How Much Ink is in a Sharpie, How Much Aluminum is in a Soda Can, What Does a Million Bucks Weigh, and Other Materials Mysteries


Just how Bad did Walter White Break?

Have you ever wondered exactly how much aluminum a soda can contains? Or exactly how many CDs you could label with a Sharpie? Or whether 360-thread-count sheets actually have 360 threads per inch?


Wonder no more. Since 1998, California-based Rob Cockerham has been periodically updating his “How Much is Inside?” website by conducting (admittedly unscientific) experiments to answer the questions above. Said experiments range from straightforward—magnifying and painstakingly counting the threads in a sheet—to sideways approaches, like weighing a soda can and comparing it to the equivalent weight of sheets of aluminum foil to calculate how many cans one could make out of a roll.



Turning Dead People Into Materials


Once upon a time, human beings were biodegradable. But with modern-day corpses shot full of embalming chemicals before being sealed inside metal coffins, it will be a long time, if ever, before those bodies go back into the earth.

The alternate method of cremation, of course, turns human bodies into ash; and now Swiss company Algordanza has taken it a step further, by figuring out how to compress that ash into diamonds. For US $5,000 to $22,000, your remains, or those of a loved one, can be turned into as many as nine diamonds, presumably depending on the volume of ash. And what’s fascinating is that there is some color variation:

Most of the stones come out blue, [Algordanza CEO Rinaldo] Willy says, because contains trace amounts of boron, an element that bone formation. Occasionally, though, a diamond pops out white, yellow or close to black – Willy’s not sure why. Regardless, he says, “every diamond from each person is slightly different. It’s always a unique diamond.”


Luca Iaconi-Stewart: World’s Greatest Undiscovered Modelmaker?

0lucaiaconistewart-001.jpgThis shot might be of Coach, but this guy’s modelmaking skillz are first-class

Get this man a job as a modelmaker.

Luca Iaconi-Stewart learned to make architectural models from paper in a high school class, and found he enjoyed it. Rather than pursuing a career in architecture, Iaconi-Stewart subsequently embarked on a crazy project to build a detailed scale model of a Boeing 777, entirely out of paper.


The man has spent five years on the yet-to-be-completed project, and even sacrificed college to continue on it.




How to Get Your Mitts on a Pre-Broken-In Leather Wallet


What’s made out of leather, already broken-in, and gathering dust in the closet of most red-blooded American males of a certain age? A baseball glove. And for every one of you that still pulls yours out in the spring, there are probably nine of us that prefer to wear out the leather in our armchairs.

A company called Fielder’s Choice Goods has been getting their hands on this worn-leather bonanza and turning ex-mitts into wallets, belts and keychains.



The World’s Best Dish Washer


Bet you would’ve loved these over the holidays. Much better than paper dishes and yet with the same convenience: No washing! That’s right, self-cleaning tableware.

The prototype is the work of the Swedish design studio Tomorrow Machine, where they apparently “look at science from a creative point of view.” And a useful one! The plate and cup are made of cellulose, and are coated with what they call a superhydrophobic coating, and it’s this coating that resists dirt and water.

The coating was originally developed by KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. They took the inspiration from the waxy coating of the lotus leaf.



Saddleback Leather’s David Munson Shows You How to Knock Off His Designs


In the ’90s, David Munson was working as a volunteer English teacher in Mexico when he caught the bag bug. While searching for the perfect leather bag, he realized it didn’t exist, and set out to design his own. Long story short, here in 2014 he runs Saddleback Leather, which manufactures a high-quality line of leather bags, backpacks, briefcases, wallets, luggage, accessories and more. Each product is designed to be so durable and “over-engineered” that your heirs will “fight over it when you’re dead,” as the company motto goes.

Munson, by the way, is pissed off. After spending years learning the trade and building out his company piece by piece, he now has to deal with unscrupulous folks knocking off his products. He came up with a rather brilliant way to address this problem head-on: He made a video to his competitors showing them how to knock his bags off, incidentally educating the consumer on where the quality and design of his products, versus the competition’s, starts to diverge.


Production Methods: CNC Wire Machines Can Cut Crazy Shapes Out of Stone


After reading our entry on multi-bladed jigsaws, Art Director and Coroflotter Juan Cano tipped us off to a similar machine, this one used to cut stone. By swapping out jigsaw blades for diamond-crusted wires, and switching the axis of cut from vertical to horizontal, the massive GoldBreton 2000 Multi-Wire Machine can cut massive chunks of granite into neat slabs.



That was cool enough, but it turns out Breton makes more machines than the relatively basic 2000. By attaching a cutting wire to pulleys that can swivel, then mounting those pulleys on arms that can move, they’ve created some very bad-ass CNC stone-cutting machines, like this two-axis model:


Production Methods: Old School Wood Manufacturing Jigs and Fixtures in Hungary


At eight-minutes-plus, this production methods video is longer than the average internet denizen’s 2.5-minute attention span, but anyone who makes things out of wood will find it fascinating. This unnamed Hungarian craftsperson shows you every step as he goes from felled tree to cutting board, and what’s most interesting is the dedicated series of jigs, rigs and fixtures he’s come up with to speed up his production, as well as the combination of machines he uses. Be sure to check out:

0hungarianboard-002.jpgThe fresh floor-embedded pneumatic lift he uses to get the logs up to the bandsaw at 1:20

0hungarianboard-003.jpgHis lath drying rack at 3:29 and spinning drying rack at 3:47


Where are These Ice Spheres in Lake Michigan Coming From?


Here’s my oversimplified explanation of how the universe forms planetary bodies: There’s a bunch of stuff floating around in space. The stuff crashes into other stuff, and sometimes that stuff sticks together. And gets bigger and bigger, and starts to rotate from the momentum of the impacts. Things even out when they spin, and that conglomerate, spinning stuff eventually becomes moons and planets, rendered spherical in a kind of galactic machining process.

Interestingly enough, something like this phenomenon has taken place this week, albeit at a smaller scale, in Lake Michigan. As the brutal cold snap struck the Good Harbor Bay in Michigan’s Leelanau County, hundreds and hundreds of ice balls began to spontaneously form in the water. Check it out:


The Canadiano: Wooden You Like to Brew Some Coffee?


The Canadiano is freaking awesome. It’s a single-serving coffee brewing device, for those of us who live alone, or those of you who live with other people but enjoy being selfish, and it’s made out of wood.


Or one of three woods, specifically. You can order the Canadiano in Cherry, Walnut or Maple, and while we’re not sure if this part is true or just hooey, the manufacturer claims that “the wooden piece will remember each cup of coffee you make.”

Overtime the coffee oils of your specific beans and roast will be absorbed into the wood and be a part of your morning coffee experience… Each type of wood is matched with different beans and roasts from around the world. We encourage brewing single origin beans in the Canadianos. The Walnut edition is crafted and designed for use with darker roasts and earthier flavors such as beans from South East Asia. Maple and Cherry is designed for beans with slight citrus hints and nutty taste.

