New York Design Week 2010: Uncomfortable Conversations
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pimg alt=”uc-handshake.jpg” src=”” width=”468″ height=”313″ class=”mt-image-none” style=”” //p
pKegan Fisher and Liz Kinnmark of a href=””Design Glut/a curated the emUncomfortable Conversations/em show as part of this year’s ICFF off-site events. 15 participating designers were challenged “to create something which provokes an uncomfortable yet important conversation.” Watch above as the duo explain the origins of the idea and demonstrate one of their favorite pieces at the show: Dominc Wilcox’s emPre-Handshake Handshake./em/p
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pemMind the Gap/em, a set of gloves by Andrew Haarsager, probably deters conversation of any kind, comfortable or not. The subway gloves “protect against unwanted landings,” adding bird spikes to the hand. /p
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pThe Kevin Carpet Bench, by Will Robison, brings a fetishist into the room. A human carpet, Julio, is rolled up in a carpet and placed on a specially built armature to become a bench (much to his enjoyment). Will gives the backstory in the video above, and, according to the NY Times, the a href=”″story is no joke/a. /p
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pA shredded is embedded into a briefcase in emIn Case/em, Materious’ comment on the all-time low level of public trust in corportations. They ask, “how does a society that is founded upon, and so reliant upon, the corrporation reconcile its lapses of morality?”/p
pFor even more uncomfortable conversations, click through the jump./pa href=””(more…)/a
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