An Introduction To Wood Species, Part 2: Pine


This Wood Species series comes to us from guest writer Rob Wilkey, an Atlanta-based woodworker and industrial designer whose expertise is in small home goods, furniture, and large installations.

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Over the next few articles, we’ll be analyzing a number of common domestic wood species. Up first:


Pine is the most abundant type of wood in North America. Dozens of species are harvested here, their colors ranging from pale yellow to light reddish brown. Although some pines can exceed 900lbf on the Janka hardness scale, most are much softer, commonly below 500lbf. Despite its softness, pine has remarkable structural stability and is generally resistant to seasonal movement. Pine is also extremely inexpensive, making it the ideal candidate for large-scale structural work, such as framing for houses.


Pine’s grain structure and working properties are largely similar across the different species. All pine is straight-grained and ring-porous, showing its growth rings as dark bands throughout the wood. Pine boards frequently contain a number of knots, which can be problematic during cutting, but the wood is otherwise very easy to work with. Despite its low density, pine isn’t highly porous and takes glues, stains, and finishes very well. While most species of pine are too soft for use outside of structural supports, the denser species are commonly used for flooring, wall panels, and furniture. The contrasting grain and abundance of knots give pine an interesting, ‘rustic’ look.




Sappi’s eQ Journal, Issue 5: More Than You Probably Ever Cared to Know about Recycled Paper


In what might be considered as the predecessor to greenwashing, the long-standing directive to buy products that are made from recycled materials is perhaps not necessarily the most eco-conscious option. For the latest issue of the eQ Journal, Sappi’s sustainability brand takes a deep dive into the pros and cons of post-consumer waste to impart a more nuanced understanding of recycled fiber and its unique constraints.

Some consumers focus on purchasing paper with a high percentage of recycled fiber. This drive for recycled content is often based on the false assumption that more recycled fiber in every product and paper grade is always better for the environment.

In reality, there are many other factors involved in the life cycle of paper, and these factors can only be fully understood and quantified by taking a comprehensive Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) approach. LCA accounts for the environmental impact of every step involved in the life of paper—this includes everything from material acquisition and processing to end use and disposal.

Sappi uses LCA to determine what applications of recycled fiber (and at which levels) can yield the most benefit. As it turns out, many Sappi papers that do not contain recycled fiber have a significantly lower carbon footprint than other papers on the market that do contain recycled fiber.




A Bad-Ass Bentwood Job, to the Tune of Bach: Inside NYC’s Steinway & Sons Piano Factory


Now that you’ve checked out our series on wood movement, you’ll understand why Steinway & Sons air-dry their wood for a year, then kiln-dry it. You’ll also understand why they select quartersawn lumber for their soundboards. And whether you’re an industrial designer familiar with factories or just a civilian, you’re bound to be fascinated by how this massive machine—one that is 85% wood—all comes together. The bentwood laminating alone is pretty nuts, requiring six guys to lift the layers of hard rock maple that will become the piano’s sides. Check it out:



The Inside of a Golf Ball Does Not Look Like What You Think It Does


Last Friday, we unfurled a brief history of golf ball design, but this post is gonna be all eye candy. Did you ever wonder what that crunchy urethane coating and creamy synthetic resin looks like from the inside? Well, so did photographer James Friedman, who found the inspiration for his latest photo series, “Interior Design,” in an unusual place:

Curiosity led me to cut my collection of golf balls in half to see what the cores looked like. To my surprise, what I found inside inspired me to consider that I could discover, in the unlikeliest of places, elegant formal qualities and surprising metaphorical possibilities. Interior Design has moved me to be enthusiastic about abstraction, an exciting corollary to my work as a documentary photographer.

Apparently in an effort to tweak the performance of golf balls, manufacturers have different “recipes” for the resin ingredients, leading to these wonderfully colorful blends:





An Introduction To Wood Species, Part 1: Properties & Terminology


This Wood Species series of entries comes to us from guest writer Rob Wilkey, an Atlanta-based woodworker and industrial designer whose expertise is in small home goods, furniture, and large installations.

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In this continuation of the Material Matters: Wood series, we’ll start talking about the specific properties of different wood species, and the terminology used to discuss those properties. Those of you who were paying attention during the previous MM:W entries will recognize some of the terms, but a little review never hurts.

Over 100,000 different species of trees have been identified worldwide. Many are endangered, many are inaccessible, and many more aren’t suitable for use as lumber. In fact, only a very small portion of these species is harvested and dried for use, but that ‘small portion’ still comprises over 500 species.

Woods we see in everyday American life—pine, oak, and maple—make up a small and comparatively uninteresting group of species. Around the globe, however, woods vary widely in appearance and physical properties. Colors can range from pale yellows and grays to vibrant hues of purple, red, and green, and from rich browns to pure, solid black.


Density can vary from unbelievably light—balsa is less than 1/6th the density of water—to heavier than concrete. For example, the South American species Lignum Vitae is so water-resistant and dense that it is commonly used in bearings for large naval craft and hydroelectric dams.




New Metallic Bubble Wrap: Thinner, Stronger, Better



One of the most common and beloved packing materials now comes in a metal form.

Bubble wrap—first invented as three-dimensional wallpaper, believe it or not—started protecting valuables in 1960 and is branded by the Sealed Air company. It’s typically made from polyethylene, where a bubble-shaped side is bonded to a flat side.

