One Night Only

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When Brian “Balls” Orlowski first applied for a position at AmoebaCorp., his CV listed “Turns stuff awesomer” under Other Skills.

It’s true. It was right after “Superior tag skills”. On Thursday August 12th Brian (pictured above catching flies) will be bringing at least one of those skills to 401 Richmond to participate in RGD Ontario’s Portfolio Review Night. So if you’re looking for some advice on how to make your portfolio more awesomer, or just in need of a little good-natured light cardio, drop a line to

AmoebaCorp. at Portfolio Review Night

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AmoebaCorp.’s Adam MacLean will be reviewing portfolios at RGD Ontario’s Portfolio Review Night on Thursday, May 28.

The session, which runs from 6pm to 9pm at 401 Richmond offers participants perspectives from some of Toronto’s top designers. If you would like to attend or throw your hat in the ring to review, take a few seconds to visit their website.

If you can’t make it, here are a few tips guaranteed to improve your portfolio immensely:

1. Stop using papyrus.

2. Fewer fairies, more unicorns.

3. See Wal-mart. Do the opposite.