Milan Design Week 09: Post Futurist Manifesto Talks: Alice Wang

The designer Alice Wang visited us in the Appartamento in Milan and talked to us about her approach to design and the methodologies she uses. Looking at mundane activities from a psychological and emotional point of view with a particular interest in the man machine relationship, she manages to create everyday objects with a certain twist, unmasking the “dark side” of our everyday actions. Her latest project Chairs for the Dysfunctional is dealing with the fact that the society we live in is changing and therefore the interactive side of these daily objects should change with us. “Perhaps the function of the objects stay, but it is the process of how we interact with them that must change. Should there be different chairs designed for people with different sitting habits? Do you sit on all four legs or just two? Do you continuously shake your leg? Or do you like to sit with your back facing the public?” This series of chairs, presented at this year’s Salone Satellite in Milan, illustrates each of these stories. “Will these chairs become props that normalize the unwelcomed habits? Or will they act as therapy to “cure” one’s syndromes?”


This chair is specially designed for people who tilt their chairs. It has a spirit leveler attached to the side allowing one to measure how balanced one is.

Click below to see more of the chairs.

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Milan Design Week 09: Post Futurist Manifesto Talks: Sven Ehmann

Sven Ehmann, the creative director of Die Gestalten Publishers, came to visit us in our temporary production office in Via Tortona in Milan. We interviewed him as part of our series of Post Futurist Manifesto Talks. He not only spoke out on where the design world should be heading in the close future, but also explains how Die Gestalten are achieving to realize the values he is talking about in their everyday working activities and introduces us to the term womanomics.

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Milan Design Week 09: Post Futurist Manifesto Talks: Marti Guixe

On the Salone del Mobile we had the great pleasure to meet Marti Guixe on the Danese booth, where he showed his Xarxa chair – a seat, made of 5 different pillows of different materials and characteristics, but united together, so that you can use it as a bed, a sofa or a chair, depending on the position, order and sequence you arrange the pillows taking in this way a quantic behaviour. The self-proclaimed ex-designer gave us an interesting insight into his take on where design is currently at and where it should be going. This video is part of a series of interviews that we conducted during the Milan design week, the so-called Post Futurist Manifesto Talks.


>>View all Core77 Milan Design Week 09 Coverage

And have a look at our massive gallery.


Milan Design Week 09: Post Futurist Manifesto Snippets: 3 Main Ingredients

The question was “What are the three main ingredients for a new value system for design?”. This video features a conglomeration of answers given by the designers Tomek Rygalik and Alice Wang, as well as Emma Firmin of DAMn magazine and Sven Ehmann of Gestalten Publishers. The video is part of a series of interviews that we conducted during the Milan design week, focusing on the current state of the design world and attempting to create a so-called Post Futurist Manifesto. More to come soon!

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And have a look at our massive gallery.


Milan Design Week 09: Post Futurist Manifesto Talks: Marco Bettiol

Marco Bettiol
is a researcher of the Venice International University. He visited our temporary production office in the Lago Appartamento in Milan and gave us an insight into his research about design & economy. This video is part of a series of interviews that we conducted during the Milan design week, focusing on the current state of the design world and attempting to identify the ingredients for a new value system out of the crisis – the so-called Post Futurist Manifesto Talks. More to come soon!

>>View all Core77 Milan Design Week 09 Coverage

And have a look at our massive gallery.


Milan Design Week 09: Favorites from the Fairgrounds


A quick sampling of some of our favorites from the Salone Fairgrounds. For a ton more, check out Core77’s entire gallery from the fairgrounds: 175 images.

View Core77’s entire Milan Design Week gallery here: 600 images and counting!

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Milan Design Week 09: On the streets


A quick sampling of some of our pics from the streets of Milan. Want more local flavor? Check out the entire street life gallery here: 43 images

Core77’s entire photo gallery from Milan here: 657 images

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Milan Design Week 09: Video Drive-by: People Parking

Another part of the Public Design Festival, one of my personal favorites, was Springtime‘s People Parking. Here, Senior Designer Volker Pfluger, introduces us the design concept for their parking space installation right on Via Tortona. I witnessed one designated car space accommodate 50 people, a very subtle and effective design lesson.

View Core77’s entire Public Design Festival gallery here: 46 images

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Milan Design Week 09: Post Futurist Manifesto Talks: brh+ Architects of TURN

Barbara Bondi and Marco Raino of the architecture company brh+ were visiting us in the Lago Appartamento in Milan. Marco is also the president of TURN – a design community in Turin, Italy.

Design concept is TURN’s mission focus. Starting from the definition of three main categories – Product Design (things), Environmental Design (places), Communication Design (messages) as given by Norman Potter in his essay What is a designer (1968) – TURN thinks the word design as a broad and up-to-date term, reflecting how a designer can rethink its society and look for a role in it following its own insight and courage, its mind’s openness and creativity.

TURN loves Turin and believes in its future. That’s why TURN takes in charge the role of primary interface towards the local administration – letting people understand which is the new Turin’s creativity asset inside a strategical planning for the city. Every single associate works with passion keeping in mind Turin’s fate and its design. So TURN represents a careful watcher of planning and communication quality inside the city and its governance activities.”

We had a great talk with them – in the video a short version of some of their views about design.

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Milan Design Week 09: Moroso


Inside the fairgrounds, Moroso created a garden of white pillars to divide their booth. There we saw the work of Diesel, Nendo, Front, and many independent designers. Stay tuned for a Post Futurist Manifesto interview with Tokujin Yoshioka, designer of the Paper Cloud sofa (see above).

>>View all Core77 Milan Design Week 09 Coverage

Check out more of Moroso’s exhibition below.
