So to mark the occasion, we’d like to leave you with this inspiring Quote of the Week. Acclaimed graffiti artist Mear One discusses his views on art as it relates to facilitating positive social change with VC co-founder and Format Magazine contributor Sky Obercam. In his words:
I don’t think that my thoughts alone are any answer but I do find myself as a frustrated soul experiencing a space where it seems that laws and the concept of what a law is (something that’s put into place that can’t be challenged) is a problem. We don’t allow each other the space to evolve. We try to hold each other in these locked patterns where we uphold ‘normalcy.’
That needs to change, but it’s hard to do that because we don’t have an educational system that understands what I’m even talking about. I think there’s one major thing that all of us artists seem to express and that is this need to be different and go out on a limb to challenge ourselves, and others, to think in new and radical ways. When I say artists I mean everyone from an atomic physicist to a singer/songwriter.
Keep it on lock…We’ll be back in full swing on February 6th.
via Formatmag