Reemix Crookers Live

Si è chiusa settimana scorsa la prima fase del concorso Reemix by Reebok. Per festeggiare, l’appuntamento è stato fissato al DUDE di Via Plezzo, giovedì 23 maggio, dalle ore 22.30. L’ingresso è libero ma strettamente su invito. Potete passare a ritirarlo da One Block Down in XII Marzo dalle 18.00 del pomeriggio stesso. Qui trovate l’evento su facebook con tutte le info del caso.

Reemix Crookers Live

G-SHOCK Temporary Store / closing events

Il tempo passa in fretta ed è giunta l’ora di chiudere i battenti del G-SHOCK Temporary Store. Non prima di fare una bella festa di chiusura però. L’appuntamento è quindi domani ore 18,30 con DjSet di Pigro on Sofa e tanta birra gratis. Se ci siete, cliccate qui.

8 maggio 2013
dalle 18.30
Corso di Porta Ticinese, 77

G-SHOCK Temporary Store / closing events

Le Cannibale & Futureground Hudson Mohawke

Questo venerdì 3 maggio l’attenzione è tutta per i ragazzi di Futureground che in collaborazione con Le Cannibale, portano in scena lo scozzese Hudson Mohawke. Qui l’evento su facebook con il resto delle info.

Tunnel Club
Via Sammartini 30

Le Cannibale & Futureground Hudson Mohawke

Le Cannibale & Futureground Hudson Mohawke

Le Cannibale & Futureground Hudson Mohawke

unite all originals Milano Collider recap

Ieri siamo stati qui. Tutto è andato per il verso giusto, per chi non c’era, ecco cosa si è perso.

unite all originals Milano Collider recap

unite all originals Milano Collider recap

unite all originals Milano Collider recap

unite all originals Milano Collider recap

unite all originals Milano Collider recap

unite all originals Milano Collider recap

unite all originals Milano Collider recap

unite all originals Milano Collider recap

unite all originals Milano Collider recap

unite all originals Milano Collider recap

unite all originals Milano Collider recap

unite all originals Milano Collider recap

unite all originals Milano Collider recap

unite all originals Milano Collider recap

unite all originals Milano Collider recap

unite all originals Milano Collider recap

Chrome Saturdays #2: TERROR DANJAH + SWINDLE

Dicono che la figosità della serata sia inversamente proporzionale alla bruttezza del flyer. Se la pensate come me, fate click qui.

Chrome Saturdays #2: TERROR DANJAH + SWINDLE

Mos Def

Tra gli ultimi eventi che non ci siamo persi come #imbucatiskyarte, c’è il live di MosDef. Il parquet del Teatro Parenti si è mosso insieme alle 2000 persone circa che vi ballavano sopra. Mos Def, aka Yasiin Bey, si muove agli esordi con i De La Soul e collabora fino ai giorni nostri con Madlib. È uno di quegli artisti, che senza voler stravolgere le non regole del rap, lo trasforma. Sfumature jazz e roots, nel suo live spesso ha rivelato i sample originale dal quale ha campionato i suoi successi. Lo trovate nelle prossime settimane in tour in giro per tutta l’ Europa.


Yoann Lemoine, in arte Woodkid, lo conosciamo per i suoi successi da regista, ha vinto il Grammy per Best Music Video con il singolo Run Boy Run tanto per dirne uno. Si è esibito ieri in un super live al Teatro Parenti, portando sul palco il tanto atteso album di debutto The Golden Age. Una serata fantastica grazie anche al supporto di @SkyArteHD che ci ha procurati gli accrediti come loro ufficiali #imbucatiskyarte. Stasera farà tappa a Roma, lo trovate all’Auditorium Parco della Musica.



“I think we were the first in history to motion-capture our own sperm”

Dezeen and MINI World Tour: in the second part of our interview at Design Indaba in Cape Town, Masashi Kawamura, partner at creative agency PARTY, explains the process behind a television commercial he made featuring dancing sperm.