The new metallic form can offer protection in very, very tight spaces, only a few millimeters thick. So packaging can be made very, very small and much stronger than the plastic variety. Computer and cell phone cases could be made much more thin and sleek. Computer parts could be protected with very little space used. Even helmets would not need to be as bulky. The protection offered is more heat and chemical resistant and more flexible than any other bubble wrap.

Making the metallic wrap is surprisingly simple. Afsaneh Rabiei, professor of engineering North Carolina State University, and her team started with a thin sheet of aluminum and used a studded roller to form small indents in the sheet. Instead of capturing air in these indentations, she filled them with a foaming agent like calcium carbonate or titanium hydrate. When such agents are heated they form bubbles within the metal, as you can see here:




Lignum Vitae: Wood So Bad-Ass, It’s Used to Make Shaft Bearings for Nuclear Submarines (and More)


Lignum Vitae, Latin for “Tree of Life,” is the national tree of the Bahamas. It’s also the world’s densest wood, and has such unusual properties that the USS Nautilus, the world’s first nuclear-powered submarine, has its aft main shaft strut bearings made out of the stuff. In addition to being strong, hard, heavy, dense, water- and salt-water-resistant, Lignum Vitae contains natural oils that make the bearings self-lubricating.

The USS Nautilus isn’t an anomaly; Lignum Vitae has been used as propellor shaft bearings in conventional ships, and hydroelectric plants dating back to the 1920s have used bearings for their turbines made out of the stuff.


Virginia-based Lignum Vitae Bearings calls their product “the world’s only renewable (and greenest) bearing on the market.” Company President Bob Shortridge has acquired land in the Bahamas, one of the tree’s native origin islands, and plants at least one Lignum Vitae tree for every block of the stuff that passes through his facility. “Although Lignum Vitae has been harvested for over 500 years before I was born,” Shortridge writes, “I feel an obligation to replace it… I wish for this incredibly useful wood to be available for generations to come.”

Here’s Shortridge himself explaining Lignum Vitae’s properties and applications:



Never Say NeverWet: Multi-Purpose Waterproof Coating Available Now, Might Be Too Good to Be True


Like so many others, we were duly impressed with the first videos of Ross Nanotechnology’s proprietary superhydrophobic coating NeverWet when they hit the web just under two years ago. The product has since been licensed by Rust-Oleum, allowing “NeverWet to focus on developing and refining products without getting lost in the issues related to manufacturing and selling them.” The Lancaster Online article continues:

“We look at ourselves as an innovation company, not as a manufacturer,” [Daniel Hobson, NeverWet’s chief executive officer,] said.

The Conestoga Valley Industrial Park company’s first innovation began as its then-parent’s solution to a basic, industrial problem. About five years ago, Ross Technology Corp. needed a better way to reduce corrosion on the steel products it makes here. When they couldn’t find one, they decided to make something on their own.

But soon, the small group of scientists working on the anti-corrosive coating saw a lot of new possibilities for the nano-particle coating that kept things clean, dry and free of bacteria and ice. The group became Ross Nanotechnology, a subsidiary of Ross Technology Corp.

As of about four weeks ago, NeverWet has been available at Home Depot for just under $20 a pop. After seeing the video above and a similar (unembeddable) demo on the product page on Home Depot, I was strongly considering getting my hands on it to try it out… until I started reading the reviews.



Dealing with Wood Movement: Design and Understanding


This is the sixth post of an ongoing series about wood. Understanding its nature, the way it moves and changes, and the implications for designers. Check back every Wednesday for the next installment.

The previous posts are here:
» How Logs Are Turned Into Boards, Part 1: Plainsawn
» How Logs Are Turned Into Boards, Part 2: Quartersawn
» How Logs Are Turned Into Boards, Part 3: Riftsawn
» Why Does Wood Move?
» Controlling Wood Movement: The Drying Process


We are all familiar with this type of design for a door, also known as panel door. This one has four panels, but you’ll often see them with six, and occasionally with more. And as you’ve probably guessed by reading through this series, those panels were traditionally not placed there for aesthetics, but for functionality. This is a time-tested, very clear-cut example of how you use design to cope with wood movement.

First off, let’s get some basic terminology down by looking at a smaller version of the same concept: A cabinet door.




Molo’s Paper Systems aren’t Just Space-Saving: They Can Be Used to Silence Co-Workers


It’s been a while since we heard anything from Molo, the Vancouver-based design duo that famously brought paper to new heights—or widths, we should say. Architects and founders Stephanie Forsythe and Todd MacAllen, who are “dedicated to the research of materials and the exploration of space making,” made a splash with their paper Softwall nearly a decade ago; they followed up with their killer Softseating, and for a period of time it seemed like you couldn’t go to a design gallery event or tradeshow without encountering either or both of the products. The ease of transporting the collapsible structures, the strength of their structure, the intelligent use of materials, and the sheer novelty made Molo the darling of design bloggers and racked up a list of design awards nearly as long as the objects themselves.


We’ve just looked in on them, and found Molo is now touting a new application for their expanding paper creations: Sound dampening. Turns out the right-angle-free, pleated honeycomb shape of their structures provides the perfect physics for sound absorption:

Laboratory testing of softwall’s absorption properties show that it scores very well, especially in frequencies of the human voice, in comparison to modern sound absorption tiling and baffles (meeting or exceeding common absorption coefficients) but with the added benefit of being adaptable, storable, and transportable.

