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Written and directed by filmmaking team Corey Adams and Alex Craig, the new adventure comedy “Machotaildrop” tells a story positioning skateboarding not just as merely a trivial pastime of the young, but rather as a noble pursuit worthy of the highest cultural recognition.

Winners of Fuel TV‘s two-year competition “The Fuel Experiment” for their short film “Harvey Spannos,” the duo used the one million in prize money to produce the feature-length farce in Budapest.

The film follows lead character and amateur skateboarder Walter Rhum on his journey to go pro for the world’s greatest skateboard company. Beginning with an invite to Machotaildrop’s headquarters, the tale unfolds as he uncovers the dark underbelly of what initially seems a benign operation.


Walter’s fantasy life dissolves into a dizzying nightmare as he uncovers the company’s owner The Baron’s exploitative schemes and delusional antics, forcing him to ultimately face the reality of the company’s downfall—all with plenty of skating.

Now playing in selected cities across North America, Machotaildrop premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival, and will screen at Tribeca Cinemas on 21 May 2010. Pick up tickets from the Tribeca site for the screening.

The MIA Program

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A ten year retrospective on skateboarding in Miami, “The MIA Program” looks at the city’s stirring subculture through the lenses of photographers Ian O’Connor and Frankie Galland, as well as with skate-inspired paintings by artist Taylor Kienholz.


The MIA Program returns for a month-long showcase at local hangout Kill Your Idol after debuting to a packed house in a 24-hour-long exhibition of the same name at the beginning of 2010. The exhibit aptly portrays its host city with images spanning all neighborhoods—from the gutters in seedy Liberty City to half pipes inside the clubs of South Beach, The MIA Program is as much about the culture and backdrop surrounding the Miami skate scene as it is about the medium or the sport itself.

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Miami natives, O’Connor and England-born Galland are clearly acquainted with the local lifestyle. O’Connor has shot for Sports Illustrated and Skateboarder magazines as well as an array of skateboard brands and Galland worked as photo editor at Strength Magazine as well as shooting for various publications. The two are joined by Santa Cruz-born, Miami transplant Taylor Kienholz and Floridian filmmaker Rob Hoovis, who will show his skate-fueled film “Paradise.”

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The MIA Program opens tomorrow, 23 April 2010 and runs through 24 May 2010.

One Way or Another


To support its program giving skateboards to Canadian kids in need, Contributor teamed with Society6 and Club Mumble to curate a second collection of skateboard art.

The first show, “Smile On Your Brother,” featured a talented group of artists—Thomas Campbell, Andy Jenkins, Matt Irving and Parra, to name a few. This year’s show, “One Way or Another,” looks at the skateboard as an object of personal significance.

A group of judges—our friends at Furni Creations, Color Magazine and Bend Press—will pick an international set of 25 artists and collectives to design the boards. They’ll sell through Contributor, and all proceeds will go to providing skateboards to youths in Canada. Instead of buying completed works, supporters will commission artists to customize their boards.

Artists chosen from the open call can design up to ten decks. Along with a stipend of $50 per board, they’ll have four weeks to complete the designs. Selected artwork will go to the “One Way Or Another”; collection on Society6 and will also be available for purchase as prints, t-shirts and laptop and iPhone covers. For each product sold in the collection, artists will receive royalties and Society6 will donate $3 to Contributor for its skateboard program.

Interested artists have the next couple days to sign up for the open call on the Society6 site, with artists selected to participate in the show announced in the next several months.

Benji Wagner

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These photos made me want to run away from home.

So much skateboard, motorcycle, biking, camping, awesomeness all on one site. Benji’s a photographer based in Portland, Oregon.

DVS Skate Create 2009 Feature