Kawamura describes how he was approached by a Japanese music television company called Space Shower TV to produce a commercial for their Music Saves Tomorrow campaign, a response to the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit the country in 2011. “There were a couple of other directors working on it and they were doing very serious, dramatic, emotional commercials,” Kawamura explains. “But I wanted to do something more fun, just to bring back the smiles to the people.”

"I think we were the first in history to motion-capture our own sperm"

All Kawamura had to work with was the Music Saves Tomorrow tagline. “For me, ‘tomorrow’ meant the next generation and the children, but I didn’t want to show kids in a TV commercial,” he says. “So I was thinking if there was any other way to visualise these seeds of tomorrow and I thought, well, what if I went a step further and not show kids but show sperm?”

In the 60-second commercial that Kawamura came up with, animated sperm dance in formation to music. Kawamura describes the unusual lengths he and his team went to to create it. “We looked around and there was an all-male crew, so we decided to collect our sperm and bring it to a bio lab,” he says. “We scanned it and motion-captured our sperm and used that data to create the animations. I think nobody else has done that in history.”

Watch the full commercial here.

"I think we were the first in history to motion-capture our own sperm"

This movie features a MINI Cooper S Countryman.

The music featured is by South African artist Floyd Lavine, who performed as part of the Design Indaba Music Circuit. You can listen to Lavine’s music on Dezeen Music Project.

See all our Dezeen and Mini World Tour reports from Cape Town.

"I think we were the first in history to motion capture our own sperm"

The post “I think we were the first in history to
motion-capture our own sperm”
appeared first on Dezeen.

“We wanted to bring the family portrait into the next century”

Dezeen and MINI World Tour: in latest video from Design Indaba in Cape Town, Masashi Kawamura of Japanese creative agency PARTY talks about the pop-up 3D photo booth he ran in Tokyo last year. 

"We wanted to bring the family portrait into the next century"

The Omote 3D Shashinkan project, which we featured on Dezeen last year, gave customers the opportunity to buy a 3D-printed model of themselves or their family. “We wanted to find a new way to innovate the form of the family portrait and bring it to the next century,” Kawamura explains. “What happens is, when you come, we take a full 3D scan [of your body] using our portable scanners. People could actually bring back home their miniature figurines, instead of a 2D portrait that you normally get.”

"We wanted to bring the family portrait into the next century"

PARTY used a colour 3D printer to produce the detailed models, which ranged from 10cm to 20cm high, but Kawamura believes there is still a lot of room for the technology to improve. “3D printing for me is a very exciting medium to play around with, but I think it’s still in a very early phase of development,” he says. “After doing this project we’ve learnt a lot of technical difficulties and a lot of things that could be done better in terms of technologies and also the materials that we use.”

"We wanted to bring the family portrait into the next century"

But Kawamura is optimistic about the future possibilities of 3D printing. “Everything, I think, will get better in the next year or two; there’ll be significant improvements,” he says. “Just the idea that anyone could manufacture their own product is very, very interesting.”

"We wanted to bring the family portrait into the next century"

This movie features a MINI Cooper S Countryman.

The music featured is by South African artist Floyd Lavine, who performed as part of the Design Indaba Music Circuit. You can listen to Lavine’s music on Dezeen Music Project.

See all our Dezeen and Mini World Tour reports from Cape Town.

"We wanted to bring the family portrait into the next century"


The post “We wanted to bring the family
portrait into the next century”
appeared first on Dezeen.

Pool Party

UrbanDaddy a demandé à Red Paper Heart d’imaginer un évènement aquatique mémorable. Ces derniers ont ainsi imaginé une fête autour d’une piscine recouverte de 65 000 balles de ping-pong permettant de créer une surface mouvante pouvant être combinée avec un jeu de lumière et de projection. A découvrir dans la suite.

Pool Party9
Pool Party8
Pool Party6
Pool Party5
Pool Party4
Pool Party3
Pool Party1
Pool Party2
Pool Party10
Pool Party7