Does Oil Spill damage BP’s brand?

“There has been a massive global expansion in green marketeering. BP, a.k.a.,“British Petroleum,” has spent tens of millions of dollars to develop and sell its green street cred” says Paul Taylor from the LA Examiner. I think it is safe to say that BP has an uphill battle to reclaim its environmental credibility.

For the latest news on the clean-up efforts head over to the Huffington Post

Thinking Green in 2010

We recently received a copy of the 2010 Think Green Calendar by EIGA, a design firm out of Germany. The calendar shows contemporary “Eco-typography” and special “green works” of designers from various disciplines worldwide. “Think Green!” creates a stimulating visual inventory of the fusion of ecology and design. For more on the Think Green Calendar you know what to do.

Image by David Oberholtzer:

Images by designers across the globe:

2010 Calendar: Think Green

More than 100 designers will be published in the publication. 53 designers have a special podium as a weekly theme. “Think Green!” creates for the year 2010, a visual inventory of the topic of ecology and design. In addition to individual, for this project developed typography, the calendar shows ideas in the context of raw materials, energy and the environment in different countries.

We were lucky enough to be asked to be represented in this showcase of progressive work and are anxiously awaiting our copy. To learn more about EIGA—the people behind it and how to snag a copy for 2010 click here.