Milan Design Week 09: Superstudio Piu



Another busy and sunny day went by in Milan. Here some quick visual snippets before we are hitting the road again: Above the “Emotional Surface” installation for Martinelli Luce in Superstudio Piu and a message to calm us all down by Gas (made from foam). Below: Veuve Cliquot commissioned different designers to create furniture pieces around their brand (this would have been even sweeter if there would have been some free champagner involved). Featured on this site are DesignBox by 5.5 Designers and the Chaise Lounge by Front.



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Milan Design Week 09: Video Drive-by: Via Tortona at night

Now you no longer have to imagine the immensity of Milan Design week. In this video you will only view a fraction of the people wandering the streets, openly enjoying drinks, friends, and design. This video was shot from the Lago Appartamento patio, one story above Via Tortona. At the end of the night, any car left on the Tortona, was covered in Beer bottles, glasses, and trash! In Milan? Come by and see us at Lago’s Appartamento!

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Milan Design Week 09 in full bloom


Finally all the bubble wrap is tacked away and the Milan Design Week is in full blossom. Even the sun is on its best behaviour, making this an awesome starting day of all the exhibitions. We have taken a good look around already yesterday. Here some first impressions. Clockwise from top: Goods NL’s “Face Value Exibition”, Darth Vader made from car parts on Via Tortona by Bacci & Abbracci, the most basic yet simple lamp you can think of (bulb, cable, plug) on “Goods NL”, bike rental on Via Tortona, Sleeping Boxes for those without accommodation as part of the Public Design Festival by Esterni, the “Chair Overdose” by Bram Boo on the awesome Prophets & Penitents show by DAMn magazine and some wonderful toy cars made from prefab steel piping (also Goods NL). More in-depth coverage on above mentioned events will follow shortly!

If you are in Milan please come by and visit us at the Lago Appartamento in our production office on VIA TORTONA 21… just ring the bell at “Lago” and have some coffee with us!

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Established Sons of Great Britain at Milan ’09


Quilt by Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec + Bricks & Mortar by Sebastian Wrong and Richard Woods

After arriving in Milan early morning, we gathered our thoughts, enjoined the pleasant atmosphere of the Lago Appartamento, and headed to the Established & Sons Press Preview. We were greeted with delight, fantastic designs, and left with a hand screenprinted bag full of goodies. After walking around the installation for a bit we were able to meet Sebastian Wrong, founding partner of E&S, designer Jason Bruges, as well as many other designers and friends. New and old designs integrated into one Tulip-wood surrounded structure, designed by Nex of London. Stay tuned for some videos!


Buggs Light by Sebastian Wrong

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Milan Design Week 09: Established Sons


Quilt by Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec + Bricks & Mortar by Sebastian Wrong and Richard Woods

After arriving in Milan early morning, we gathered our thoughts, enjoined the pleasant atmosphere of the Lago Appartamento, and headed to the Established & Sons press preview. We were greeted with delightful, fantastic designs, and left with a hand-screenprinted bag full of goodies. After walking around the installation for a bit we were able to meet Sebastian Wrong, founding partner of E&S, designer Jason Bruges, as well as many other designers and friends. New and old designs integrated into one Tulip-wood surrounded structure, designed by Nex of London. Stay tuned for some videos!


Buggs Light by Sebastian Wrong

Click below for many more pictures!


Core77 is in Milan! Come by and see us!


We are delighted to announce that Core77 is collaborating with the amazing Italian furniture manufacturer Lago, taking part in their Appartamento project. Staff of Lago and Core77 are living together in the apartment for the duration of the design week, sharing the kitchen, shower and wardrobes. Some will leave to work on the fair in the morning and others will “stay at home” to welcome “off-show” visitors during the day. We have our offices on-site, creating and producing our Milan design week coverage live from the Appartamento.

The Core77 correspondents Andrea Paustenbaugh, Brit Leissler, Nate Silverstein, and Greg Buntain will produce the usual extensive coverage of all the hot happenings at the fair and surrounding events. In addition we will invite people to be interviewed in our space – creating some “post-futuristic dialogues” with the movers and shakers of the design world and report live daily from the Appartamento project.


Watch the Core77 blog, filling up live, while the project is taking shape. And if you’re in Milan, please stop by to visit us! The address is via Tortona 21 MILANO, from April 22 through 27.

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