slightly less formal break from winter wear. To…

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CH Gift Guide: Get Outside: Picks to help get your Spring on

CH Gift Guide: Get Outside

Spring has been slow to emerge for much of the world, but longer and slightly sunnier days are starting to spark the urge to play outside. Whether you’re itching to bike, boat, picnic or party in the open air, we’ve got gifts for you and yours to enjoy it all…

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Prepare the yard tools for spring

Spring has arrived here in the northern hemisphere (at least on the calendar) and that means yard work is about to begin in earnest. Here are a few simple steps that you can perform now so that you’ll be ready when the weather really warms.

The Lawn Mower

Hopefully you didn’t let the mower sit all winter with gas in the tank. Right? If you did, remember to let it run until it’s empty this autumn (or add a stabilizer), and hope it will start this year.

You’ll also want to change the spark plug and put in a new air filter, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. It’s also a good idea to keep the blade sharp, so remove it and sharpen it. Again, the manufacturer likely supplied instructions for this, too. If not, hop online and search for digital copies of those instructions from the manufacturer. Finally, make sure the wheels are on securely and moving freely, and inspect the rope pull (if it has one). Eventually, it will wear and snap in your hand. That’s not fun.

The Gas Trimmer

Again, hopefully you added gas stabilizer or ran it until empty last year if you have a gas-powered one. During your inspection, replace the spark plug and ensure that you’ve got enough trim cable on the trimmer, as well as an extra. Getting part way through the yard only to run out is a hassle (it always happens to me after the hardware store has closed).

As you did with the mower, make sure the moving parts are operating as expected. Adjust the handle, for example, to see that it moves smoothly. If there’s dried grass and who-knows-what caked underneath the guard from last season, clean it off per the manufacturer’s instructions.

Other Tools

Many other lawn tools don’t require much maintenance, but now is the time to check on them anyway. Things like shovels, trowels, and rakes require only a quick once-over. I also confirm that my extension cords are working and not torn, as well as the garden hose. Finally, move tools that you won’t be using, like snow shovels, out of the way and store them for the warmer months. I move mine from the shed to the basement for the spring and summer.

Last year my wheelbarrow had a flat tire, so I filled it with air. It was flat again within a week, so I simply replaced it with a solid tire, much like this one from True Temper. Now a flat tire is no longer an issue. Speaking of the wheelbarrow, this is the time to hit it with some rust-proof paint if you find it needs it.

Outdoor Furniture

I don’t know about you, but my outdoor furniture takes a beating. Between the blazing sun, occasional rain and — worst of all — my children, those cushions start showing their age after just a few seasons. A discount big box store is a good place to find replacements if yours are in need of an updating. Also, keep that can of rust-proof paint and/or a scrub brush handy.

The Lawn

So much has been written about spring lawn prep. This tutorial from Lowe’s is similar to what I do. I think the most important take-aways are to clean up any debris that was deposited during the winter, cut everything nice and short, and then note any problem areas like bald spots. Next, aerate it. You can likely rent one of these for a day or even a few hours from a local hardware or home improvement store or a garden nursery. This breaks up the soil and lets water and beneficial nutrients get down in there. Plus, lawn aerators are just fun to use.

Those are the basics. If you have something like an outdoor shower or in-ground irrigation system, wait for it to warm up a bit before turning them on. Then test each zone to ensure proper working order. With as cold as it has been so far this spring in the northeast, I’m also waiting to turn on my outdoor water spigots.

Do you have any springtime yard rituals? Share your routines in the comments.

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Bird Feeder, Sofas And More…

Polish designer Jan Kochański showcased his studio projects to us and we simply loved his unique take on furniture and product design. I loved the simple yet artistically developed Fiu Fiu bird feeder and the MobiUse – mass use mobile chairs made from paper pulp. Hit the jump to experience some innovative and thought provoking projects.

Designer: Jan Kochański


Clip is simple, portable and foldable coffee table, made of bended steel tubes and oak wood. The project is combination of minimal structure and maximum functionality. The frame was inspired by a paper clip; table top can serve separately as a tray.


Radar is a visually attractive alternative for cloth dryers. It is constructed out of bended steel tubes and each part can be rotated separately.

Fiu Fiu

Fiu Fiu is a foldable bird feeder made of PP foil. It can be easily shipped in an A4 envelope and quickly assembled in few moves.


Spring is a bracelet available in two different sizes and colors (red, grey sparkle). Made with laser sintered nylon or alumide, it features a complex yet charming “spring” shape, suitable for both men and women.


MobiUse is an armchair designed for mass usage. It is made of paper pulp and can be used in and out doors.


Cloud is light soft and sensitive and is in constant and slow motion, because of the hot air provided by hairdryer. Cloud is made of delicate foil. The project is about searching for minimal gestures that can define space, and looking for border between interior and exterior.


The Knot armchair is made of fiberglass rope and synthetic resin. The rope wrapped around solid shape creates chaotic and light structure.


This design is a result of experiments with sheet materials. The armchair is formed out of two pieces of PP foam and the biggest challenge was to design a rigid structure out of a relatively soft material.


Cocoon is a hammock made of PP foam and synthetic fabric. The design can transform from open hanging bed into a zipped cozy cocoon.

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(Bird Feeder, Sofas And More… was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. Clever Bird Feeder
  2. Human Ash Bird Feeder by Nadine Jarvis
  3. The One Hand Baby Feeder

The Present Clock

Étant à l’origine un projet Kickstarter, The Present Clock est une création d’une entreprise basée à Brooklyn. Cette horloge se base sur le calendrier et met une année à opérer une rotation car celle-ci indique par des choix de couleurs la saison et non l’heure ou la minute. Un projet réussi à découvrir dans la suite.

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The Present Clock5
The Present Clock3
The Present Clock4
The Present Clock2